What Went Wrong?

Pic related's stock has been steadily declining for more than 6 years. Today's earnings report was yet another disappointment. How screwed is Ford?

Attached: ford.png (474x237, 105K)

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They all got their 2 cars, have made driving a luxury good do to muah environment and forced legislators to find new ways of bleeding out the tax payers to pay for social security. In addition demographic change which lets demand tank even more.

Ford will go the way of every consumer company, death

>$38 Billion in Cash
>$54 Billion in LT Debt coming due in ST
>$65 Billion in AR

They better hope they collect all their A/R or else there will be hell to pay.

All of the car companies have a shit ton of LT debt and very little cash. GM, F, Tesla, even the Japs have a lot of debt, but a little more manageable.

Car companies are gonna get rekt hard af during recession. I have faith Ford might survive. GM I am not so sure.

Maybe we reached peak car, and there will be a crash before things flatline again.
Just speculation for the moment.

Ford is an american classic! It's going to bounce back!

Their product is shit

Fuck you. This is AMERICA!

this, I once bumped into one slightly with my body and the side window fell off. garbage cars

Milenials must pay tax amd enter their cagies to pay for boomer pensions.
Cars are irrelevant for the taxed cattle.

Attached: timetoworkwaggie.webm (512x640, 2.52M)

They’re really not though.
All of our company trucks are Fords and it is astounding how much abuse they can take and still keep on going. This one truck that we have is a 2010 F250 (gas motor) and it just hit 315,000 miles yesterday. Everyone in our company drives this truck as hard as possible, redlining the engine and abusing it nonstop. Still runs and drives great. It only gets oil changes like every 20k miles. We have 5 other F250’s and it’s the same story with all of them. They all currently have 200k+ miles with no issues.

Have you ever driven a new diesel truck? My boss just got a 2017 f350 diesel and HOLY FUCK it is ridiculously powerful. It’s got 950 ft/lbs of torque and it’s fast as fuck

what exactly does your "company" do? you guys mow lawns or something?

The market is systemically retarded when it comes to ford. They posted a profitable quarter and have their sales mix trending in the right direction. The dividend isn't going to stop and the company isn't going to fail. The market is run by people and people are irrational. End of story.


Commercial construction. We load the trucks with heavy ass steel and other material

“Company” lol
What, you don’t believe me or something fag?


Ok wagie, work hard for da boss

You can sell debt peeople owe you. Ford has loads of cash. They could sell their ar for debt tomo and even get extra cash probably. Ford always survives

Well, considering my family owns the company and I’m first in line to take the whole thing over in a few years, yeah I get to say “our company”

I regret not putting$10k into this back when it was $1.20/share back in 2008 I think. Would've 10x'd in a few years

Ford would have reported better earnings had they not poured hundreds of millions of dollars into international sales efforts in a retarded attempt to sell big, brash American trucks to xenophobic chinks and broke Europeans. Their CEO is a deluded control freak, he actually believes the Ford brand means anything to anyone outside the US. He obviously has no idea what he's doing. As long as Ford keeps taking the domestic market for granted and continuing these hare-brained schemes aimed at rising to international providence, their earnings will continue to pitter patter up and down in a long and boring decline.

Ford has been pulling out internationally for months. Restructuring is the reason their earnings this quarter were subpar. Come early 2020 Ford will start turning around as they finish shifting their focus from international to domestic

Then shouldn't you have said "daddy" instead of "boss"? Fuck off LARP, no one cares about your boomer stock

The world is about to end.

Any guesses on how low their stock is gonna go?I want a second chance.

Seethe. I'm not even the guy you've been responding to but you're a loser

94 ford ranger owner here

they don't make em like they used to

i bought a couple hundred shares during 2008 crash at like $4.50. the dividend is nice.

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You may be a sick person and should get help. Imagine your son is working for you and you get to pass on the company you built. Teach him everything you know so he can one day be better than you and continue what you started. Imagine not wanting to evolve. Dont be cancer

>you guys mow lawns or something?

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solid dividends though

>Ok wagie, work hard for da boss
so he can buy an even bigger truck!


this guy FUCKS

the car industry thanks to self driving cars will be in for a major shock in a few years. People wont be "buying" like they used to and instead will opt for on call on demand uber/lift type services.
btw the dead malls will act as the parking lots for waiting self driving cars.

Didn't they decide to stop making all cars except for the Mustang and focus to focus entirely on trucks? That's probably one of the most ass-eatingly stupid moves ever made in the history of all large corporations.

