Silverchads report m

Silverchads report m

>3 ounces

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100oz here holding these bags is suffering someone help plox!

smol 7oz stack

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i think i'll buy 20 tomorrow and 1 oz of gold


my suicide stack is
10 oz of gold
200 oz of silver

I should be done next year

You’ll make it

Just sold 16oz I’ll buy back in later

Finally hit 20oz of silver. And have 1.5 grams of gold. I'm going to keep placing small orders every month.

100k oz of paper silver through family wealth

Am I gonna make it?


Sell some paper and use the USD to buy 100oz in physical and yeah you are good.

r8 my stack

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You guys diversifying your stacks? I started out with american silver eagle 1oz coins and bars, but have started to branch out into sunshine minting (aesthetics) and some odd ball Egyptian hyrogliph bars from apmex.

I plan to only stack sunshine 1 ounce bars and silver eagles

Take delivery you stupid goyim.
End the silver manipulation and you will be wealthy beyond your dreams.
Once fiat collapses people like Bill Gates, Zuckerburg and every basket ball american rapper will see their accounts go to zero in on fell swoop.
The meek shall inherit the earth.
>t.Boomer posting

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180 oz

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Hey man I gotta start somewhere

1700 oz silver
4 oz gold

sold my miners today to capture profits, I think we'll be down from here for 6 weeks or so.

I bought my stack on June 3rd.

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I got JUSTED today, why would you believe this down trend will continue?

Still bagholding 100oz I bought at $18. Don't fall for this shiny rock meme, people...

We plan on doing this when silver hits like $20-$30 oz. the problem is the storage and the fees man. Where the fuck am I gonna store all of it? If I have a 3rd party do it it costs a fuck ton and there’s huge VAT taxes basically everywhere except Singapore

Three ounces? Isn't that like fifty bucks? Are you poor or what?

have around 3kg so that what 160oz.? Probably not enough to make it

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Dude just John Wick it bro lmao

Why aren't you guys stacking palladium?

Honestly I need to go to the military to get the qualifications to properly protect my shit

Lovely to use in MDMA production also


20 Silver Eagles and four 10×10g divisible bars reporting

That amount would hardly constitute a gold chad

these threads remind me I should not be taking investment advice from this board

122oz and counting

>Why aren't you guys buying high and selling low?

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how the fuck are you supposed to sell it?

So whats the target for 1 oz silver
and one oz gold
circa 2025

place your bets lads

coin shops

Same here, gonna dollar coat average with my next check though. And buy some more physical as well.
Inb4 I have over 100oz of physical and almost 2oz of gold just want to diversify.

Feels like a pull back is coming, I might be wrong though.

Conservative for silver is $75
Conservative for gold is $3000

>Lesser Cuckrock

> Dat conservative ratio

>how the fuck are you supposed to sell it?
I never intend on selling.

About to join the thousand ounce club
Feels good man

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Solid start brother. Small orders rob you though. You get fucked on shipping and don't get the bulk discount. If you are tight on cash check kijiji I've found maples for 1 dollar over spot in Canada which online sells for 4 or 5 over spot plus shipping. Gold > bitcoin > silver > alts.

Any suggestions on how I should allocate $8k I just inherited from a grandparent? Gold vs. silver. Want to start my precious metals stack.

21 oz.

Will I make it?Coins are gay imo.

What kind of Gold and Silver should I buy? What site? Pls I don’t want to be left behind when my country’s currency tanks

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heres your stack you big straight boi

eh, what ever you can get in hand first or at the best price second. im split in my stack 250oz rounds, a few hundred dollars face value constitutional and rest gov bullion coin

f'ed that up

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I own only sterling silver spoon. Am I gonna make it?

This pic kills the silverfags.

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I'm going to beat you to death with a hammer

Imagine owning an investment for 100 years, and it's value staying essentially the same.

Or losing value, if you account for inflation.

imagine your gov spending money to make these things, and millions more per year??

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>tfw unironically 1450 ounces of silver and 38 ounces of gold

you're gonna make it

what kind of crops will you grow on your plantation once the economic reset happens?

>1450 ounces
please buy a kilo and an ounce of silver

Are you retarded? I have 8 100z bars

I already grow currants, blueberry, raspberry, apple, pear, fig, citrus and olive(greenhouse), potatoes, corn and various herbs. Even got chickens and goats. I made it last bullrun and am straight/comfy/ these days. I bought the PMs for shits and giggles

post garden pics or gtfo

Silverchads rise up!

are you retarded? oh dont answer that, you only bought the 2d most impractical size you could find
>a kilo is 32.15 oz
>thats 33 ounces that you can add to your total dumbass

Split it between both, gold is steadier and boomer institutions flock to it first, silver operates different and it’s historically cheap in comparison. While silver was tanking last year gold kept up and now the reverse is the case.

>shiny boomer rocks

I almost fell for this con when silver was $27. My friend lost so much money kek. I
Price is going down still
You need at least an 8% gain before you even start making money

Lay the total dollar inflation on top of it. Bretton Woods happened in 1971 when the US wasn’t just a super power like France or the UK were it was a hyperpower (everyone could see the USSR was on the decline), they never even considered the Chinese or East Asians capable of anything besides rice fielding, considered everything outside of Europe and NA as Africa tier. They never envisioned that the dollar would stop been the worlds fiat currency.

The US Dollar is still the reserve currency of the world.

I agree with your point about inflation, though.

>The US Dollar is still the reserve currency of the world.
for now

It's all about playing the silver gold ratio my dude. Many people do it different, but my goal is 50:1, then you switch to gold, which gains like arnold

Yo my niqqa, holding 1 g in PSLV. Am I gonna make it?

Bought Impact Silver at 28 cents, sold at 47, invested the sale+ profits into GoGold (at 48 cents). Let's see how it goes

Now adjust this for inflation you ducking faggot

I have literally like 50 pounds of this shit. I bought it over 30/oz during the last meme run and let me tell you, this is the worst metal to invest in BY FAR. The best is gold. Buy gold. Don't fall for the fucking silver meme. I mean I'm happy if you retards drive the prices up so I can sell this shit but most of you are decent people so just fucking buy gold.

Just swing-trade precious metal stocks

140 oz of silver
3 oz of gold
Should I get another gold ounce or 60 ounces of silver?


true chads own both silver and UND

Depends, silver looks better short term, gold always long. By short term i mean a few years.

Should not adjust for inflation but for money groth instead. They more money there is relative to silver the higher its price should be. Right now most of this money flows into stocks and real estate etc.

Picture: Silver vs M1 money

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Dayum that kind of solid