sport fans can be idiots. but if you can't see 10x in $CHZ u're a bigger one
Sport fans can be idiots. but if you can't see 10x in $CHZ u're a bigger one
the shit CZ is always retweeting and that poker guy Alex?
First project since 2 years which actualy delivers and doesn't give false promises. I can see an easy 20x in the next 6-12 months, more is always possible as CHZ doesn't have any competitors and will have a partnership with hundreds of sport clubs in the future!
I accumulate while you guys chase the already pumped coins!
10x is fud, 10€ eoy at the very least.
lel. maybe if Man U, livpool, barca or real is onboard..
10$ end of the year is fked up but it might pump to 1$ when they hold the first fun token for Juventus.
T was just a joke. I do anticipate this going higher in the coming months, but 10€s seems a little utopian.
$1 could happen for sure, especially if alts decide to run. but i'll take 10x in this shitty market
Man Utd Ahahhaahhhhaaaahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahaaahaahahahahahahaahh
man U is the fucking dream, but gotta start somewhere. one thing about these clubs is, they love making $ off the fans. if juv and psg does it, why wont man u?
>Man United
Man U are the biggest losers in the world. They have become everything they used to make fun of:
1. Changing managers like Chelsea
2. Spending money like Manchester City
3. Aiming for the fourth spot like Arsenal
4. Talking about history like Liverpool
Ahah dream team ahahaha. Only people with a luck of imagination can dream about those bottlers
ok fuckit i fomo, im in
It doesn't matter how good a project is. Most important thing is timing and they choosed the wrong time for launch. Every alt are bleeding rn so no sense to buy. The lover it will go the harder it would be for them to go up. Also they are trading below ICO price since launch, it's not a sign of a succesful project
that makes it a great fucking buy because CZ isn't gonna dump on you haha
also u're counting on sports fans to buy these official fan tokens coz their fav faggot player asked them to. that's what's gonna 10x 20x it, not the crypto fucktard traders
Yep, nex has the same marcet cup but they are 100% up since ICO and they are trading only on dexes, plus they have staking. Much bigger potential than this one
They have token velocity issues. And it looks like they don't have a clue how to handle this. Alex was talking about burning but no one even knows about burning rates. Also they will burn tiny amount because most of the chz tokens will go to a football teams, and they will dump on ya fags
they raised $60m+ and they will only make money if the token appreciates in price. they'll pay teams from their bank accounts.
Lmao Man United BTFO
you mean that non existent exchange shitcoin that makes everyone a referral whore? yeah right
This. Plus they market cap is already huge.
Can some of you explain to why do you need a token for this if you can do this with dollars instead?
That's the point You don't need a token for this. This project wsn't on blockchain first, but with all this blockchain hipe they decided to do an ICO.
If you buy a team token your chz will go to a team. Whatvwill ateam do with their chz in your opinion? Yes they will dump it instantly on the market, because no one needs some crypto if the can have hard cash.
CHZ is the native fuel/currency for the platform. let say you want to buy 5 JUV tokens @ $2 each. You will use your CC to pay for it. The app will then use it to buy $10 worth of CHZ from partner exchanges to pay for the fan token you bought.
All the fan tokens will also trade against $CHZ pairs, with the fee charged in $CHZ.
Now, imagine this for 50-100-200 teams across different sports and egames.
Oh yeah I should buy a non-existent app token instead, kek
teams don't care about crypto. they will get paid in $$$
no u r trusting 100+ yr football clubs to be greedy enough and shove this down their fans throats to milk some $$$
Yes but why do you need a shitcoin for that? Why not buy team tokens in dollars?
you will buy team tokens with your CHZ, not dollars. Then your CHZ will go to a club. Then a club will dump it for dollars. Yes you are right clubs don't care abot crypto, they want cash
you can say the same about BNB too. the only way team will make big money is if $CHZ price goes up. thats all i care about.
No. Bnb has a real utility. This one creates "fake" utility.
i really fail to see why BNB utility is real and this fake
keep spreading the fud. You guys are literally retarded if u dont buy this coin. Literally 2019/2020 version of antshare/xrp type run soon. Buy 10-50k of it and hold one year u will be a millionaire. - whale
Your not doing yourself any favour here
please i mean please dont buy. I want to see ur face as it goes parabolic next few months. Brainlet biz can't spot a chad coin when they see one.
kek this shitcoin has retarded community. Another reason not to buy it
I might buy it after it drops another 60%. Why should I buy it now and become a bagholder?
kek cya when u fomo buy my sells
says the dumb cunt holding nex hahaha
imo it could easily pump 50% or pump 50% on any given day, until the FTOs start. so maybe you're right. maybe not. impossible to tell.
It's price right now is 13.5c, ICO price is 22-30c. If its trading like a shitcoin and it's has no working product like every shitcoin maybe it is a shitcoin
Well I'm up 2x rn Also I have sold 1/3 at 3x. How about you?
This is a money milking machine for the teams cause they can use the increase in token price. Thats y they accepted crypto instead of doing it them selves. So juventus makes the first FTO. They get 2mil worth of chz. If.they keep it and dont hurry to sell it instantly it might be worth 10x in 1 year or more when maybe hundreds of teams join and decide to Fto. Capisci dumb fks?
It may also drop 50% in one week. Clubs won't hold big amount of super volatile asset like crypto, they will sell it instantly. How is that help to increase price?