Bobos should I give in and become a bull? This pump above 10k actually seems kind of convincing. Is it a mirage or what? Also alts are starting to climb, I never accounted for this in my master plan of shorting.
Bobos should I give in and become a bull? This pump above 10k actually seems kind of convincing. Is it a mirage or what...
I will never stop shorting this ponzi.
I feel like it could go either way. I'm going to hold a 1x short until I see something to go off of. Still a bear in the long term though, I mean comeon, corn=$10,000.00?
It’s bullshit bobro. Just don’t overlever and hodl your shorts
its possible we bounce here but it would mean bitcoin is extremely bullish, most likely just a small bounce here then down to 8k
Imagine being convinced of an absolute bull desperation pump to delay crashing to the true bottom.
>implying bobros have any money left to short
Arthur is enjoying his new yacht though, he sends his regards
This. I would be careful, wait for more confirmation before going either side, better to play safe in this zone than get burned by assuming you know what’s going to happen
>bitcoin won't 10x again
>it's different this time
you probably should, they expect some longs in the wreckage brother
>my polka dot bull beanie baby will be worth $50k again, just HODL®
Learn what a bubble is.
PS: You're in one
it feels like the bulls final stand
>the beanie baby bubble popped and re-inflated half a dozen times
Learn what a bubble is, this is a new paradigm
>BTC goes up 4%
Too bad that i'm making good money with this.
Forgot pic.
how many contracts fren?
Lol at the thread earlier today saying shorting btc is free money. Just hodl for the long run, pigs are getting slaughtered..
bears make $$ tho
pigs want it both ways
based and redpilled.
Just set your stop loss below entry point if you're short so you at least don't go underwater if price goes against you. How hard could it be?
>he thinks the whales who longed 4k cant turn around and short 10k
yeah, really needs to break that 13275 previous high on this run or were printing yet another lower high which will lead to a lower low.