Imagine not holding amb

Node holders are making over 70%+ roi with just 96 heartbeat bundles a day.... ooooo, you say they are all made by amb.. well you are right. Amb plans to have 1000 nodes onborded by eoy, if they can produce just 1000 bundles a day, at the current price that’s 100% yearly roi. Amb is going to 10x, possibly 100x in the next 12 months. There are big clients who will be running Hermes nodes. Are you ready?

All the fud is coming from the faggots who are currently onborded. They are trying to keep the price low. Currently 1 bundle cost 300amb. The lower the price the more they will make when this blows up.

Attached: E9AAB7B5-42E9-4B46-939A-5ABD41A5BB91.png (1150x800, 59K)

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what fud? You send all the linkers a .1 as your marketting strategy, get the fuck out of here with your shitcoin.

until then you can fuck off

Muh hitek patent aka alibaba tek

so it begins

Isnt this a proven scam coin..

I read the reddit and there are people who applied for nodes to be onboarded last year and are still waiting....pass

Give up, there are no more 20IQ fags around to buy your scam

Fuck off with your scam coin already. No one is buying your bags cunt

This may be the only coin worse than Sky I still see mentioned here

Is it?

Anything with bro on it is a scam


lmao just look at this thread all these angry EVElets, MODlets and VENlets saying nothing but "scam". How does it feel knowing AMBlets were right this entire time? Keep ignoring the project Jow Forums like OP said the lower the price the more AMB node operators receive.

Literally every other supply chain coin has been proven to be a scam except this one. And yet threads on other supply chain coins are filled with bullshit shilling, of course the only legitimate one is hailed as a scam on Jow Forums.

sound alot like one too many harmony


im saying you are exhibiting the same characteristic as the delusional bagholders of other shitcoins. Catching falling knife isnt fun.

ye i know, got 150k of these babies

i got 0.1 AMB and im gonna ride it all the way to the moon

Except everything I said is objectively true and you'd know this if you did some research.

Nigger, most of the og holders if not all are onborded already

Why are you shitposting for free when you could shitpost on pockent for crypto? 50% of tokens go to shitposters.

Attached: brain.jpg (207x244, 20K)

100+ nodes already running. not too bad

>How does it feel knowing AMBlets were right this entire time?
It is too early to say if you were right or not.
Where are all the partnerships people keep talking about?
Who is actually using this?

No it's more than that in this crazy altcoin space. First off there is currently an ecosystem generated by Ambrosus that pays out rewards to node operators running on the network. This network is only running on heartbeat bundles, however, which are generated by Ambrosus themselves. These are not client bundles. That being said, the main argument point against Ambrosus is simply "it's a scam". Taking into account that they are clearly putting time and money into onboarding nodes and generating bundles to maintain a healthy network, there is reason to believe they have reason for this network in the first place which is that clients want to use it.

>How does it feel knowing AMBlets were right this entire time
Very few projects are down more than vechink, but this pos managed it. Congrats on being "right".

>there is reason to believe they have reason for this network in the first place which is that clients want to use it.
Ah yes, the "if they build it, they will come" marketing strategy.
>That being said, the main argument point against Ambrosus is simply "it's a scam".
That's one argument. The other is that they have built a useless network that does nothing apart from allow Ambrosus to distribute AMB to node operators, and have no actual customers.
>Node holders are making over 70%+ roi
No they aren't:
That node has a stake of 400k AMB ($11,794.59). Over three months they have earned 304 AMB ($8.97). From that $8.97 subtract the cost of running an AWS node for three months, and this node has made a loss. Now factor in the loss they have made buy purchasing 400k AMB, and the opportunity cost of holding it.
So how did you get to that 70% ROI figure? Did you calculate it yourself or are you just repeating what you heard from someone?

This is a fucking scam OP and you know it. Worst marketing strategy ever. KYS

>most of the og holders if not all are onborded already

The real "og's" dumped their stacks on you in May/June '18 when versetti couldn't back up his claims of GSK, Migros etc. You're not the smart money, by any means.