Devery is about to release chaincert?
Binance dex listing? Wtf?
Devery is about to release chaincert?
Binance dex listing? Wtf?
>$65 of volume
Literally jump off a cliff faggot
Lol yeah. Nice try Sanjay
Why no wash trading? All good scams need wash trades
XRP is getting killed
Is Chaincert what they are testing on the test net/ main net? If they do a solid I expect some adoption of the porotocol. Good project, this has all the potential for a top 50 MC once things start getting rolled out. Any word on SKUapp? Nice find desu
This only has 68$ volume? Wtf? Why isn’t anyone looking at this? Protocol is legit, looks good, Test net / Mainnet has shit loads of activity. Am I crazy? Is this a diamond in the ruff? Why isn’t anyone talking about this?
How exactly do they mark on the chain without needing gas? So let me understand this, instead of transactions using gas they are powered using the devery token? That’s pretty fucking sweet if true. The user won’t need to use eth and devery they will just need devery... Can someone elaborate this please? How are miners paid exactly?
Uhh miners won’t work without pay. Union rules. Devery is lying, the token will obv have to be used with eth.
Nice to see these guys keeping their heads down and avoiding the bullshit. Must have some pretty intense NDAs Im assuming. Any idea when the teams tokens are unlocked? These guys as I recall did a three year vesting period, obv committed to adoption.
Bokky Poobah developed a btts node system for this purpose. Watch out for this one.
Lmao you insectoids keep trying to scam. This token is so dead that its been renoved from openmarketcap
Devery uses BTTS which allows third parties to stake eth and sign your ethereum transactions for you (paying your gas) for a fee in EVE. So yes ETH is still involved but the user will not have to use it
Website is under DDOS also.
Open marketcap is a joke user
Does this req ETH 2.0 or can it be done now?
Can you explain to me what makes this stand out against the other verification platforms? There almost a meme now. Can this actually see some adoption?
>Website is under DDOS also.
That's why smart money buys EDGE/DADI. You cannot get DDOS'd on that network.
Why isn’t this getting more attention?lI bet this going to be a silent moon... UUU repeat?
its live now
this one has active users and only 300k mcap
Lol so what your saying is get in before the fomo ?
All I'm saying is it's still cheaper than less established competitors after a 10x...
Has anyone looked at the test net activity??? Holy shite I’m sold
This is a project for IQ of min 200. Just steady adoption. If you need hype, but Tron
This thread reeks of pajeet shills.
This is 2017 garbage that nobody wants, that's why there is no volume. Ndas....hahahahahahaha holy shit.
Now, now, with that volume we might be able to get a free Fortnite Battlepass with our profits if Devery takes off.
Devery will be greatly enhanced with eth2.0 but works right now as well.
Wasn't even out in 2017 gayfag kek
If your in this for the tech Devery is a good choice. If your looking for hype look somewhere else. This may take some time to gain some real adoption.
How will eth 2.0 enhance this exactly?
So what is with the 000000x address that eve are being sent to ?