I've had a theory for a while as to why LINK is being sold OTC to Binance and this week I believe there's been more evidence pointing to my theory being correct.
It hasn't been mentioned anywhere yet and I'm convinced this is what's happening and what's to come.
I haven't set up my positions just yet based on this theory but will aim to tonight (busy all day).
If this thread is kept alive by then I'll share.
>this is just a theory, but when I dump the insight it's hard to argue
Who'd like to hear a theory about LINK moving to Binance?
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought we all knew this already?
Didn't read not selling. Link 1k EOY
Sergey subscribed to a bigmac delivery service. Next wave of sold LINK will indicate that he ran out again.
okay so let me get this straight.
chainlink uses neetnodes to ensure the data is valid?
do the neets vote on whether the data is valid?
if so what makes people think neetnode operators know any better on whether the data is valid or not.
>outsider here
Spill it b
Go ahead faggot
not selling
nice try (((jew)))
>this theory but will aim to tonight (busy all day).
>If this thread is kept alive by then I'll share.
They don't want to be accused of insider trading, that's why they are selling all they can -responsibly talking- before the Truffle con and the Web3 summit and THE announcement is made.
Do you want to believe...?
Kek, I'm kidding, fuck riddle user
have a bump
You better hurry up faggot I don't have enough shitpost material to keep this bumped all day
Probably just another larp. But you got me OP, I’ll bite. Here’s your bump.
just another sentiment thread
answering anything other than bananas, lots and lots of bananas is apples
Me neither
I have patience
They are acquiring openlaw
t. insider
will be announced soon
My theory is that Sergey sleeps with older men like Tom Gonser and York E Rhodes in order to secure high level partnerships for Chainlink. We should all be thankful it’s not our ass on the line and that Sergey is willing to take one or a few (in the butt) for the team.
WTF that really makes sense!
Turns out that the insiders were actually inside SERGEY!!
So he's like Griffith?
Binannce actually acts as middleman for OTC too.
It's obvious LINK is not being market dumped so it's obviously being OTCed, the only question is if Binance is buying or distributing.
I feel the second is more likely.
Read the white paper at least brainlet
The only valid theory is they made a product with 0 users that has a $2-4bil valuation, so they are cashing out hundreds of millions because they know the market is completely irrational. See you at 0.2
My theory has nothing to do with openlaw
Going to try and get to a laptop within the hour and see if I can assume my position beforehand, if I'm right I don't want things to pump before I've got the chance
You think chainlink is gonna pump because of some posts you make on a baltinese horsebreeding forum?
Chainlink but there is no chained links, looks like a scam, big yikes from me.
You have to believe
I believe in chainlink fren don't worry, but I don't believe in obvious larping faggoys
LARP frens are frens too. We are all in this together
Its going to be a pregnant muslim Sergey theory
Okay in that case the pump would be understandable
Bamp it
larp #89483 for the week
OP here, my theory:
Transfer of LINK started 23 days ago, so the start of this month and about 2 weeks after this announcement
Binance is in the business of shovels for this cryptocurrency gold rush, they want people trading on their platform and they want their slice. Realising CEXs will be a thing of the past, and happening very soon for their largest demographic (US citizens) they are investing into Binance DEX to stay relevant. They have to and don't have a choice.
Binance DEX runs on Binance chain, and is therefore limited to Binance chain tokens which is a tiny market, so to have any success at all they need to access the ERC-20 market (the market responsible for Binance's success in the first place)
Then this happened
This is Binance's gateway into the ERC-20 market for their DEX and their slice of the pie. But the liquidity in the LINK reserves on Kyber at the moment couldn't sustain Binance volume and Binance knows this, so they're going to become the market maker by running a LINK reserve on Kyber. They not only maintain their current US customers using their platform, they also make money by supplying the LINK reserve on the Kyber protocol, both for their DEX and all other DeFi products.
My theory: Binance is buying LINK OTC to open a reserve on Kyber because they need more liquidity than what's currently there for their DEX.
Based and liquiditypoolpilled
Confirming that's me from different machine
user-kun, binance.us will list Link though.
what does this mean for me though? when am I gonna be rich from link?
>Binance is buying LINK OTC to open a reserve on Kyber because they need more liquidity than what's currently there for their DEX.
Binance already have 100mil. LINKs in their wallets. Its 30% of circullating supply. Do you really think they need more ? Do you really think Sergey is selling to them to centralize the circullating supply more ?
Spill the beans.
You need to post proof from the same machine you used for the OP.
