You incels are clueless

women don't like men with money just because they want to spend it (some do) but rather because of the personality traits accumulating and managing wealth represent.

no woman is going to take your v card if you just spend your NEETbux on linkies and cash out while rotting away infront of the computer

Attached: 1556853967793.jpg (1440x725, 484K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying I want to be rich for sex


Now shove that redpill up your ass and fuck off

Attached: E44B53D1-A077-4AB4-AC36-86D66D239260.jpg (512x420, 34K)

incels should be gassed

based AND redpilled

The projection of incel faggots like OP on this forum is unbearable

>people care more about status than a number in your bank account

Is this news?

pic obviously rel8

Attached: xgesvvvk0hc31.jpg (1242x1540, 215K)

This... I give zero fucks about used up pussy and at my age it hasnt been close to fresh in 20yrs so nah im good. I want the money so I have the freedom to come and go as I please in life. to buy a car to fix from 1924 just cuz I think it looks neato or I wanna be the only one daily driving it or cuz I want to buy a tiny cabin town house and live rich AF and comfy and being ignored to pursue things I enjoy and investments for.
but pussy.... so far down in priority I purposely let it pass me by. some of us truely arent interested in some bossy nagging demanding entitled no honor no loyalty ho trying to domestic us to her wants and whims. they lose attraction to guys that submit and fuck submitting im living for me.

The roastie shrieks in pain as she strikes you.

Attached: Roast.jpg (616x462, 72K)

why are all women whores

>because of the personality traits accumulating and managing wealth represent.


it's all about dominant, risk-taking (and succeeding) behaviours

woman care bout dominance and that you fuck them like whores. nice car and some status makes it easier if you look like shit.

I still love my crypto even with a big dick and pornstar like sex with a hot blonde girl you probably jack off to on pornhub.

Semi-Related Question for the class:
What happened here?

all right that was pretty based of you to post that i gotta say

>women don't like men with money
>no woman is going to take your v card
Get the fuck out of here retarded nigger.

Now this is based

Stop categorizing events as positive or negative and just be. Try not to be a degenerate.

>All those smartphones next to them
Meetings should be productive, but you're making it useless if everyone's looking at their phone every 5 minutes

How do you do both though? How can you determine what being a degenerate is without categorizing events in to positive or negative or degenerate?

fpbp AND based

take the ekhart tolle pill

I want to make it because I dont want ti wageslave for 40 years and I want to give my sons what was not given to me.