Are pets a scam Jow Forums?

Are pets a scam Jow Forums?

All they do is cost you money that you could have invested in profitable things.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>paying for the four-legged jew


Humans have a need to care. It's how we get pussy.

Pets are cheaper than roasties.

Get a dog if you're a dominant personality, a cat if you're a bitch, and a couple ferrets if you're a sigma like most anons.

It'll pay itself off by making you not crave female companionship within a couple months.

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Ferrets smell like fucking piss and stink up your house.

All of my pets I've ended up with on accident. Some stray cat gave me toxoplasmosis and now I am compelled to take care of it.

They have a pretty wide range of smells, you gotta pick them up in the petstore and sniff 'em until you find one you embarrassedly love. Also clean their fucking litterbox, jesus.

People who assume ferrets are nasty generally have only met nasty ferret *owners.* Yea they're shit factories, same as any other organic life form. You overcome this shortcoming with normal housekeeping, and by not letting them free-roam without supervision.

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See? This user is a bitch. This user will always have a cat.

german shepherds are based, get one of them

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Do you unironically find no joy in anything?

more like the 4-legged nig.
>gib me dat
>i dindu nufin

nah, they stink. and yeah, they are absolute shit factories. anytime you let that little fucking weasel out of it's cage it will immediately go to the corner of the room and take a shit. if you don't want shit all over your house (sneaky fucker will try to hide it behind your couch even) then you have to keep them in the cage all the time. what's the point of keeping a smelly caged animal that sleeps all day? what's the fucking point?

Cats: Yes
Dogs: You at least get some of your investment back in security (assuming you don't get a rat dog.)
But for the most part, yes, they are a 0 return sinkhole whose only value is sentimental.

Cats are based. Dogs are too high energy and needy for my liking

Picturing some neckbeard user picking up all the ferrets at PetSmart and sniffing them one at a time while the really uncomfortable young female clerk watches on trying to hide her disgust and confusion. kek

Because they are hilarious assholes. That is literally the only reason. The shit thing is absolute truth - you must feed them to move their bowls 20 minutes before disembarking from weasel-prison or you will be sorry. But, I mean, they're *really* funny. Like actually endlessly creative shitheads.

Not unlike this Venezuelan aardvark-fishing message board.

I mean you're dead on.

But in reality/twighlight zone the fem who watches is an animal-whore who thinks 'ohmigod user loves animals enough to know what to do, he must be wise and full of giant cock'

Got my first unironic Asian pussy that way.

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This. Buy a german shepherd and Rheinmetal AG stocks

i had to live with one for a few years, cause kids, so I know all about it. they are hilarious assholes, it's true. it stopped being funny to me pretty fast though. they're just assholes that shit a lot in my mind. that motherfucker used to run under my couch where he'd chewed a hole in the fabric giving him an in to the interior. that little rat knew I couldn't get him in there. fucker would sleep in there and probably shit until I was able to nab him and throw him back into the cage.

Real nigga buys one of these abomination

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Never get ferrets if they're smarter than you >:3

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Veterinarian visits are probably the most expensive part of having a cat or a dog. Cats a waste of everything . Dogs are more based than cats and will help you get pussy when you're out walking them. They are called man's best friend for a reason. Aquariums/terrariums are pretty based but they are expensive and require a lot of work otherwise you're just being a negligent piece of shit.

For the record, a group of ferrets is called a business.

'nuff said.

I would keep kill that thing if I saw it in real life. Absolutely horrifying.

If you're not investing in pet products and pet services you're retarded and hate money.


I have gotten more pussy out of my knee-high hypoalergenic poodle than any other tactic tried.

Mastery of hypnotic trance orgasm for hands-free dominance literally pales in comparison. Cute dog OP af.

>cat if your a bitch
this old phenomenon of people hating cats is tragic, baisically ignorant to fuck individuals who dont appreciate building a relationship with an animal.

If you like animals, you like animals, end of, dogs are needy to fuck and worse than children. Dogs are generally way more prone to trashing your house/someone elses house/ someone else.

Cats you have to build up trust, it takes time, and it reflects more on you as a person if you have the patience to do so.

Most dog owners think nothing of beating on their dog for bad behaviour, or some form of physical pain discipline. A dog is an animal that will still be loyal to an owner that beats it, it learns attention is better than no attention. A dog is also a whore in terms it tend to immidiately love anyone that gives it a stroke.

