Alright guys, I have £5000, what crypto do I buy, I wanna make it
Alright guys, I have £5000, what crypto do I buy, I wanna make it
Other urls found in this thread:
Harmony (ONE)
Also, I've been thinking about ChainLink unironically, shall I do it?
VIDT, lowcap has been stable in this crab market.
One could go 100x by eoy
The amount of FUD and price suppression going on is a clear sign that whales believe this is going to explode.
LINK is your safe bet. ONE is your moonshot.
£25000 with 50% risk or £150000 with 90% risk
How many steroids do I need to become a buff chad like this
ONE is a pajeet scam with a team of SJWs and mostly females. yeah I'd go with ONE
Stay poor
ONE is the new FUN
FUNchads report in!
CHZ if you really want to make it, and you're not stupid. Being from the UK I guess you know football is a big deal.
Easiest x50 in crypto:
ETH, LINK, RSR, in order of increasing risk
shill me on RSR
Whatever shitcoin you decide to buy, make sure you put at least half of your money in BTC. If you don't you will fucking regret it.
Wait hold on, why?
Bitcoin is king that’s why.
eth obviously