are we going to be rich?
there's no way this thing doesn't 20x

Attached: fren.jpg (942x1200, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no fruits, not even a peach

i bought 200k feel comfy

>be me
>saw sent being shilled a week ago
>dont buy
>sent shilled day after day, keeps pumping slowly
>buy in
>be today
>be bday
>sent massive pump
>thx anons

Attached: bday.jpg (224x225, 10K)

user I got a Home line of equity extension on the home. Buying this BTC bottom, and got suicide stack of SENT. feeling good

Attached: pepe3.jpg (236x222, 12K)

sir, target?

Stop making this fucking SENT shill threads over and over again
You already have threads

i wanna murder the absolute cunts spamming this shitcoin holy fuck

Someone’s not understanding fundamentals.
I bet you sold all your linkies too, faggit

>Buying this BTC bottom
These are the retards falling for SENT shilling

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Nothing to loose user. Must be nice to be spoiled and have everything to loose.

user we already rich (:

Attached: pepealassad.jpg (400x560, 236K)

I don't deny the fundamentals
You are probably using Sentinel VPN right to samefag and shill your shit
However the token is completely useless considering you can just pay in other currencies

Ill see you on the moon angry user.

Only happy people allowed on the moon party. Not angry nazi bois

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>no drinking

fuck right the fuck off OP

Dont be so jelly user. One sent will be equal to 200 TB of data. Do the math on the node incentives. See you on the moon sexy man

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The more angry you get, the better my Home line of equity will be on my SENT bags.

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theres still time to buy user, you know you want it

this will be a top volume coin on IDEX this weekend. I've seen it so many damn times. those still sitting on the fence better commit.

Perfect timing for the weekend. Anons will have free time to research the fundamentals as they watch the price going higher and higher. Slowly FOMO will kick in and they will be forced to buy at 50 sats.

Someone doesn’t understand the viral network effect. It’s not stopping anytime soon. If you like being poor, just filter SENT in the catalog and move on. But I see you in every SENT thread posting the same comment over and over as if you want price to fall so you can get in lol

The Sentinel mimetic was put inside you when you were just a meme lad dreaming of being a guardian of the meek

Attached: sent52.png (512x512, 450K)

Dam boys, I am enjoying this micro cap. It is not even a penny yet. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a moon pop? OHH, and for all the Fudsters out there. You can lick me sour, I am spreading my cheeks all night.

Attached: lickmesour.png (520x563, 173K)

Sent token Is probably going to be very valuable cause It Will get a diversified portfolio of fresh from people using the services
Also 66% of the supply Will be Locked and getting yearly interest of 7-20% which Will drive services consumption even more It Will be a positive feedback loop



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Attached: IMG_20190726_165610_291.jpg (712x723, 71K)

Sentinels making d day landing

Just got done doing power lifts like uncle nissam taleb says.

Come out of gym, sentinels are enjoying a nice pump.

Life is good.

Attached: images(56).jpg (226x223, 8K)

Chainlink isnt a black swan. Coporate coin, large ico.

Sentinel is a black swan, 1.5 mc. Grass roots, serving tens of thousands already in need of a vpn. Cosmos mafia backs it. Comon linky boy, that was good x4. Now we rejoice in the orginal value of cypto.

Attached: nassim-taleb-jan13.jpg (400x300, 15K)

Sentinel is anti fragile, nodes propigate in correlation to toltalitrain governments and regimes. The more angry the gov't regimes are, the stronger sentinels get.

All sentinels will be poor you faggot pajeets.

Chainlink % gain vs sent

Hehehe. Math is fun.

Attached: IMG_20190726_174030_102.jpg (970x980, 137K)

LINK was nice profit, but you would be retarded to sit and wait with dead money waiting for it to pump again. Protect your profits and move on to a coin with more upside.

what could be more solid than a coin with solid tech, users and thats about to launch on mainnet at 5 million market cap?

cope harder

top kek all the gains are gone. And another generation of bagholders was born

Community generation events. Been in bitcoins since 2011. Welcome user (:

Yep this is easy x10 lol. Tiny market cap. All of cosmos community knows about it to.

10x? its going whole 20x just this year and its still going to be underpriced

I missed out on Cosmos 42x. This is my next best chance to see something at least halfway close to that.

Cosmos is what paid my house off

Attached: cad.png (500x423, 82K)

Is 330k enough?

Please lord

freedom isnt free user

Every mans Suicide stack is correlated to every mans ambition and dreams user.

Attached: freedomsentjews.png (300x168, 26K)

Highest % gainer this year will he sent. (:

Duh, look at market cap. Now look at cosmos.