Cats , some do have whoreish tendancies, i.e. the 5 household cat, but for the most part they are very picky about the people they are around, after all they are actually solitary animals, and hence why you have to build up trust.

Cats are clean, dogs, are really fucking not.

A cat I can just leave the flap open on my door, it goes elsewhere to shit in its own time, I can go away an entire weekend leaving a big bowl of food and water and cats will be fine.

A dog would have destroyed the furniture and shat everywhere and possibly opened cupboards and destroyed whatever they could find there.

I know this because I have had cats and dogs my whole life, if I had land and time I would have many of both. But in a practical world, dogs are alot more work than cats, take alot more time away from you, and are alot more responsibility and expensive in the long run (kenneling etc.).

Cats just do their own thing, if they like you they will be affectionate, if your a jerk though expect a similar response to if you walk up to a chick in a bar and grab their ass.

user...that's no way to treat a dog.

>why aren't you cricket farming biz? petstore pays 2 cents a bug and you can breed them in a large plastic bin in the basement

>Are pets a scam Jow Forums?
>All they do is cost you money that you could have invested in profitable things.
Pets improve mental health and give you a reason to not reach for the rope. A cat costs roughly $1.5 per day (food + litter) or $550 a year. Or 4 sessions with a therapist.

come on, cats are assholes too. they will wreck your house way more than a dog does scratching up all your furniture. also, you ever see what a cat does once it catches a mouse? they would do the same to you if you were smaller. no respect.

also this, cats and dogs are epic for mental health, really do make a difference coming home to them after a shitty day at work or what have you.

What? He knows what's up. Poodles are smart af. He knows my taste and gets beef-jerky when he seduces a girl that smells right for me. Win/win/win.

So in essence dogs are like beta men, cats are like high value women. Which explains why a lot of men dislike cats, because they don't understand them.


Cats are more likely to want your attention when you don't give them attention. You have to let them come to you and then you get to decide if you want the interaction to take place or not.

imagine calling animals an asshole instead of just buying alts like PNK and then HIRING people to train your animals. Some people are just destined to be plebs forever I swear.

god damn you pajeets, you can say anything without trying to scam shill someone, can you?

lol, yea, cats are assholes too, I never said that, some dogs are assholes, many, many people are assholes. You dont go to a pound and pick the first dog you see without any knowledge of history or seeing their temprement.

I had a dog before, and she could escape from anywhere, honest to god, and just take herself for walks around the neighbourhood.

When I would take her out for walks, she would be walked for hours, only to come home and shit in the garden.

I loved her but she was a jerk.

>they will wreck your house way more than a dog does scratching up all your furniture

not true, thats why you buy a scratching post for them dummy.

My sisters dog has eaten 1000$'s worth of shoes, destroyed a canada goose jacket, chewed through a door to get to a bitch on heat. A dog has considerably more destructive power than a cat, thats why you have guard dogs and police dogs, not cats.

this is accurate. cat's too want to eat your soul. how many times you catch your cat trying to suck the life out of your breath while you're sleeping.

Nobody wants you as a pet, pajeet.

>chewed through a door to get to a bitch on heat
Based dog

Did you sniff her too?

its (almost) exactly this, the thing ive found is that people just arent patient, and they expect to have a pet be like a toy or a 500$ escort 'I paid for you I demand you do as I say and be my toy'.

They are both animals (cats and dogs) at the end of the day, if you want something thats going to love you without you giving it any respect, any consideration to get to know them or spend time with them, get a dog, at the trade off they are like double the amount of work a cat is.

Dogs are essentially like going home with the fat bitch at the end of the night, talk to her like shit, slap her around, degrade her and she will still be grateful of the attention.

also explains why alot of men have no fucking clue how to get females, because they dont understand trust and rapport needs to be built, they think they can just use a one liner they saw on tv and get laid.

If anything your more of a beta getting a dog, and your more of a player if yo have a cat.

good dogs are way better than good cats though. a good cat just doesn't fuck things up or need much from you.
a good dog is like having a proper side kick though. they understand the world and language better than cats ever could. good dogs are hard to find. it's more than just training. you can train a dog well, but only 1/1000 is the best kind of dog.

Endlessly. Asian pussy is really lightly scented. There's a gene (same that makes earwax goopy-brown/flaky-yellow) that affects whether a human secrets hormones from their folicles. But they smell fuggin good. The lil' guy actually raped her leg, that's why we ended up conversing/playing league/fucking.

