Its insider whale user again

Anons here's the thing. We're unfortunately not bottoming out at ~$9600 right now. Instead we are going down to $8500 before the real bull market begins. You have 48 hours.

Also: Monday's pump gonna be the most insane in crypto history


"INSIDER WHALE user AGAIN" SIGNATURE: KP2U01j3VxNoDInePVTeN9xFjegMySK2hSvZdV5vJLfGh/FGrtJi/idx98nyU+TfeomYWzbTR+mQ+sDgNVtQXg==

Attached: 1563934567206.png (550x400, 13K)


Why didn't it go to 11k
you liar

real bull market?

kek kys

I still don't get why he doesn't use a tripcode

>he doesn't know it's different anons posting a bunch of random letters and numbers

1. Isnt that the exact same key and signature as the previous post?
2. Of all the faggots to larp as, why larp as this faggot larper?

youre the real one? what do you mean with bullmarket?

we will go down first, said this the whole time

it will be triggered by GOs and totally insane. 100k EOY is a realistic target

nobody believes your shitty larp kys

Attached: Screenshot_20190723-202625-01.jpg (1080x2097, 601K)

What is this stupid bullshit, do these retards not know what trips are?

>whale user

Literally the q of/biz/ stop falling for this shit

Attached: AS3F8ENO5.webm (640x864, 823K)


then why is the whale brown?


Alt season

thats what i thought too

lick my nuts, tired of you larpers

Why do the whales look like thier either going to cry or burst out laughing?

Attached: 1563334119083.png (315x315, 157K)

>we will go down first, said this the whole time
that's a negative dog

Attached: 1562647927339.jpg (1125x1044, 645K)


sign message with your bitcoin wallet you absolute fucking mongoloid