Nano will easily reach $100 with a top of around $220-350 by the end of 2020

Nano will easily reach $100 with a top of around $220-350 by the end of 2020.

Attached: Nano.png (960x565, 93K)

bitcoin went from 35 dollars down to 2 dollars. Next bullrun went to $230. Nano going to do a similar thing imo and its about a dollar. This is normie bitcoin and honestly could go even higher this cycle of FOMO kicks in

I used to love Nano but if Libra breaths one breath of live, Nano is dead

no one gives a shit about instant transactions/zero fees, its not exactly original. You have to go back

I fell for this meme in 2017 and bought at $17. Still holding on to some because I'm too salty to sell.

you are too pessimistic user...

just look at eth

it went from $10 to $1000 in a year !!!

Nano has no inflation, so there aren't any miners , no ico's to scam your nano from you to dump on the market.

Nano is the true singularity


They just announced they are merging with VeChain.. plebbit crashed. Noone will ever use this coin, sell this pump while you can!

it can't be normie bitcoin till it gets on normbase. no way they will use binance or anything similar.

this. normies now have their fast and feeless token that will be used by merchants and adopted. also it’ll be backed by actual fiat and users will be insured in case of a wallet hack. also the price won’t go down to 0 like nano

these kids dont understand mining is supported by fees (and will be the only way miners make $ after all bitcoins are mined) and bitcoin holders set their fees high just because they can

The so is Bitcoin.

Digital Gold, Store of Value

This is it frens
get your bags of this moneymaker.
pay no attention to DAG fags

plebbit will finally give up when nano is 25 cents and then fomo into DAG. all is well in the universe

>rank 530 ERC20 token
no thanks

>It'S a StOrE oF VaLue

>iT wAs NeVeR meAnT tO Be A CuRRenCy

Attached: 1.png (403x448, 53K)

Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of nano at these prices is really insane. It’s literally free money.

Are people in DAG the saddest people on earth?

This is the real bitcoin.

Think how high btc would be if miners weren't constantly dumping it.

oh god my dreams.
Nano $100 EOY 2020
Train leaving soon

holy shit it really is going to start pumping now

Me looking at my Nano bags rn.

Attached: 2.jpg (600x588, 22K)

Alright I got my bags, you nanoids better not let me down

$10 EOY easy

brah i remember when this was $30 on grail

$30 will be the new low next bullrun - remember to sell betwen 100-200