What makes people go into sales? Isn't it depressing trying to push a shit product on a person that doesn't even give two shits about it?
What makes people go into sales...
you don't sell to people who aren't interested, i bet you go around doing pic related, unironically
>He hasn't taken the sales pill
>Ultra T environment
>getting drunk smoozing clients, taking expensive trips etc.
>Can easily set and reach goals "This month I will sell $400K, that actually impact the company and you wallet at the same time
>Can make a shit load of money because of commissions
Yeah stupid shit like selling insurance won't make you anything but working for a real company is cake because the products basically sell themselves
t.Accountant with access to payrolls and can see that our sales staff average $500k in total comp per year
a friend of mine is pretty decent at it and has the sufficient height + looks required to gain trust
he explains that you have to sell what the customers need and once they're in 'sync' with you, add in a few conveniences
i.e. sell them the phone they want but add in a few extra GBs of data than they probably need in their monthly plan. Tell them that they're welcome to cancel if they don't finish it (most never does it)
Are you stupid a salesman is the lifeblood if a company. If a company gets no sales everyone goes out of a job. Sales is the most important job, you can be selling to customers, or other businesses.
Having a good salespersons is essential and companies pay them fucking bank.
Fucking dumbass OP kys
Every day as a salesperson you’re persuading another person to see things the way you see it. And ultimately hand their money to you. Getting people to give you money by just talking to them, do you know how hard that is?
I've worked with sales departments for years. The product doesn't matter. It's the game that does. They live to make a sale. They live to use their personality and brain to make it happen. It's competition, too - they live to the other fuckers and rub it in their faces. And they live for fat commission checks.
Some industries, like chemical sales, you can make FAT stacks. Industrial sales is BIG money. Some industries like food manufacturing, drugs, same thing.
You think it's depressing, because you have a lack of self esteem, ambition, and competitiveness.
Me, I love sales guys. I can't sell shit, but I rely on them to make my company money, and as long as the company makes a legit product, I fucking love the sales guys.
Plus, a lot of sales jobs involve a lot of traveling, taking clients out for dinner on the company card, it's a pretty comfy lifestyle. The high end guys get clients laid, and get a little of that for themselves. Our company, all of the salesforce work from home, but we provide them with a laptop, cellphone, and SUV. It's not a bad gig, if you can make sales. They have to come into the office minimum once a quarter, for sales meetings. And they get a big party every year for the sales awards, where they give away cruises and shit to the top salesperson.
But it's so depressing, right?
A good product doesn't need any "sales people" unless I'm trying to fuck them in the ass by lowballing the price. I do a shit ton of research before I purchase anything for personal or for work use. Not a single "sales" retard is going to sway my decision. Want to know how my conversation with sales idiots transpires?
>[retarded sales pitch]
>yea I don't have time right now - busy. Can you call me back tomorrow at this time?
>sure sounds good
>[block number]
I've seen people get completely burnt out by that shit in a couple of years. I don't know why people do it.
Neets don’t understand being a top sales guy is literally the ultimate chad job
$500k each or all together? 500k each is kind of a larp dude. Unless you’re in real estate
>talking about useless shit for hours
>ultimate chad job
I think your idea of being a chad involves mtf transition because no one besides women loves to talk so much.
>You think it's depressing, because you have a lack of self esteem, ambition, and competitiveness.
>this projection
>this is what sales retards actually believe
I ain't sold on this, bud.
Why the fuck do I get calls from the bank about exploring their amazing investment products, as an example? I think it's you who's retarded here.
Depending on the sales gig you do also it's not the most difficult job if your not completely autistic. Work B2B and sell a commodity the industry requires to move forward.
A lot of sales is just marketing yourself/company name and ensuring they think of you when their needs arise. Low IQ salesman thinks its about the salesman. High IQ salesman knows its just a numbers game.
It's okay, snowflake. Not everyone is cut out to be successful. Enjoy your time at the bottom.
Lots of jobs are depressing. Imagine being a hospice nurse: no matter what you do, none of your patients will survive.
Sales is literally the most bottom-tier job.
When you're in sales, you get a certain feeling of fraternity knowing you're 'one of the boys'.
You feel free when compared to non-sales positions knowing they are chained to a desk, micromanaged, and make a fraction of what you make. You feel like a player and it's empowering when you make a lot of money by just winging it.
It's a good life when you're young but when you hit your mid-40s, they take the old horse behind the barn and put him down. I've seen more than most of my sales brethren and my dad's sales buddies turned alcoholics, drug addicts, and degenerate gamblers. You start equating money to deals and your spending habits become reckless when you tell yourself 'oh that $4,000 watch is just two deals, I've got that in the bag next month'.
If you're young, go balls to the wall for five years or so and make some good money, but have an exit plan. When you try to leave though, the next company will always try to steer you into their sales department.
Depends on what you're selling, but most of the sale is going to be on price, or customer service. Go watch Tommy Boy, they explain it - you can get shit cheaper, but who's gonna pick up the phone if there's a problem? In a volatile industry, your needs might change quickly, and if Chad McSales isn't picking up, you'll go somewhere else.
The assholes cold calling aren't making much money. That's the bottom of the barrel. The top earners are working for companies that sell products or raw materials that are in demand, a known quality, and hassle free. Paper, chemicals, car parts, food - all good, solid fields to work in. Selling percentage points, or napkins to food trucks? Entry level. I typically work with guys who have multi-million dollar accounts.
Not all sales are scammy. A lot are. Depends on who you work for, and what you sell.
the people in decision making positions with money are tech illiterate morons who will buy anything a smooth salesman will offer.
sales is just direct marketing, and marketing has huge influence. otherwise coca cola wouldn't waste billions a year advertising.
I did it for 5 years, got a bit burnt out so taking a break. But in that 5 years I brought in almost a million bucks.
Sales is worth it if you actually enjoy/support the product. It can be very rewarding. If I was desperate for a job, I would go work sales for Lexus because I love their vehicles and feel like I could easily match a model to a customer. I'd probably do it on the side even if I do make it.