Ok I’m convinced. SENT is the next LINK

I have seen this play out on Jow Forums way too many times. Project comes out of nowhere and does a 20x in the coming months. I’m not missing this one. Helps that it actually has good tech fundamentals and thousands of real dVPN sessions on the network everyday. Stats show sessions doubling every month.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i agree 100% the amount of heavy shilling in the last days has been huge, there is probably a professional team of pumpers behind this

Where do I buy

Fuck off nigger people like you dont deserve a sent bag.
You will buy much higher and i will be the one selling to you i promess

I bought after reading through this thread last night at 15 sats


Most of the tech is a bit over my head, but tried the free dVPN on windows and android and it worked perfectly.

Already up 25%. I hope it pulls back a bit so I can top off my bag

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I'm buying because the shills at least have been high quality. It's not like they've been spamming useless memes like VidT or LINK.

I'll buy today, so please sell now

Professional shlls are the same as professional scammers. Memes never lie.

sentinel main net staking is what im hyped for you will be able to stake your sents and earn anywhere from 7-20% yearly interest so if you stake 500$ you have FREE vpn for life from interest and if you suddenfdly don't need it anymore you can unstake dump the tokens and you won't have payed one single penny (not counting obviously price appreciation ) sent will very easily x10 from here so those 500 will become 5k$

Im frontrunning you nigger, look there is no sellers left

If I disregard price it's just a good idea and they have the tech ready, there is no reason for this not to succeed

price is low on purpose so normies will fomo when it gets on better exchanges


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Sentinel here sir i have one million SENTs will i make it sir ?

is SENT a right wing coin?

What gives the token value? Why can't it just run on ETH?

dude you are fucking SENT rich you will be one of the lucky few

>$13,000 USD volume
>Basically sitting at all time low on a perpetual downtrend even after this "pump"

What are you kids trying to do? You don't even have the resources to make any actual money off of pumping this.

whats more libertarian then a coin that tries to create a global market for bandwidth so that capitalists can benefit from unallocated resources ?

sentinel is currently running on eth and on its own chain, SENT team decided to switch away from ethereum cause infura was a huge bottleneck and it could not keep up with bandwidth payements speed thats a baisc requiremment from a per byte payement protocol.
also eth creates huge friction by forcing end users to use 2 or coins, while one sentinel chain you don't need to learn how to use eth gas and you will be able to pay fees in any coin

Link is the next link.

sentinel hhas 10k daily users a solid usecase and a clear plan to grow and scale , also it will offer multiple services not only dvpn but also dchat private nets and interblockchain mixing

lel what do you think happens to the price when real volume comes in? This coin will take off. Seeing it mentioned everywhere. Go ahead and sit this one out and cry later when you are fomoing in at 60 sats

Also, anybody know who this is???? I have seen it posted in SENT threads before but can’t read the @tag in the top right corner

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Link is in a correction trend - pull some profits and compound it more ffs

Im getting more sent as we speak user


seriously, where do i buy this shitcoin?

hitbtc and idex user, there is very little supply being sold right now tho

Why? There's 2 billion of them supposedly

cause no one is selling, if you check on etherscan the biggest addresses are actually accumulating

It does me good knowing that this board is autistic enough to discover gems like that.
Thanks, user.

"Next link"
Link hasn't even happened yet.

Look at this fucking order book. Deep buy walls and dried up sell side. This is what a pump waiting to happen looks looks like.

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Ok biz im buying this, i dont wanna miss out on the next link im still mad about missing link cause it was too heavily shilled

I will sit this one out, thanks. It has had 1.5 years to "take off" and has only shit the bed. Probably out of runway and using their last few dollars to pay some shills, which is why it's mentioned "everywhere" (I've only ever seen it on biz so you guys are doing shit jobs since I work in blockchain and am constantly reading legit sites).

Good luck! And by that I mean... sucks to be you!

How much $$$ should I put into this? thinking of dumping 100 bucks but it doesn't seem that people are selling

Link did what.... 15-20x in a couple months?? You are a degenerate if you don’t secure some profits.

no problem dude, join the official tg sometime there is nice convos there on privacy, also they will announce the token swap there when time will come
it was mentioned on coindesk and on binance research also team has been the biggest contributor in cosmos bug bountys and cosmos team has delegated 500k atoms to sent validator.
all biggest cosmos validators are also validating sentinel testnet

Attached: validators.jpg (826x1280, 98K)

Yeah but it's still worth hardly anything and hasn't been implemented.

yeah this shit is just waiting to rocket up
it has finished the daily 9 sequence on the td sequential it means bear trend is over

Attached: ta2.jpg (839x863, 64K)

No next LINK is LINK you fucking pajeet

Look at this shit. Only 1.4 BTC is needed to move the price 2.5x

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imagine missing the next x2 x10 x50 just cause you are too stubborn to accept that other coins exist other then link

Hey, guys.

I use Coinbase Pro to make trades. Made a good return so far on Link and BTC.

