You die in a car accident tomorrow. Does your family have a way of cashing out your corns. And more importantly...

You die in a car accident tomorrow. Does your family have a way of cashing out your corns. And more importantly, do you care?

Attached: 1563415753739.jpg (640x506, 29K)

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i dont care, im dead anyway and my mother wouldnt know what to do with that kind of money anyway


Yeah I told my brother where to find my Poloniex and Coinbase recovery codes that I printed out if anything ever happens to me. If I don't make it the people who are closest to me are god damn it

>tfw they kill you

As if anyone who could access it would be excited about $1,000.



a family member has my seed words

Chainlink in collaboration with Openlaw will allow you to automatically release funds from your wallet to your family members in the event of your death.