Why trade shitcoins when you can trade btc or eth on leverage and get the same profits but with better liquidity...

why trade shitcoins when you can trade btc or eth on leverage and get the same profits but with better liquidity? Am I the brainlet or is Jow Forums the brainlet here?

I understand you buying atls if you 'believe' in the tech or some gay shit like that. But if you're just looking to speculate and make some profit, why bother with shitcoins?

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shitcoins are more predictable, you can trade them based on news events. BTC and ETH just move wherever the tether gods will it and no longer respond to news events

Low caps will give you much higher ROI if you can spot them before they pump. Look at LINK, REN, and most recently SENT. Will BTC or ETH give you 50% gains in a single day?? Why not do both?

Exactly. My most profitable trades have always been following breakouts. Did it for BTC and ETH along with a few shitcoins to stack more BTC

how can shitcoins be more predictable when any pajeet off the street can become a whale and fuck with the price?

> Will BTC or ETH give you 50% gains in a single day
50% gains in a single day? How often does that happen with shitcoins? You have to spot the next big thing, get lucky the developers don't exit scam, and then wait for it to pump and hope there's enough volume to get out with a decent profit. You're definitely not doing that every day. Maybe not even every month. Trading btc with a little bit of leverage. 50% profit a couple of times a week, in my opinion, is more likely than buying some unknown shitcoin and praying it will moon.

Because they came into crypto in 2017. They think alts will moon more like when stupid money floods in. They're the stupid money that will fomo into BTC at 200-400k. You have to get burned a few times before you realize why low volume alts don't play the same. I only allow $50-100 buy for my alt of the week.
>you can trade them based on news events
generally true
LINK has outperformed BTC? Those are 3 coins out of thousands

i honestly dont know how to do tax for leverage. So rather giving myself headache. I trade 100s of shitcoins.

find an accountant that specializes in crypto.

Dude I saw bitcoin go to $9200 this month then bam green dildo all the way to 10k in one hour
shorting this market is gambling

>oh no arthur deleted my stoploss after pressing the cancel user stoploss button before a big move
that's why

Low caps are the only way to make it. I made 10k off $500 bucks a month ago and I put that into another lowcap that has a extremely low supply (5 mil) so my ROi will be exponential when it moons. Just follow projects that are geuinily being developed and has guaranteed future attention when it matures. The waiting game is worth it.

>shitcoins are more predictable
They just follow btc 95% of the time

what coin did a 20x?

Hey user I believe you and agree with your opinion. I've heard about whale trading with the major companies and am wondering if the analysis is at all similar with BTC.

Is there someone you can direct me to study to recognize patterns with BTC for the kinds of returns you're making weekly?

what returns did I say I was making? I just proposed that you'd be more likely to find steady returns trading btc on leverage rather than buying lowcap shitcoins.

Prolly UUU

I put $500 into BOMB and cashed out half for $6k
BOMB did a 20x for me, SHOCK will do it next if they can finish their fucking drop

u r fucking retarded

i did a 11x in quant
2x in lit
3x in fantom
6x in xbase

OP is dumb as fuck

>he hasn't gotten liquidated yet

no, I haven't been liquidated. 10x leverage means the price has to move around 10% against me to hit the liquidation price. I have a stop loss set way before that.

desu all the moves on bitcoin after the tether printer stopped has been predictable

>he hasn't gotten stop hunted yet

I been asking myself the same thing, and thats why I think shitcoins will be death long term.

Alts are unironically better for low-stress, long-term holds. You just have to know how to pick em

You'd have to be dense to believe this. Alts crash every time BTC does plus every time that individual coin crashes. Alts are twice as risky, at best. What happens if sergey wakes up sells all his linkies because he gives up? Nothing but riches for sergey and crew and LINK crashes. Satoshi sells his BTC and I bet money LINK crashes too, alts always do.

Knowing how to pick them is key but recognizing the ico market is stale gives you an idea of how many can moon.

This isnt 2017 again, we're still 2 years away from that

Why do you all hate crypto so much? For you, any application beyond speculation is meaningless. You want the market to collapse into irrelevancy.

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Can someone explain, or post links to informative guides, trading btc or eth with leverage?

They'll dump LINK when it's actually working. They rather dream of moon with coins that pay market makers to fake volume but when the market maker leaves, the team dumps. Most teams pump and dump their own crypto to make more of it back. You can catch a nice gain if you get in early but you'll get smashed by whales more times with out tight limits

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Like I said, you have to be patient and know how to pick em. Playing with margin isn't everyone's cup of tea

this margin gives me a heart attack. Learn my lession from trading options

Why "trade" at all when holding UND is the patrician's choice?