BSV general

Discuss all things BSV here.

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Bitch i got that bsv!!

when moon? when flip? when dump?


Who owns any cities on cityonchain here?

I want you to explain in your own words why its a scam


Lots of development being done. Long way to go still, but not holding some as a hedge is a mistake.

>steal "bitcoin" name to make people pressure buy this because it might be the "real" bitcoin
>claim to be satoshi
>use retarded edgy dragon logo

here and stiff pilled

Haters should stay poor. DONT buy it user fags.

Attached: btcc.png (913x197, 11K)

Bitcoin will soon show the world what it's good for. Almost no one gets it. The financial aspect of bitcoin is just a peace of the puzzle, but that's what everyone focus on. For any user out there that wants to create a better world and get richer then ever thought possibly in the process, now is your chance. See trough the bullshit and you will get greatly rewarded.

Bitcoin under the ticker BSV is wholeness and infinity, hence the Satoshi dragon.


Just read sorce code of BTC:
// FAT32 filesize max 4GB, fseek and ftell max 2GB, so we must stay under 2GB

SN would never support 1 MB bitcoin vision.

been holding this shit since the fork. when will this piece of shit actually start making me some money?

>Showing more "actual" development and has real plans for a locked protocol.


Craig cried in court.

>retarded edgy dragon logo
always thought that looked more like a roadkill chicken. I was secretly quite fond of it tbqh, though it was quite apt for them shit-for-brains and all-round pajeets. They appear to have just stole the Bitcoin logo as well now, in addition to having stolen their code from BCH
wheres the source of BSV ? I need to audit you see, as multi-trillion dollar company in need of a weather app suitable blockchain operated by convicts solution. I hear you guys are the very people to speak to in the branch ?

Based, redpilled, and Stiffed.

why is the bsv sub even more retarded than other crypto subs? the speculation about unwriter's identity was absolutely pathetic

Does it matter who he is? Look at the development and actual plan laid forth by BSV, now look at core...who seems to have a better idea?

Who the fuck runs a node using fat32?

unwriter is linus torvalds

Attached: basedlinus.png (640x359, 213K)

Disregard that, just remembered back in 2010 satoshi knew shit about linux.
He really was a shitty programmer.

Me 40 and counting

Link plox

Equally self-absorbed with none of the skill.

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"unsigned int" is 32bit which is 4GB
"int" is 32bit which has -2GB and +2GB
this is like kindergartner level math
it's not because of satoshi or some other shill reason
what a flying faggot

bcash purged the real nutjobs

blockchain is good for censorship resistance, something that Craig does not see value in

>wheres the source of BSV ?

calvin tweeted about

apparently that shit is legit

pic related

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