What the actual fuck was their board thinking? Let's just hand Toyota, Honda, Hyundai et al like 70% of the worldwide market and focus on meme trucks that will be cool for like 2 more years!

Some very nice delusion you have about self driving cars making it through government red tape as a systemic object.

The margins on sedans are shit in north America. So they cut them. It was a necessary move.

I'm so looking forward to this. Due to the retardness of the average person, driving pretty much anywhere has become a crapshoot. Now that we've added smartphones to the mix it's like fucking mad Max. Ever driven with a millenial or zoomer before?

Made in mexico. God bless those little monkeys

>drives a ford
he doesnt know german cars

Sorry user but every WV i have owned have a good three years and then go to absolute shit after that. Also, I have ever only owned one.

>self driving cars making it through government red tape as a systemic object.

three words
democrats in 2024

Then how do all the other companies manage to do it and sell them by the millions?

> Walk into a showroom of the 6th largest automaker in the world. A shitty 4 banger stanger and a budget focus are the only options if I don't want an SUV or a faggy, impractical pickup truck

> Walk out and go to the Hyundai dealership and buy a Genesis sedan for $3k more than the focus

I owned a Ford for 10 years. Allow me to explain.

> Too many models
> Their cars are fucking shit
> They can't compete with the Japanese on Reliablity or Cost

I'll never buy a fucking Ford. I had a mustang and after the 5th factory problem that Ford refused to cover I sold that piece of shit and got a Honda.

All they need to do is make a good Mustang and a good F-150 and they can stay in business and they can't even fucking do that. I hope they go bankrupt.

Because they're willing to do it even though the margins are shit. Some cheap ass obsessed with MPG was never going to buy ford and it was a waste of time to pursue that market segment. They literally would never wrench them away from buying a Corolla.

unironically only poor people drive ford. thats why no one wants to be seen driving them. so demand goes down and here we are.

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Just look at how bad of an investment Ford is


So basically because they suck and are incapable of making competitive cars despite their unbelievably huge resources. Leaving money on the table is retarded.

Ford is my biggest stock holding. I only buy ford stock because Henry Ford hated Jews.

Henry Ford was the man, and I like alot of Ford cars but it sure looks like they're doing everything they can to shit the bed in the coming years.

Do they still not have an electric car? I see Chevy Volts fucking everywhere, even in my small town.

Barnum was right.

They're screwed, for a while. They oversold the market, they made it so easy for anyone with a pulse to get a car, they tapped out the entire market. They also expanded too many of their car lines.
They won't go away, but it's gonna suck for them, for a while.

>he didn't buy at 8.90
>he didn't dca in every single week while it was under $10
it's like... it's as if you hate money

Fleet trucks are what keep Ford afloat. For now.

They need to bring back the basic bitch, no frills pick up, fuck this MONSTER TRUCK WITH ALL THE FANCY TRIM AND MASSAGE CHAIRS AND LIFESTYLE RACKS nonsense. The Ranger should not be a $24k disco truck. $15k, max, reliable, good for 200k, they'll sell millions.

You won't see self driving cars in your lifetime, dummy.

>making poorly engineered cars in the style of giant gas guzzling boats old yesteryear
>making poorly designed cars on an aesthetic level
>refusing to innovate or see the writing on the wall

The fact that there has been little domestic regulations or incentives for fuel-efficient or green cars has basically allowed American manufacturers to refuse to innovate and just use what has worked for decades. A little history: In the 1970's the EPA was poised to pass aggressive emissions and efficiency regulations. Foreign manufacturers like Honda and Toyota scrambled to develop smaller and more efficient cars. When the policies failed to materialize in the states but were pushed internationally, those foreign manufacturers continued developing efficient and economical cars while the American carmakers fell back on their old ways. It's basically been that story for a while now.

Look at hybrid technology, which Honda and Toyota effectively incorporated into holistic engineering designs to create super efficient cars. American manufacturers basically applied the most basic parts of hybrid tech into giant inefficient SUVs, etc. Moreover they did it far too late. Americans just don't want to innovate.

Pimp trucks are the new normal since luxury cars are being compressed by environmental regulations. A truck is the only way you can get away with having lots of room and luxury at zero miles per gallon.

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They've been going downhill since Mulally left. He fucking saved that company, and made it very profitable. Now that he's gone, they're done for. He was literally the only good person to ever run that company since the founder.

