Are you lads gonna rail some ladyboys on meth in thailand when you make it?

are you lads gonna rail some ladyboys on meth in thailand when you make it?

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I would honestly never know that's a dude. Why are asian ladyboys so hot?

I don't know. I'm not even gay but I'd let that fuck me

I would let him suck my dick and I would fuck his ass but I wouldn't let him fuck me or touch hia dick. That's gay.

how the fuck do i cope with the fact that i find some lady boys extremely attractive after Jow Forums and i bought a butt toy and i really enjoy it

How are you THIS much of a faggot?

you're literally a faggot, and are okay with it, HOW?

would you atleast stroke the cock or 69?

It's not gay as long as your dick is bigger than hers

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anal is for everyone


Thailand? I'll definitely go again.
Ladyboys? Hell no. I'm not gay.

jannie here. fuck off.

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I bet OP is the same cuckspammer that spams the board daily too
He's trying to turn you into a gay faggot like him lads, be on guard and remember THIS image

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u gay if you wouldnt rail this

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I have no problem with NSFW but I thought this was a blue board? been seeing a lot of nudes lately and i'm trying to no fap you cunts.


not happy with the fact that all this shit made me buy a toy to stimulate my prostate gland now im really in the deep end

No I don't think so pal
You are a repressed homosexual porn addict really, that's all

We all have our problems but yours is... well, you're a repressed gay! Lol, gl in life

There are two kinds of person on Jow Forums

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stop spamming retard.

Whoa shes fucking HUNG for a chick

have sex

Trannies are fun. If you're on the fence about it, go find a hot one to fuck. If not then enjoy your missionary sex for the purpose of procreation.

what race have you banged user. greentext

Isn't doing meth in Thailand like 10+ years in prison, even if it just comes up in a drug test? U would risk that? fug

i will leave this gay earth

Nah you're still pretty gay with just the former.

when i make it with rsr op

my boy has a legit script thats going to alert your moms/dads, i hope you arent dependent on them
g--d night


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>47 minutes
are the jannies rebelling?

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Trannies are a meme. The hot ones are rare and have higher standards than hot women

Anons w-would you do it?

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id stroke her for sure but idk about 69

finding hot tranny is harder than getting a 10/10 female but there are lots of hot escort ones and they have fun doing it

uwotm8? talking from experience?

they still smell like men and have coarse skin. no thanks.

What if I let that rail me instead?

Onions and plastic everywhere.
Also poverty; fag kids are given estrogens by parents so at least they can leverage long their son's low T.

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No onions ffs I wrote s o y but damn hiro thinks he's funny changing wkrds.