SKY is literally one of the few coins that will survive the alt massacre of 2020, and you're still not investing in it Jow Forums , why?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Coin Hour listing coming up soon.

o) centralized server application - not crypto
o)the main premise of the project - earning coinhours - is redeemable only personally by the devs allocating rewards by hand
o) main dev is an unabashed social engineer - look at his linkedin profile and similar

But user, there's cryptography involved, how is it not crypto? Centralization is part of the development roadmap.

Coin Hours are not the main premise, but an important aspect. They're just about to be listed on an exchange so it's not redeeming them through some kind of dev buyback, although that will be an option. They'll also be used on Skywire for bandwidth payment settlement.

Main dev is many thing, including understanding social structures and psychology, along with being an economist.

because pic related

Attached: rektcoin.jpg (1751x1579, 470K)

have sex

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you think that's bad, take a look at this

Attached: 81d473d448f05e8f864687fca000fcc1.png (1244x666, 51K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 12.29.55 PM.jpg (2270x1180, 218K)

Source? I’m too lazy to reverse image search

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John McAffee shilled the fuck out of it. He even got a tattoo. That alone should be a huge fucking flag.

Also, Synth is a fucking sketchy dude. I'd rather trust Carlos Matos than that lazy fuck that promises lots of things but never get anything done.

They told McAffee to fuck off after he tried to extort money out of them. Speaks to the integrity of the devs.

SKY, LINK and NOIA to survive the purge. All three are locked behind bars, boarded in with plenty of food and armed with AKs.

Jow Forums doesnt learn user

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Dear novice investor, notice the obvious manipulative word-play in posts shilling the project.

That's all you need to know.

You cannot trust Skycoin distribution method because it is not trustless and the person in control has proven in repeated occasions to be untrustworthy. I wish the best to Skywire, but price and investment wise, Skycoin is fucked up.

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yes sky coin sirs very good coin sir, pls buy sirs pretty girl with skycoin sirs see?

This is my concern as well. They need a defined inflation schedule. Because a 5% yearly unlock is way too vague

Lol, that's a weird way to say that you don't have any arguments. Yikes.

It is 5% max, the number is not my concern. My concern is that the coins don't go to the "miners", or block producers, or stake holders by default, they go to Synth's hands, and then he decides where they go next. So the original and main pilar is and will always be centralised. And that's fine, as soon as they are transparent about it and don't talk shit about other projects that are actually decentralised in distribution.

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Sorry, my post was meant for

whatever happened with the fake kidnapping thing? I'll admit that I was interested before that, but I'm very glad I never bought.

If there was a satisfactory explanation of events then I might consider buying again.

It is 5% unlocked per year. So in the first year no more than 5% can be distributed. But if the next unlock does not distribute the full 5% then more than 5% can be distributed the following year.
>My concern is that the coins don't go to the "miners", or block producers, or stake holders by default, they go to Synth's hands, and then he decides where they go next.
Yes, this is very concerning. A quarterly inflation schedule could include a reserved amount of sky that will buyback coinhours from miners. Monetary policy is lacking atm

Marketers went to jail.

4 chinks went to jail for six to eight months each. court docs here:

Attached: 1561138688416.jpg (1105x1179, 604K)

>Claims to have been in development since 2013
Still hasnt released anything

Sure it has, there's
>Skywire Testnet
>Skywire Dev Mainnet

Attached: roadmap.png (1139x918, 46K)

So nothing. Thanks for confirming

Centralized coin
>Coin hours (SCH)
Part of the centralized coin and going to get a centralized bank
Raspberry pi with socks5
Golang dialect
>Skywire Testnet
Copy of socks5 and renamed to skywire
>Skywire Dev Mainnet
Copy of socks5 and rename to skywire

>Consensus algo was due to be released in 2017

What about all the missed deadlines since 2017?

pic related

Attached: scammer4.png (625x348, 31K)

>could be integrated tomorrow
The absolute state of skyscam