CZ knows. Decentralized VPNs are the future

The more regulated the crypto sector becomes, the more important secure and decentralized VPNs will be. Only a tard would trust a centralized, closed-source VPN with their data.

• Sentinel dVPN
• Privix
• Lethean
• Mysterium

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Other urls found in this thread:

Vpns don't help when you have KYC at every turn

CZ knows about sentinel

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Do you think DEXs will just disappear?

CZ mentioned sentinel in his binance research article on cosmos

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you just need to use privacy coins user

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They are all being forced to do KYC by America.

IMO of all the dvpn projects Sentinel is the best one, its the only one with its own blockchain

CZ will be forced to help a dvpn project, cause he doesnt wanna loose american volume

also sentinel team received 500k ATOMS from cosmos team, thats a huge endorsement from one of the biggest projects both in mcap and value

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There is a new top exchange every other year. Don't think a true DEX will come around? Have you seen IDEX's new 'kyc' requirements? They are a joke. Just submit a fake name and use dVPN.

Isn't Sentinel ERC20? How do they have their own chain?

They will be swapping tokens once they launch main net, but they will still be connected to ethereum through a bridge once IBC launches

Why cant you fucking Americans just follow the rules? You're ruining this space for everybody else.

Exchange requires KYC?
Submit the real documents

Can't own unregistered securities?
Don't buy them

Exchange doesn't allow US customers?

I'm so fucking sick and tired of Amerishits thinking they can go anywhere and do whatever they want. Hopefully Trump crashes your economy and you're all forced to cannibalize each other like the stinking fucking rats you are.

SENT’s relay network is definitely the leader in the dVPN space. The rest don’t even come close.

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do dvpns work?

that same line of reasoning goes like this
chinese government doesn't allow people to criticise the government or chinese to buy crypto cause its used to flee from chinese economic bubble so chinese should just back down and slide into a completely dystopian society where government also own their sould through social credit system ?
if laws are unmoral its our duty to go against governments

yeah you can download and use sentinel dVPN for free from here >
as of now there are 475 people using it
live stats >

How boring of you. Just roll over and submit to your overlords. Not everybody is a retarded submissive cuk like you. Some people actually fight for their freedoms.

It's our right fren :>
Don't you realize if something isn't aloud... we find a way around it and convince others it's fair to :>
You are making money in your country doing what? Don't mind if i get in too, don't worry if you don't willfully allow us we'll make you :>
God it feels to be a mutt

vpns are oversaturated and will never grow big in marketcap

Hahahaha what a faggot

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dVPNs are the most undervalued niche in crypto, while for example prediction markets are overvalued augur has a 130 m mcap and 20 daily users
gnosis has a 20m mcap
while sentinel has more then 9k daily sessions with a 3m mcap.
sentinel is not being fairly valued cause of a lack of education in the crypto ecosystem
nobody would use a closed source wallet for their crypto while everybody uses a close source vpn

Are you tired of being such a pleb? The VPN market is huge and growing exponentially. Do you honestly think this will not transfer over to the next gen decentralized and open source networks? I bet you thought the internet would never take off and the fax machine would still be the main means of information transfer.

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this literally goes against the very foundation of america. every american is taught from a young age to stand for what they believe in. hell, that's how our country was created.

get on the rocket anons

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Or just wait for RenVM's testnet and see if a truly decentralized DEX can be built on it.

redpill me on REN

this is for muh terrorism retard

I can't find a vpn that doesn't shit up my internet speed

try sentinel it has nodes with all kind of speeds, you will find one that suit your needs.
a higher latency and a bit of slower speed is however normal when using a vpn, its the cost of privacy and being safe

One exchange falls or goes KYC, 5 more will pop up in it's place. There is too much opportunity in the space to ignore.

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Ren is building a decentralized virtual machine (RenVM) in which up to 10k nodes (called darknodes and amount of nodes could change in the future) Can run decentralized and private applications built on RenVM. The transactions are all private as they are sharded into several pieces and sent anonymously to the nodes so that no one can see the transaction amount, address, etc. The VM also allows interoperability between any blockchain, thus a mega DEX with the liquidity of all blockchains can be run trustlessly while preserving the privacy of its users. Think about how massive this can be. Testnet is around the corner and we will then see just how powerful it will be.

if it develops liquidity i will use it, ive been dreaming of a liquid interblockchain dex for ages i think also komodo decred and cosmos will be launching something similiar

i think ren uses tendermint like sentinel and cosmos right ?

I'mnit too sure. Ren and AZTEC are intertwined, I believe cosmos will also be a part of it although nothing of the sort has been announced yet.

VPN will be a $54 Billion market by 2024. Just like Uber was the death of the taxi cab, decentralized VPNs will be the death of the traditional centralized VPN. Everyday users will be able to host their own nodes.

These small cap projects are just getting started. Pick the strongest 2 or 3 projects in the space and enjoy your gains. Doesn't get any more obvious.