Where can I buy these obscure coins from?

yeah sent shilling is relentless
dude its up to you research the project evaluate the token metrics and then decide
yeah people don't get how orderbooks and ta work sentinel trajectory is only upwards

You must suck at your job and are not reading any legit sites. It was mentioned on Coundesk, Binance research, Cosmos/Tendernint have been promoting it, CZ himself was talking to SENT team on Twitter. How may breadcrumbs do you need?

I dunno...looks kind of dead.

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you can buy from idex and hitbtc it isn't too different from coinbase
use hitbtc is you are more used to centralized exchanges

sorry dude just real new to crypto, all I have is stacked in binance while swing trading link. I found it easier to find news regarding stuff like this in traditional media outlets and a few other websites, on crypto tho I just can't seem to trust anything I read.

Wow only 4.44 BTC to do a 5x from here

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>next LINK

the project is very small and has a low mcap, and there is low awareness about this project between retail traders,





there is some articles around if you know how to search that mention sentinel

Awe did someone not pull profits after LINK doing 20x and now is a little salty?

i member people fudded LINK hard too in the beginning

Attached: photo_2019-07-22_21-54-29.jpg (603x598, 65K)

thanks dude, will check it out

Thank you for another thread to filter

Check out Sentinel’s Medium blog. How did I miss this. So many good updates and posts.


don't miss out on the rocket user

Why can't I just use TOR and VPN like I always have.


decentralized VPNs offer you a safer layer 1 option to enter into tor in fact sentinel has been working on a exit node that funnels the data directly into tor.
if you wanna be even more safe you can use the relay net on top thus bouncng your traffic through multiple nodes before entering into tor.
but the easiest answer is cause sentinel will be cheaper then any other centralized VPN offering also greater safety.
you will also be able to sell your own bandwidth (while being completely safe and acting only as a relay node) thus making your vpn cost 0$
"leave node on during the night, browse for free with complete privacy during the day"

BRAP is the next link

brap is a useless token, come back when brap will be used by 10k people each day like sentinel

Attached: losnjwenel.png (1838x866, 211K)

cz and mcafee gonna shill it to a new galaxy. im in it before fomo starting.

Indeed. These shills are professional

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5 threads on sent right now fuck this im buying i dont care if they are payed shills or not i just wanna make money

post pic of arm color and timestamp and I'll buy $1000 worth rn

Can you store this on MEW?

>Image is vertical instead of horizontal
Your opinion is completely irrelevant.

Attached: here-is-some-white-skin.jpg (559x770, 34K)

Proud sent shill

Attached: IMG_20190726_023709_897.jpg (739x1005, 82K)

This was for you user

guys this is once again another scam by discord trannies

now post proof of your buy faggot, follow through

Wtf guys this is for real. Look at IDEX trade history. The FOMO is real

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why do they push their shitcoins on here of all places?

the long term chart looks good because it's only gone down since it's inception. so it is probably ready to rise at any time now.

Attached: 1.png (1171x506, 27K)

sentinel is the perfect coin for Jow Forums, it actually cares about privacy and freedom, its not like lINK faggots that only wanna get rich by integrating with pre existing financial system

and if you look at the 1 month chart the volume is steadily rising meaning interest in the coin is getting higher which may mean it is either going to go up or go down, or continue sideways. which may/may not be a good thing.

Attached: 2.png (1181x506, 33K)

is this how zoomers take photos?

charts and orderbooks speak the truth

I'm debating putting 3,000 into crypto
do I go for this or RSR?

buying a bag of SENT once I receive wagecuck check

get some of both, keep in mind tho that sent is lower mcap so higher possible upside
also if you wanna be safe get at least 30% btc
30% sent 30% rsr 30% btc

1k in each seems safer
although no matter how much RSR or SENT moon I don't think 1k is enough to "make it" but better than losing money I suppose

during last cycle i did x100 on my initial bag user with the right coins you can do it, that would put you at 300k, build your network and have at all times at least 30% btc you won't regret it

So you're saying that a 1000x isn't enough to make it.

do you think BTC will hit 1m+ in 5-10 years?

with 1k in that's only 1m - not enough to make it given the rate of inflation
unless both coins do 1000x (not really possible imo) in which case it might be a little more doable, possibly.

yeah BTC will hit 1m$ by 2030-35

what you mean given the rate of inflation ?

all fiat value goes down continually each year
1m dollars today is going to be significantly less than 1m dollars in 10 years. The strategy is to get a large amount of capital and invest into index funds/high-interest savings and live off of the interest as much as possible not touching the principle (and of course try to hold 100-200 BTC if possible)
that is the only surefire way, imo, to make it guaranteed

ah yeah i tought you were talking about the token, yeah inflation is hidden taxation, soon negative rates will come thus fucking completely up everything

Can you store this on my ether wallet?

yeah any crypto wallet that can handle erc 20s will do

How to buy nigs

Wtf. Why do I keep ignoring biz memes and keep missing out?? I should know better by now.

All hail the new chosen one

Damn I had SENT on my watch list but now I regret not picking some up sooner. I didn’t think it would get attention until after the mainnet was released.

if you bought this coin there is no way you could have profited from it considering the super low liquidity and the fact that buyers as asking for pre-pump levels at max in eth value

The order spread suggests this is a poorly executed PnD. Better to be smart.