I lost my life savings, depleted $60,000 in a joint account with a family member...

I lost my life savings, depleted $60,000 in a joint account with a family member, and cashed out my 401k to recover losses.

I have $15k and a $90k a year job now.
Is it too late for a 27 year old doomer? I lost everything, including my familys trust and my gf. I dont care, they all can go to hell. Im not a pussy so Im obviously not going to kms.

Plz biz, I need to hear some motivation

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Up +$1mm in the peak, used my family members money to keep buying. Portfolio worth $20k at the bottom, had to pay back and not be a scumbag.

I dont want to hear anything other than motivation. I thought about suicide for a year until I realized only niggers and faggots do that

Look into buying an already stabilished business from retiring owners

>gambling with your family's money
I didn't expect more from you crybaby cucks.

Like I said I dont care. Im still going to make it with or without them. Yes I was/am a high risk gambler

Crypto space is very new and this technology is still being learned and adopted. The leverage to risk ratio is insane for many projects. Just make sure it's not a shitcoin like BTC which has no real use case. Long-term tech wins.

Sorry to hear you're not doing so good OP. Remember you don't lose or gain money before you cash out. The crypto space is very new and this technology is still being learned and adopted. The leverage to risk ratio is insane for many projects. What you're talking about is investing in Facebook or Microsoft. when it just got started. There will be downturns. Make sure you're not heavily invested in a shitcoin like BTC, which has no real use case. Long-term tech wins. Invest in what people need but do not yet know how to get. Leverage is king, ignore ideology.

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RLC faggot

Go on warosu and read up on it, dyor

You’re welcome

Your a fucking piece of shit, these people give you money, you lose it all and then you say they can go to hell, you are a really worm, hope you get aids

My story is almost as bad as yours.
Invested $10k throughout 2017. It grew to $120k by January 2018. I cashed out $80k and paid off my student loans. Then I thought it would be a genius idea to take out a huge personal loan to buy crypto after it dipped in March 2018. Let's just say I squandered $100k and I still owe $80k. My overall crypto gains is now about -$75k today.

My job pays me about $150k a year. At least you and I are not low-paid wageslaves. We made decisions but we're going to make it.

>inb4 larp
I have proof and wish this was a larp.

>Up +$1mm in the peak

investing in what? bitcoin? why didnt you cash out?

They didnt give me money. I hid money for them to evade taxes in their marriage. Turns out in absolute euporia in becoming a millionaire overnight you do stupid shit. I did stupid shit.

I hope from all the alcohol that I drank I still outlive them so I can take a steaming shit on their graves because they abandoned me between it all

Not larp either. You have strong resolve to keep moving forward. I know the thoughts and feelings


What do you mean motivation? You don’t gamble with other people’s money
You can still make it, you’re only 27, but be a decent person for fucks sake

I have zero regret for doing what I did. Because at the end of the day I was used to do something illegal and my family was never close to me anyway. They used me just like I made a dumb decision.

I wish I never agreed to it in the first place and sticked to that rule of not getting involved in other peoples financial shortcuts.

I am alone now, I wont KMS, and the only way is up. My dad is the only person who has ever helped me.

Not too late at all man. Put the 10k in VIDT and put 5k in DAG. You will have made it within a year or 2.

I'm 38 years old and onky have $19k in my crypto portfolio and am more optimistic than ever.

I was at 1.1 mil usd in Dec 2017 but hekd too long because of greed. Don't worry....if you load up on great projects you can reach millionaire status soon.

How do you go from 20k to 1M to 20k

Thanks bro. Keep your resolve and motivation

You can pocket $60,000 in a single year without even struggling to live, you faggot.

You make 90k/year, you'll be fine. Unless you live in SF/LA/NY and all your income goes to rent

I've heard of this

27 and 90k is not bad at all man. You’re fine. Debts are settled. One step at a time.

Yeah pardon me while I dont feel one fucking bit of sorry for these people.

90k job you're fine bro .

I'm 29 and I'm a dishwasher with 21k links

ouch. keep trucking op

imagine being gifted good genetics and inheritance and still fucking up like a retard

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No one said inventing a new form of money would be easy.

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thats some real shit