>Big Dick Energy
How do I exude it in a job interview?
Big Dick Energy
if you have to ask, you don't have it
With tight pants but you're out of shape and have a tiny peen
Act like a bully. Tell the interviewer she's ugly as fuck, give her a nickname and talk about her appearance in a demeaning way. It works, just do it, bro.
Cum on your hands before the interview so they'll smell it when you get nervous
Snort some coke in the bathroom just before the interview starts.
Omega as fuck
>Pump for 10 minutes
>Jelq x 200
>Pump for 5 minutes
> Hang at 2 lbs for 1 hour
> Repeat every other day for 3 months
>Bigger dick
>Big dick energy
Douse yourself in the sweat of high testosterone men.
Have the upper hand. Always keep your hands higher then theirs.
Act as though you're interviewing as a prank. Pretend like you're Bill Gates interviewing as a cook for McDonalds because you're bored.
I made it in crypto and do this for fun obv
this desu, tho i dont advocate doin coke
This is how you don't get hired these days. Interviewer is likely going to be a Feminists or Soiboi. They will not hire you if you exude any masculinity whatsoever UNLESS you are also really good looking.
Well OP didn't ask how to get hired, or how to succeed in an interview, they asked how to exude BDE. But you're exactly right.
OP if you want to get hired, you have to be likable. Unless you're being interviewed by a Big Dick Bro who is looking for his soulmate, you're not going to be liked by giving off BDE. Instead, listen and figure out very quickly what they're looking for in a candidate, then make it clear that you've got it. It's about playing the game. When they leave the room to go talk to their boss about how the interview went, you want them to say "this guy gets us, he's exactly what we were looking for."
Your goal is to make them feel comfortable with you. Like you already fit in even before you're on the team. That's about being likable.
Put a pair of socks inside your underwear so they think you have a huge dick. When you have to shake hands, show you have a strong grip. Put some olive oil on your hair to show you're a masculine man with a great scalp. Avoid showering for three days before the interview so they can smell your manly pheromones.
Unironically nofap. I got my six figure job that I'm totally unqualified for by blueballing it for a week before my interview. I showed up 30 minutes late to the interview, but I was so charismatic they hired me anyway. And I say that as someone who is normally a total autist.
this unironically
>interviewing for job
>don't answer the managers dumb canned questions, just talk about whatever I want instead
>start grilling her about the company and make her to convince me its a good place to work
>make her give me a tour of the office
got hired later that day
unironically get an XL packer (soft silicone cock) like trannies use. There actually are hollow ones you can stuff your own dick in. It's not as good as a real big dick but just swaggering around with all that extra weight in your pants feels amazing, even if it's fake. And nobody else can tell the difference short of grabbing you by the crotch.
Sales job? Because that's how is sales guys roll
Act like you've got 20 other offers waiting for you and you're doing this interview for that additional offer. Also know your shit, that'll support that fake BDE.