Is kratom worth it? I know it's basically a weak opiate and has addiction potential...

Is kratom worth it? I know it's basically a weak opiate and has addiction potential, but is there anything special about it versus poppy pod tea or similar?

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don't do rugs

I did kratom couple of years ago. first of all you have to find a good and potent kratom type. also it tastes terrible and is hard to swallow. the first two or three times I had very nice trips tho, but you build a tolerance extremly fast with it. imo its not worth it

Kratom is fuckin' amazing OP. I take it once or twice a week mostly recreationally. If I take it I'm in a good mood all damn day. Without that euphoria I might kill someone while I'm grocery shopping.

ill let you in on a secret.
Ive been using kratom every day for 5 years straight. I love it. its what keeps me going.

The best way to ingest this shit is by going to the local 711 or whatever - buy yourself one of those naked juice drinks - u know the $4.00 bottles (you're not poor, right user?)
anyways, get one of those - I used the green machine - it seems to work the best.
Get one of those and get a protein shaker. Fill the protein shaker about 1/8 full so like an inch of juice.
Add your kratom - shake it up - drink it. Then rinse it with some water or whatever and drink the remaining stuff that was stuck to the walls.

This is hands down the best way to boost your kratom. it tastes great and it works quick. You will never take it any other way once you do this.
Get some white banjo or some red maeng da. I love the reds whites and yellows.
good luck.
I do about 3grams 3 times a day.

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>wanting to alter your mental state
Lol just lol
>inb4 some DUDE WEED’er brings up caffeine, nicotine or alcohol
Yeah obviously that shit counts too faggots

All opiates, kratom included, plummet your testosterone.

Yeah its great if you want to fuck your liver beyond repair. Kratom causes liver toxicity.

came here to post his
>inb4 sauce

this is false.
Kratom does NOT cause liver toxiticy.
BAD KRATOM with HIGH LEVELS OF HEAVY METALS causes liver toxicity.
Most likely the shitty USA vendors are not good and clean.

you need to source your kratom directly from an Indonesian jungle farmer. I have 3 of them but I am sorry I can not let you know any more.
You can easily do enough research to find the clean and correct ones. But you have to talk to some indo dudes and trust your money with them for like a week.

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*Citation needed

kys degenerate junkie

So what's your T-levels like?

I like to mix with fruit juice, it’s way less thick than a naked drink. My favorite is a Nantucket nectar. I take 3 grams twice daily

Its a stimulant with opiate effects

i'd say my T levels dropped a little bit in the beginning but my body found equilibrium after a while. I fuck once a day every day. does that answer your question?

It's not worth it. I did it for a year straight. Eventually like opiates you become dependent and need it to feel "normal" and then get shitty fucking withdraws when you stop taking it. Also kills motivation.

I agree juice is good - but since kratom is hydrophobic you should try to find a juice that has a higher thickness so that the kratom can bind to it and not try to escape it. When you use the naked drinks it blends well with the powder.
Using orange juice and nantucket nectars keeps you getting the little globs of un-mixed krat and i hate that shit.
I like my stuff to be completely blended with no pockets of powder

The stimulant strains can help like a cup of coffee. But coffee doesn't taste as bad.
There are various ways to choke it down but ultimately you have to do too much of it to get any real good effects.
There used to be concentrated oils or something like 3x or 5x stronger, but that was where more of it starts being scams so I never tried them.

wow there's so many other kratom degens on here, guess I shouldnt be surprised. literally no better way to relax than a big spliff, a beer and a nice big scoop of red at the end of the day. hit some TV shows or the charts. the only issue is that it makes my short term memory pretty awful but I'm neeting anyways

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the taste is disgusting.

Can confirm. Every since I stopped I've fucked my wife a lot more. I was only having sex like once a week or so when I was taking it.

Concentrates never worked for me.

that's why you fuck before you take it and treat the kratii as a reward. ofc you're not going to be trying to fuck when you're laying on a cloud of warm blankets

I just mix it with the juice, shake it up, and let it sit for 10 minutes. The little balls of undissolved leaf go away pretty quick

this is exactly what i do

my BOI!

Tried kratom a few months ago and it did absolutely nothing for me. Don't waste your money.

It’s not good for me. Felt light headed and sick. Couldn’t even concentrate on my task properly. It’s like having way too much caffeine and Cbd in my opinion.

what's a scoop of red?

Friend of mine died due to a build up of kratom that lead to an overdose (not acute). Fine for rare occasions, but regular use is pretty dangerous. It's also pretty unregulated so you also might not be getting 100% good stuff

red strain, different colors have different properties. yellow/green are better for energy, red is better for sleep or an opiate relaxed feeling
sounds like he mixed it with other bullshit or it was tainted from the distributor

Drugs will ruin your life
Not worth it, user

I was a Kratom fag for a few months. It's really not too bad. You should try it out if you ever have the time. Make sure you buy it bulk from a great supplier.

I take kratom almost everyday and I notice it even at a very small dose. According to the internet, 3 grams in a threshold dose but that would actually be a high dose for me and I've been taking it for years. But I have an interesting personality type, I was on oxycodone for 3 years but I never increased my dose. I took 5-10mg a day and after a while decreased it to 2.5-5mg. Most people that were taking oxys for that long would have increased it a shitload and started calling off work and stuff like that. If you have a chronic opiate problem, then kratom will still help but you will need to take a lot of the red kind. If you don't have a problem and just want a nice safe buzz, then kratom will probably work too. I'll take 1 gram at work and redose by a half gram at a time every 2 hours or so. It's enough to get me motivated.