Guaranteed 100x in a few years
Why aren't you all in yet?
Why would this rise in value?
delet this
Guaranteed 100x more withepapers.
It's not for you if you can't grock the game theory of it. You should probably just copy the tangle and roll your own like that ceap iota guy.
CFB is based
Because I'm in FTM instead
Based retard
next they'll come up with a system to fix the mana and coordicide system. they'll call it coordicidecide, and it will combine the mana with an amber and lifepoints reputation system
lol its dead already. I was early adopter, brought at ico and got 10x, selld at 4,7$
No, I want you to go over it yourself. You'll realize that this is a piece of shit. You got scammed by Cuckstebo and that slimy italian kid.
CFB scammed his way with NXT coin dumping next gen tech on bagholders until they gave up. Same thing is happening with IOTA. The dumping is relentless. I am not sure how you the let same founders like CFB, Dan Larimer, etc scam you with one coin after another.
Pajeet identified
Sounds like these 4chaners know more than the Jaguar's engineering team, Volkswagen, MOBI, Fujitsu, OMG, etc. You guys are arrogant and ignorant.
If there's any single crypto with the scope and tech to potentially disrupt the entire space, this is it. IOTA is my largest crypto investment, and I expect it to have a trillion dollar mc one day. Feeless, instant, infinitely scalable, smart contracts, oracles, rapidly becoming the standard for IOT DLT, huge brilliant team, and a list of partners that just keeps getting larger and more impressive. The price is being artificially suppressed. Look at the price of IOTA and compare it to the price of XRP over the last year. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but just do it. See anything strange?
Jesus christ you just ate up all of their shit, didn't you?
>Yeah, I know it sounds stupid
At least, you admit it.
I like IOTA but I had to kek here
Nolifer identifyed
>all in on IOTA
>not all in on ITC
stay poor Jow Forums
no such thing as free lunch sirs
>no such thing as free lunch sirs
The feeless attribute of IOTA is what makes it truly revolutionary and will enable people (and machines) to use it with minimal friction. And when it comes to IOTA's feelessness, there is absolutely such thing as a free lunch. If you can't handle validating two tips required to send a transaction on the tangle (e.g. if you are a sensor with very limited computation capacity), you can outsource this.
ceo suing critics and researchers a little bit more and he will surpass csw
Iota is a huge gamble. It might be one day the backbone of iot or worth shit. The founders are a letdown at this point, and if it would he mostly them developing the protocol, I'd be out by now. But there is +100 capable people building on this and the problem they are trying to solve is real and big. That's why I put my eggs into their basket. Solving a real problem. That's also why bought link at .10$.