I met a dog once 4-5 miles into the backcountry way up in the mountain who was tasked with watching over a herd of sheep by himself (200-300 sheep). His owner literally sent him off with the sheep to let them graze above treeline for who knows how long completely unsupervised. I was camping in the area for 2 week doing trail work at the time. based doggo held it down for his master that entire time.

Also based. A dog will be your sidekick at best, and a mistreated child at worst. A cat will be a homewrecking fuckface at best, and a whore at worst.

Which would you rather represent you to a female human, who looks at your relationships more than your behaviors to judge your usefulness to her pussy?

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I agree, although I would say its more like 1/1000000 or even higher.

But we are talking a generalised thread, for me, generally for the trade off of how much work and responsibility a dog is to a cat, thats why I have cats atm.

The same can be said for cats though too, when you get that one character in a million, they are right little bosses! I've had shit cats too that baisically hate everyone/scared of everything and just want you around to feed them.

I has some cool cats atm though.

The same could be said about people though, the general consensus of the human race is that most people are assholes and cunts. 1/1000000 are good though.

>'ve had shit cats too that baisically hate everyone/scared of everything
that's why you make sure they are affectionate and love people before chosing one

Cats are based.
See pic related.

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I have 2 dogs they were fine until I had a kid now they feel like a job more than anything because I have very little “me” time and they take from what I do have in ways that are almost always bad.

lol, yea, but these were my sisters cats growing up, I was merely agreeing with ultimately the reason why I started posting in this thread is that im a little tired of the unfounded phenomenon of 'are you a cat/dog person' and people hating on cats, just trying to bust up some perspectives on the matter.

if you love animals, you love animals end of.

Otherwise your like christians 'we love our fellow man unconditionally so long as your not a fag or a jew or a sand nigger or anything that basically isnt one of us'.

' what you mean is your biased as fuck with a poor argument to rationalise such a bias'

cats kill rodents so if you have a rodent problem theyre a good investment

I dont know who any of these niggers are

All of you don't know the joy of having a dog. They are NOT for the beta. You have to TRAIN a dog. They don't shit, tear shit up or ruin your house if you know how to train a dog. I lived in an apartment complex and let my dog out all the time, she would always come back. Didn't need to walk with a leash because she was trained. Plus, based runs. Enjoy your cats kek

You've got it wrong user, a dog better complements a woman because you can give it all your unconditional beta attention and be aloof for the females. Meanwhile if you get a cat you get two energy sucks

My golden retriever got bone cancer when he was 4 years old and died. It was heartbreaking and not to mention costly. I probably spent $3k just in his final months on xrays, pain killers, and other tests. It's not really the money though, I would have honestly spent all my savings to cure him. But now my brother wants another fucking dog like get the fuck out of here. Who wants that heartbreak again. I loved the time I spent with my dog but it's not worth going through the grieving process again.

>inb4 duur it's just a dog

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>All of you don't know the joy of having a dog. They are NOT for the beta. You have to TRAIN a dog. They don't shit, tear shit up or ruin your house if you know how to train a dog.
Cope. Cats don't tear up shit or ruin your house by default. Captain save-a-ho-und.

>Meanwhile if you get a cat you get two energy sucks
All my cat does is make me laugh and rub against me and boop her nose against mine after a petting session. Takes roughly 3 minutes to change the cat litter and feed her food in the morning and at night. That's all it takes. 3 minutes a day.

pets are good for mental health

sounding abit emotional there bud, but to point out the obvious:

> if you know how to train a dog

where does the average person learn such a thing+/has the time to learn+/even occurs to learn to train dogs before/after actually getting a dog.

No, people just get dogs and are ignorant to the fact how they should look after them (and not discipline them with violence for example).

In the same way people lack the patience to get to know cats+/know they need access to the ourside+/know to get them scratching poles+/know to give them some stimulation like you would give a dog with play.

>cats are clean
Says the guy with brain worms

Pets are for your children, they are an add-on to the family unit. Single girls with cats are a joke, and they prove it by failing to pass on their genes and treating the low-lifespan cat as their child.

>Says the guy with brain worms
Did you know that Toxoplasma gondii infection increase entrepreneurship?
>Entrepreneurial behavior is linked with infected individuals having less ‘fear of failure’ and more ‘entrepreneurial intent’. Entrepreneurs display more ‘risk taking’ and less ‘risk-avoidance’ behaviors.
If you don't have a cat, you're never going to make it with crypto.