We are going to flat earth OP

hope you are ready

Attached: images(60).jpg (300x168, 9K)

Going to buy 50 horses with my sent gainz and ride the great plains like ghegis khan.

ive never seen a more obvious pump and dump scam

What's a good mars bag user. Like 400k? This is primed for like 250m market cap in next bull

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Do not be so jelly user. Cosmos is x65 already. I don't think Jow Forums is prepared for the eco system. Google employees larping as chain link devs have you guys confused hehe.

the coin literally dumped from 20 cents to .15 cents

It was never 20 cents, can you read charts.

In case anyone needs a quick and simple bitcoin QR code tool for sending and receiving check out:

Attached: bitcoinqrcodemaker_logo.png (200x114, 8K)

Sent is less than a penny annon. Better get in before it x8 all the way to 1.5 pennies and than x30 when binanace list it. (: good luck

short censorship regimes and just long sent. Make money while helping human rights. Good stuff

Attached: gsfdgsfg.png (1253x1600, 1.57M)

>never 20 cents
you're retarded right?

$0.026 ( 50m market cap ), that is two CENTS. Not twenty user. Maybe your a little tired tonight. (0.20) would be Twenty CENTS.

>New Testament quote
>don't drink alcohol
>Jesus drank and his first miracle was making a huge jug of water into wine
pretty good apart from that line.

alright. but it still dumped to hell

I thought jesus was a jew who betrayed the jews because he was tired of their magic tricks and wanted to bring love to all the bros.

You can buy when it is pumping I guess. I think its binary. Up or down user. Good luck and cheers, smoke a fat doink for me.

Attached: images(36).jpg (236x214, 8K)

so you're actually going to buy a coin that dumped like 80% and is just now pumping because it was shilled by pajeets on this board

Been scooping sent and cosmos since cosmos mainnet. Cosmos mainnet started the bull user. Keep up user

>sent is down -60%
>cosmos is down -38%
what is your point?

Dude you couldn't read a fucking chart. Get out of here. muhh 2 cents is 20 cents. Illiterate hoi polloi

We have a time travel everybody. Sell target is $0.20

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Are you brain dead user. $0.02 and 0.002 is a far spread. Two cents USD and twenty cents USD. Cosmos is x62 from ICO. Has well protected ranges, SENT appears to be up on the month, week, and day. Validtors from cosmos are witnessing sents network so it makes sense it is having a boost. Sent team has been doing cosmos bug bounties for over a year. Most of the market dumped 60 to 95% and fell well below ico. Entire cosmos eco system is up. Now stay pissed off.

Obama brought in 70,000 somlians into his district during his presidency.

Govts are turning it into regimes. Short regimes, long sent

What exchanges user?

Holy fuck I can smell fomo in the air on this one. I can't beleive this little shitcoin is >25 sats.

all the dVPN projects exit scammed. Total failures

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Sent fomo be like

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Welcome to alt season bois, jae jkwon has our back

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Jow Forums biz finally back. that chain link was nice, but dam we need more sauce. Sent making /biz great again

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You know what to do fella's.

Attached: IMAGE 2018-04-22 23:08:32.jpg (180x180, 7K)

Whem binanace

All chad coins are on binanace noobs.

LOL. 70000!

thank you wise frog

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We good senpai, just enjoy life as a sentinel

welcome user, enjoy the ride.

Attached: IMAGE 2019-07-13 07:48:41.jpg (1257x796, 129K)

Were just getting started bibi
Sentinels are making Jow Forums great again.

Attached: IMG_20190727_004452_082.jpg (502x484, 59K)

Keep posting frogs sirs they will fall for it!

Don't make me Fomo again user. Put that away. Lock it in a box

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Don't be so sour user. You can get into Sent before it is a cent, support freedom, validate the network.

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Except your pajeet has already been pumped artificially and you shills are looking for bag holders pls kys

Awee aweee user, just smile, I know, I am, 150% in a week.

what is the purpose of the token

What is a organic market? SENT offers such products.

Attached: organicbandwidth.jpg (434x514, 54K)

I can't believe this. I've been living the frenpill all along. This is insanely based.

Another reddit tard who hates lord kek and thinks its all bots. Muhh hugzz

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The constant poorly made shilling threads and poir english are a huge red flag.

Your going to get dumped on.

beta cucks don't know how to take risk. Understandable. While the Forbes family was making bet on clipper ships, your grandpa was working at the mill.

Chinese is the new english, ya white trash hamburger eater.

how do i buy SENT? i have their application installed

All the anger, incel tom just mad he is missing this pamp. Jae kwon delivers, bow down to the original vitalik.

Yep, I am reporting, 400k SENT over here. Am I gonna make it?

nvm found it on IDEX, trading in my LINK for it