When did you realize LINK NEETs will make it in the end?

>no feminist thought virus
>no purple haired land whales
>Mark Zuckerberg has one

Attached: wmaf.png (688x549, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


lol. r9k too dead without me? uwu

Because geeky white men are betas and lots of asian woman have no personality and are submissive so the beta can feel like an alpha with his chinky wife and hapa brood

small dicks

Attached: Y_EP7xeVgd0.jpg (837x503, 41K)

>some of the richest men in America is betas

Imagine THAT level of cope...

seething roastie

Im a huwhite man
I hate chink-fucking white men as much as I hate nog-fucking white women and I hate their nasty mixed-race brood

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have sex incel

Attached: RTS1290F.jpg (410x273, 16K)

>zuck the jew

Oh you poor delusional souls...

Attached: FF3D083F-B10D-40A9-8908-57A198F35647.jpg (1200x605, 131K)

>Jew York
>Not understanding the asian woman in cali is totally different

Well well

>S-she’s from j-jew York s-so it’s d-different
Absolute state
She studied and lived in CA for some time btw

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No feminism or LGBT fuckery
Lower maintenance
Traditional family values, content as housewife
Average is more fit/slim than white
Less likely to divorce statistically, if you decide to marry
Exotic looks, looks younger
More brains than feels

You get the whole package if she is born and raised in east asia.

Gee, I wonder why they are popular among rich people. Innocent christian white girls is a myth, literary every single one of them are tinder skanks.

>taking a gender studies girl
>Not understanding STEM asians is where the target is

well well

Here you go. Your submissive Asian princess XD

Attached: 1204C17D-B9C4-4089-84FA-BEB5E6B46505.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

based and LINKpilled

Attached: DUYmKNAVQAA4E_k.jpg (1080x1069, 338K)

>imagine settling for a Stem Asian instead of stem white girl
>imagine any girl of race would be interested in dating you

Attached: DCD8E0D5-D064-42F1-9EF4-E64896E5F0DB.jpg (640x640, 63K)

>Imagine being a COPEing pol incel

No you don't need to imagine it's your reality

seething roastie. how do yo cunts find this board?

>Over the course the study, Hahm unmasked some myths common about Asian Americans. She said, “There’s a perception that Asian Americans in particular aren’t practicing sexually risky behaviors. But we found that Asian American young women are at risk of high STDs. For instance, Asian American women had a higher prevalence of STDs than White women in both 1995 (10.4% vs. 7.7) and 2001 (13.5% vs. 8.3%). The incidence of STDs (not diagnosed with STDs in 1995, but developed STIs in 2001) among Asian American women was also higher than that of White women."
Sorry to break your disgusting yellow fever fantasies, but Asian women are bigger whores than white women.

Attached: 6113AF25-E08C-43D2-B27D-746B9B7ACCE4.png (1360x762, 245K)

>if you don’t like ugly Asian women you must be a roastie
The absolute cope in this one

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Thats why I specifically stated born and raised in east asia.

Notice the same positive traits can be attributed towards Indian females in silicon valley and you don't see this WMIF phenomenon. This is why these libcuck white betas are gutter trash. I'm asian and I laugh at these asian fever fags and call out the Asian girl for the traitorous cunt that she is.

have sex 1 inch asian incel

Attached: 1563906123753.jpg (1337x1337, 382K)

>You decide if that counts as “white” or not


i made this infographic just for these threads
if you are into yellow girls and went all in on LINK like i did, you will make it

Attached: WMAF_vs_WMWF.jpg (1750x2800, 1.5M)

based and asianpilled

Attached: YaguchiMari-May2018.jpg (500x500, 38K)

will you be on the yacht party, fren?

Attached: TheVirginAsianWaifuVsTheRoastieAryanSlut2.jpg (1320x1320, 397K)

Adam Devine actually has a hot girlfriend though.

Attached: 87F4B04A-7647-4E44-98C2-A8117A050330.jpg (634x841, 124K)

Based af.

>stem white girl

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Absolutely. When society collapses they will not be the ones to make it

Very interesting podcast on Libra and zuckerberg

>6 posts by this ID
How does one ugly manlet hapa neet manage to always be in every thread on Jow Forums whenever asian girls are discussed.

you mean GUNtL/jk ?

Yeah must be either a Software Engineer California COPE with 1 inch who get no dates or just a neckbeard incel

Attached: download (51).jpg (241x209, 15K)

Can't remember his name. Mod of Jow Forumshapas, tiger-something

All girls are the same

because they listen
they listen because their fathers raised them properly
a lot of western fathers wish their daughters were men and then brainwash them into thinking they are
all this does is confuse women so they begin mimicking the caricatures of men, while not understanding the responsibilities associated
they confuse masculinity for money and diamonds
and since they think like caricatures of men they fight you for every square inch of living space instead of working with you to build a livable space that facilitates children
such a shame
they realize only later in life what a horrible mistake they've made
by then it's too late

>stem white girl
they get spoiled by all the thirsty boys

Bulging area found on large older women between the waist and the genital area. Not quite a gut, not quite a cunt... The Gunt.

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That's why I like them. Sluts are awesome.