Then meaby youre the nigger.

What is that, a rat with the disaease that guy in Mask had?

How do you know you have toxo in you?

>purposefully giving yourself brain worms so you can take dumb risks and bankrupt yourself over meme money instead of making calm and rational decisions with your money.

Had a cat for 20 years, we built a relationship where we knew what each other wanted. I worked from home so had a lot of time with him. I miss him.

Das rite

Buying Bitcoin is a risk. It's not a logical rational investment by any means. Buy boomer stocks in Walmart if you're a dog owner, I guess.

Yea my faggot friend is obsessed with the toxoplasmosis meme. Uses it as an excuse for why his life is boring as fuck.

dont kill and dont murder animals, u ugly ppl

>9 posts by this ID
>sounding a little emotional there bud

you're projecting so fucking hard it's absolutely cringeworthy. I hate cats owners even more now thank you.

Rats that get killed by cats have toxoplasmosis

>counts my posts out of misplaced hatred of cats.

>assuming this is the only thread I am contributing to

The whole cat/dog this is an interesting subject. I have cats now but have had dogs in the past also and we have dogs in the family, so dont know how your directing 'I hate cat owners' towards me bud, I just like animals.

I don't hate cats at all, but cat owners such as yourself are always know it all scum.

>resorting to name calling because you cant think of anything constructive to add.

*slow claps*

The irony. Keep making all cat owners look bad. Bye bye

this, dogs are a bigger scam than cats because they cost more of your time

If you like adult cats and don't see a problem with their bipolar and shitty behavior, then you have toxo.

If your brain says "kitty kitty kitty!" to you when you see a cat outside, you have toxo.

I you actually say "kitty kitty" outloud, even under your breath, when you are approaching a cat, you have massive toxo infection.

the only acceptable level of cat ownership is allowing them on your farm to hunt vermin

if your ownership of a cat involves feeding and housing it, you are a parasite infected mindslave to a small fuzzy animal that treats you like shit unless it wants attention, and that is very sad

nigger killer over 9k, did you know that it makes more industrious and more risk prone
also have you see like 2 year olds that instinctively do the kity kity even when they only have see a cat on a picture

kitty internet defense force here to defend the honor of mr. pawberg with their retarded "studies"

and a 2 year old has an excuse to be fascinated by an animal they only know by appearance, and not by reputation and reality

tell me, how many piles of cat vomit or cat shit have you cleaned up in your life?

if the answer is more than 1, you do not have any credibility, because you are a janitor for cats

a janitor

for cats

think about that for a minute, you spend your precious free times cleaning the litter box of a shitty little animal that would eat you if it was hungry enough



I have two
they are beautiful
cleaning sucks but right now one is perched on my shoulder purring blinking at me

this one is infected

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How do you guys deal with pet hair? That grosses me out and why I don’t like pets. The worst part is, If I ever get married or whatever, she’s probably going to want to have a pet. Seems like every girl has or wants a dog.

based, redpilled and furrypilled.

I invested in a rabbit and now I eat more vegetables because I have to buy it vegetables. Rabbit was a good investment.

also based, fluffy veggie-eating creature will make you healthier and thus less dependent on (((healthcare))) and (((((((((((((((pills)))))))))))))))))).

Also rabbits are recession-proof, they are happy to eat almost anything outside if you have no money.

i want nothing more than to have a based doggo again to greet me after work. but i live alone and work long hours so i don't think it would be fair to leave it home alone all day.

Yeah this. Pic is mine

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based tubedog poster

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That's rough dude. My mom would always say pets are awesome, but they are a guaranteed heartbreak

>retarded back slant
>not getting a beautiful belgian malinois

>Get a dog if you're a dominant personality, a cat if you're a bitch, and a couple ferrets if you're a sigma like most anons.
What's a sigma? And what's the best kind of dog for somebody who doesn't want to take it outside to shit every few hours?

They also make a lovely stew if worst comes to worst

bro you just finished his argument for him bro
>paying her bills sucks and is a tough chore bro, but my e-girl just texted me so it's all worth it

Are you fucking insane?

This. I’m about to get three ferrets soon snd they’re handy for rabbiting and rats. You just hope the rabbits/rats run out of their bunker because if the ferret catches it and eats them they sleep for days underground the lazy bastards.