Insider here

in early august a decree for dissolution will be signed in italy.
about 3 month later italy will leave the euro zone and introduce the new lira if salvini is winning the elections.

get out of euro and stocks, buy gold and silver

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Ayyy mamma mia che cazzo

cool, does this mean more US military in Italy?

An interesting thread.

Your make believe plot is more interesting than anything else. So, we’re listening.

Anche a me

all you need to know is i am working for the media and someone from salvini's inner circle leaked this to me.

soon a huge lubricate campaign is going to start and end with elections.
it's not decided yet if italy should default, but salvini strongly prefers it.

big if true

ww3 when?
i used to love to go to italy 30 years ago now its full with nogs shame

just like the rest of EU tho.

coping this hard

mamma mia!

Attached: happyhitler.jpg (675x567, 50K)


But it’s not every time this shit is a larp

>in early august a decree for dissolution will be signed in italy.

Italian here.
Man, your pusher must be a very good guy. The drugs he sold you are absurdly stunning.

Attached: Italy_samples.jpg (1536x1536, 458K)

how old is this post card? did you find it in your grannys mumu?

Italy is still beautiful. I love to visit it. I'd hate living there though.

>italy will leave the euro zone
Very nice

Communists everywhere.
also, filename related.

Attached: Communiggers.jpg (720x960, 87K)

visited Firenze this summer. Amazing place and architecture. Italians really were based, historically speaking. Some people might call you cucks nowadays due to the influx of niggers, but from my experience things in Italy don't seem as bad as in places like Sweden or Germany. Your niggers seem to know their place and are genuinely productive members of society in some way or another. Haven't met muslims though so I can't comment on that. How's the situation with them there?

Jezus christ are you a fucking a redneck or what ? Or do you get your news about europe on pol. You dont know fuck all about europe so please just fuck off with our muh niggers muh this and that if you are a amerimut

Reddit is that way ->

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Blame Germany for your EU problems !!! And DB bank and mother communist Merkel .... people from the Balkan wars wasn’t aloud to stay in Germany, but hey !! Let’s let all the arabs and niggars was straight thru and they can stay !!! This is a big problem and Italy it just opening its eyes