Can confirm it's me, back to mobile network, not sure if it'll give me back the same IP though
Binance don't own those LINK, they've been deposited by their users and owned by their users, with Kyber users never deposit any ERC-20, only token swap, therefore Binance has to acquire their own LINK for their reserve, and the only way they can acquire it is from devs OTC without pumping price ridiculously
>lol no chill
They are already partners. Not sure what you’re trying to prove with that tweet
Poster I was replying to was implying they weren’t
Poster you were replying to was implying CL is not acquiring openlaw which they are not
sounds reasonable
I really like this theory OP, it makes me really optimistic. When do you think they’ll stop? They already have like 10m LINK don’t they? And what position did you build knowing this?
This is an interesting theory. It reminds me of the time Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing though. Pretty spooky.
I've bought a stack of KNC, it's price has plummeted, been watching it for a while and adoption and developments are progressing fast.
It took almost a year to burn 1m KNC, and 760k has been burned in under 2 months because a lot of DeFi products are integrating and using them for liquidity and burning KNC at a faster rate. The only way for the rate to slow down is for the price to increase.
Not to mention they've recently introduced limit orders which incentivises traders to hold KNC, similar to BNB, to get discounts on limit trades.
Sorry if it sounds like a shill, just dumping knowledge I've gathered the last couple of months
jesus christ...
Not a shill - I really appreciate your autistic tendencies and will build a small position myself.
>So they're going to become the market maker by running a LINK reserve on Kyber. They not only maintain their current US customers using their platform, they also make money by supplying the LINK reserve on the Kyber protocol, both for their DEX and all other DeFi products.
But why only LINK ? They should do it with every shitcoin they have listed then. Please elaborate what does it mean and why LINK
Who says they're not doing it with other coins? It's just that autists are watching LINK closely.
They also only need to create markets for the tokens coinbase has to limit US customers switching to their service.
Highest volume ERC-20 token on coinbase is LINK, it makes sense that they'd offer a market for it as soon as they can.
5D level shilling, just bought 100k
Highest volume... because the devs market sell 700k every two days.
They're sending tokens to Binance, not Coinbase
They're geo blocking the dex though.
what does this mean for coinbase?
this is what I wanna know too
means we gonna have the Great War of the LINK, between Binancia and Coinbasijan fighting for our stakies but little did they know that the dark horse knights from Castle Linkpoolia secretly tore their assholes apart and have already won the war before the battle has even begun
Based and SunTzupilled
Let's say a LP share allows staking of a max of 10 link...what if a user has more than 10k and whats to stake the rest of his stack? Does he have to buy more LP shares?
You don't need lp shares to stake linkies there
Linkpool is shit and a terrible investment when you can invest in the underlying protocol to appreciate.
I'm sorry but I have zero tolerance for Linkpool delusion
>can invest in the underlying protocol to appreciate
Are you referring to link tokens? I already have 85k. I would like to stake with coinbase but I don't think they will go through with the trouble of maintaining nodes and making APi calls etc...staking chainlink is very different from staking something like tezos
Are link tokens staked with LP shares still subject to the steep 25% fee?
Major corporations are setting up their nodes and have forced Sergey to sell them LINK in bulk.
Sergey is using the money to buy equipment for a Chainlink node farm.
The major announcements will begin dropping around late Q3 thru Q4.
LINK will be conservatively worth $25 by the end of this year.
Cap this.
What makes you absolute faggots think that 25% is highway robbery? How many of you are in touch with API providers and have the technical expertise to run enterprise-grade servers to provide oracle services to the corporate clients you are expecting the CL protocol to use at all?
This is like if oil prospectors found out that there was an oil reservoir under your property, and offered to monetize it for you in exchange for 25% of the revenue. In response you're like "gee, I dunno guys... I feel like I could probably found and operate my own oil company for a lot cheaper...."
25% is is objectively steep no matter how you look at it, even 10% is steep albeit more reasonable especially for emerging tech like chainlink.
Fuck off you two post faggot
Do you anons think staking link will give an ROI of at least 5%?
It has to give atleast 3% because if it was any lower no one would stake.
And cz has been low key shilling vpns on twitter for two months
will my neet node ever be approved ?
if you're end up using a vpn anyway, when why go through dex, you can still use binance as long as they don't "audit" you.
This thread has been blessed
Good bread
I blessed it with my cum
Only if you promise to get rid of every inch of rope in your house beforehand.
That’s really disgusting.
Kekek welcome to our zoo plebbitor, we cum on people like you for duty, not pleasure
For anyone interested in following up, or keeping an eye, on this theory
Not Chinkance, not jewbas or LINKCONNNNECT will get my Stinkies.
t. undisclosed amount
no. Chainlink doesn't ensure data is valid. it only ensures that the data from the API is the same data that's coming on-chain. there are aggregate functions that the requestor uses to determine if a node is sending false data or not. it could be average, it could be mean, it could be with some standard of deviation, it could be any aggregate function they choose. the node knows what the aggregator function is when they get the request.