>dead malls
beans and niggers havent discovered online retail yet so we're stuck with malls for a few hundred more years

>what went wrong?
They did the right thing, I unironically.

A lot of people don't remember the Obeezy recession, millions on food stamps, Obama phones, record unemployment, etc. Companies like GM and Chrysler had to suck Obeezy cock for taxpayer dollars for their bailouts, along with the more banks in line (after Bush gave the banks money in the first round).

Ford did what any American company should do, they went through private restructuring and private loans to try to make their sleeves more efficient and effective when other car companies stole American tax dollars.

A lot of younger guys won't recall this sadly. Who knew doing the right thing would be so,negative when you can just steal?

Also, Silverado drivers are literal faggots

It was up to $20 maybe even $30. I had just finished high school and I was thinking the same thing. Wishing I had money to dump into Ford at that time.


How does that future proof a company that only sells Trucks and mustangs. Ride haling and autonomous are gonna shift the ownership model to subscription
Whoever can operate the most efficient fleet. Is Ford an efficient enough company it can't even make a sedan? Tough times ahead


Why would anyone do that?
Just look at how nasdaq 100 and s&p 500 ROI has always crushed fords ROI even when you reinvest dividends. They show you right on their website.

redpill me on the toyota tacoma

Attached: 309656_2017_Toyota_Tacoma.jpg (1920x1200, 557K)

Greatest truck God ever made. Zero drawbacks.

Only downside is the cost. Even used, the price is pretty high.

Best part is that you can expect it to hit 300k with proper care.

Good luck even getting an F150 to hit 150k.

Except all the years with the frame rust problems...

>New car prices have risen 29% since 2009
>Used car prices have risen 34% since 2009
>The average household income for Americans has increased 6% since 2009
>Average interest rates on auto loans have increased from 5% to 6.25%
>The current average price of a new car in 2019, according to Edmunds, is $36,500

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So many manlets in here that dont own trucks. The new ranger is shit, but the f-150 is by far and has been by far the best 1/2 ton on the market for years. New mustangs look great and I'm looking forward to the rerelease of the Broncos

It's xbox hueg and has a shitty plastic interior + inferior aluminum bed

Can confirm. Bought one brand new in 03, sold it to my brother in 07 and it still runs like a champ to this day. The body will literally fall apart around the engine.

Same thing is happening to Ford as every other boomer company. Henry Ford was an amazingly innovative and enterprising man with the vision to build an empire. His descendants just want to milk their cash cow dry with contracts and marketing ploys. If it wasn't for gullible rednecks who fell for their 90s branding, and state contracts Ford would have bellied up a long time ago.

Tacoma’s are indeed great.
But F150’s are not far behind in reliability. I owned a v8 one and personally put 298,000 miles on it. I know a few other people that have 250k+ with theirs. The v6 engines might not be that great, but the triton v8’s definitely are

so what? Ford is an american institution. Anyone posting those "statistics" deserves to be IN an american institution

Europe has tariffs on American cars, America has similar tariffs on European trucks (if such a thing even exist heh), there's discussion to drop both completely which would be great for both parties.




Attached: rusted tacoma.png (800x450, 745K)


>the average household income has increased 6%
Yes, because close to 30 million people are working under the table living in rental home barracks paying $100 a month to live on a bunkbed and send the rest of their money back home tax free to countries where it's worth 20x more than it is here.

Counting these 20-30 million illegal immigrants the country's population doubled over the past 60 years and women started entering the workforce in droves in the 80s as well, leading to a labor market that favored the employer because there were many more people competing for work.

>the average price of a new car

That's a retarded metric though. I bought a 2018 Ford Focus with 2,000 miles on it for $16,000 "out the door" (roughly the same price the 2010 model Focus cost), people aren't forced to spend more than they can afford and there are plenty of options. . Used cars are expensive as fuck now because of the ripple effect left by the Cash for Clunkers program (which for what it's worth has made the proposition of buying a new car more appealing as cars with over 100,000 miles on them are going for close to 10 grand in some cases)


The Ford Model T was an engine block with wheels on it and it cost the equivalent of $18,000 or so in 1908. There is so much more to even the least equipped vehicles out here now complaining about the price seems silly.

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Mondeos, Fiestas, Focuses and Transits were really popular in Europe but for some reason Ford started to increase base price of them so people left for other brands. Why would I buy Mondeo when I can buy top trim Corolla sedan that's cheaper than base model Mondeo?