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yeah i just checked REN uses a modified version of tendermint "Implementation of consensus mechanisms for coordination of Darknodes with the Hyperdrive iteration of Tendermint"

so it will be able to communicate with cosmos and sentinel everybody will be able to exchange tokens on dark pool dexes and use them for dVPN

Nice, yes that is indeed the case. Since it will be decentralized even from the team it is up to the community to built any use cases they see fit on it, including private dex'es and such

>>Use a VPN
>>Get account frozen for suspicious activities

Sentinel announced Enterprise grade solutions that will allow you to have your own private server that isn’t shared. You will be able to connect from the same IP consistently.

yeah thats very good stuff, mostly governments and corporations will set up private nets for emplyees traveling abroand, no similiar solution exists

it would be nice to have a ren wallet with sentinel integrated cause if you have private transactions and private trades but you leak your ip you get rekt anyway

whats tendermint? I've been doing some digging and they've been talking to the Chainlink team. I've also seen a pile of Tezos staking platforms (they also seem to have something to do with whatever Cosmos is) talking to CL.

tendermint is the consensus algo that blockchains like sentinel cosmos tezos and ren use.
chainlink might be thinking about launching their own blockchain on tendermint, the huge think about tendermint is that blockchains that use it can be all interconnected together and move tokens from one chain to the other.
so you will be able for example to use sentinel mixer then move your now private coins to chainlink chain and use it for pay a oracle then move your coin to ren and to a dex trade.
tendermint is the future lots of projects are moving awat from ethereum to tendermint :
cause tendermint is faster and more easy to develop on also tendermint is DPOS and allows staking

History repeats itself over and over. Just look at how the sharing economy is disrupting taxis (uber), hotels (Airbnb), etc.

You would be retarded to think this will not happen in the VPN space. You have an idle connection sitting at home doing nothing. Why not monetize it and earn some profits? Why would you go with a centralized VPN when you can go with a dVPN that is open source with provable encryption/no logs?

sentinel (which is the best dVPN project) will disrupt the bandwidth industry like amazon disrupted the retail industry, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity, this is an untapped market potentially worth billions of dollars

That's pre-boomer America.
Everyone since the 1940s has been completely brainwashed.

>Caring about a declining empire trying desperately to censor and ban its way into staying on top.

You didn't get a new deal, you will not be recovering like last time. We will be living in a true dual superpower world and America is making sure its relevance is declining.

Asia is at the forefront of genetic engineering, America banned it. The financial world is changing, America is trying to ban it, cultures are becoming more focused on national strength, America is trying to be altruistic towards its weakest members. The world is implementing more and more sustainable and nuclear energy, America is trying to get coal up and running.

The world is adopting corporate facist-like meritocracy while America is trying to be inclusive and tolerant. America is dying give it 20-40 years.

It might be a possibility to integrate RenVM into sentinel actually. The virtual machine works in a way where it can be integrated into other projects and not the other way around, this allows even easier integration and adoption of it.

i will look into this sentinel will need a dex to attach to sooner or later

This is an interesting new development. If they accept anonymous payments I could get behind this

you will be able to pay for sentinel in any crypto you want so BTC ETH XMR and sentinel chain will have its own mixer so you will be able to anonimize coins coming from other chains
(sentinel has a IBC interblockchain communication protocol thanks to being on tendermint), sooner or later they will have a fiat gateway too

Not all of us have rolled over yet.

So I shouldn't use nordvpn?

VPN is not optional

Time and time again it has been shown centralized VPNs are not to be trusted. There is no way to prove that your data is not being logged, sold or leaked. Open source, decentralized, and provable encryption is the next generation.

nordvpn probably logs everything you do and sells your data, you can download and use sentinel dVPN for free ( when main net launches it will be cheaper then any centralized vpn and also safer cause it will allow to hop between multiple nodes.
you can also sell your own bandwidth

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CZ has that fear

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Thanks. I was sketched out about having to pay to use one. Especially since I want to buy drugs online

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Just a reminder user

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Submitting a fake name can fuck you. What if they change the terms so you need to submit more documents with your name on them to withdraw your funds?

REKT, Market need for Privacy is at ATH

Muh American Empire

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XMR is not even fungible with out a proper obfuscation of ip.

Lol, are you usong a vpn now ?

this isnt /pol faggot

i heard rumors that a big privacy coin is integrating sentinel in its wallet to protect users from ip leak, i think this will be a big trend for privacy coin soon

True DEXs will gain increased adoption and usage. For every exchange that goes full KYC, 5 more will pop up without KYC requirements.

Really ? Mmm interesting

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Catch up, Hosting a node is next level.

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Yea I know, Jow Forums is full of antifa and niggerdicks, this is a board for white nationalists to generate funds to oppose the Jewish global agenda, try Reddit if thats not you.

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Thank you come again

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Quit fucking gas lighting thread faggot

Anyway of all the vpn projects mentioned by OP sentinel is clearly the superior one, the others are all dead, im hyped for today testnet launch of sentinel it shows the team ics competent and committed to building a succesfull chain

kys jew enabler

yeah very nice stuff

also you guys can check sentinel chain from the explorer its up and running and going strong:

Dont you have some infrastructure to be destroying you fucking nigger. Your opinion is worth less than nothing.

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Just tell us how big your bag is and quit circle jerking us man. CZ is ready to begin a listing phase again soon.

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your ID is brown, like the color of your skin, the only black guy here is you, you self hating troll

Become a garden of Sentinel, Host a node to bring fungible data to your cause. SENTINEL network is to decentralized to have bias. Now go to /pol

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My bag is big enough to be very happy when it moons cz will make me rich

there's a lot of autism ITT

Nigger Jow Forums hasnt existed on cuckchan for half a decade. KYS
Whiter and more Jow Forums than you Chatzkel

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The Autistic can't make money, the chads use them to propagate their memes


that's legit the best ID i've ever gotten lads

>decentralized VPN
what a fucking meme what will be next decentralized mouse añd keyboard?

NSA agents trying to gas light thread with white cucksim rhetoric because SENT super decentralized eco system is something to fear. 22000 downloads

You should start making it user.

I guess you dont understand the need for a open souce solution that provably doesnt log your data and allows you to sell your own bandwith on a global market platform

Nigger thats not how you use the term gaslight

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Hitler was a jew you cuck

Was Uber and AirBnB a meme? The P2P sharing economy model has been disrupting traditional centralized models for years. You are retarded if you don't think this trend will continue.

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