If you have one (1) full bitcoin (BTC), you will unironically be part of the financial elite in the next 5-10 years...

If you have one (1) full bitcoin (BTC), you will unironically be part of the financial elite in the next 5-10 years. How does that make you feel?

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get out zoomer.

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>paying a fee to move around an investment that increases with the valuation
k boomer

1 billion token premine
750m retained by devs after selling 250m to scmucks

I have 8 BTC right now.
Will not start to convert it to fiat until it
hits 100K USD.
That's the thing: Thinking of going through
maybe 2 more market cycles - not even
knowing where we are right now - is quite
depressing since I'm a 43 yo 30K/year
wagecuck (still in good shape, girls are still
gushing all over the sidewalk) who has maybe
3 to 5 "good" years before switching into full
moldering mode.
I'll be rich when I don't need the money anymore.

LINKtards now are just pajeets that bought at $4

>he thinks pajeet has $4

>How does that make you feel?

Pretty good i also been telling everyone to buy so i am karmically clean when we made it.

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>1 million dollars

like i get worried that no matter how well i keep my seed secret that it will somehow get hacked and ill be SOL.

i was considering a multi sig wallet but then i need to keep multiple seeds safe. it's all so tiresome, no wonder normies let banks do all the work

Da fuck ur talking about, if you take care your self and cruise moderate ammount of testo +HGH u can live ur life fully way past 70s. Just take a look of Arnold.

recommend for every idiot still holding btc to read thecaseforbsv.com

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still dont get it do you? you may argue that bsv is better tech (not true imo but whatever) but tech is shit fundamentals for a coins valuation. so even if you were right sv would still be a horrible investment most likely.

terrified i dont know how to handle big koney or how to behave in high society

You rich :(

I wish i had 0.5 btc only lol ...

I guess you missed the fact that BTC is a self fueling forever growing system. That alone should ring some bells. It has to collapse at some point maybe in a few year maybe in a decade who know.

i feel pretty good!

Oh and its not linear forever growing

It's not growing forever. No matter how much money the US treasury prints, no matter how many asteroids full of thousands of tons of precious metals get extracted from the earth, no matter how many millions of baby brains get harvested - there will never be more than 21 million bitcoins circulating. Never ever. Not tomorrow, not the next year, not when the global economy collapses and the world comes to halt. There will not be one single bitcoin more than the 21 millions.

And that's why bitcoin is the most valuable store of money in the world. It is better than Euros, better than USD, better than gold. And that's why the elites are scared shitless

Ofc its not growing forever that's the point. Nothing can grow forever. Hence it will collapse at some point.
There will never be more BTC that's true but this is compensated by a higher price. The price must multiply at least every halving. else the block reward would not be enough to pay the burnt energy and hardware.
Its obvious that his system can not work in the long run. halving isn't endless there will be one that is the last. but the collapse surely wont wait for that last halving.

Centralized primined shitcoin

fucking checked

What if I told you, nobody cares how rare Bitcoin is since its 1st layer is abject garbage?

is that why it's worth $10k each more than BSV?

thats the only thing people seem to care about are you retarded?

The plan is to payoff the world’s debts with Bitcoin. So yes, you will only need one whole Bitcoin. I hope by now you anons have AT LEAST one in cold storage.

you're using a strong passphrase, right user? so if someone gets your seed, they still won't get your coins?

i'd like to think it's strong, i guess i could make it stronger.


why would btc reach 1 million+ when gold has never?

gold market cap right now is ~$7 trillion. BTC market cap right now is ~$170 billion. BTC is easier to use as a currency than gold while still maintaining its "store of value" properties. it's also easier to hide and cross borders with. so not only will it match gold eventually, it'll zoom right past it.

btc = 1 million is just three times the market cap of gold and btc is obviously much more useful than gold.

Yeah but legit transaction volume actually being used for purchase transfer other than trading is falling and continues to decline. I'm betting heavily on ETH2.0 and XMR being $1k coins.

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But that is the problem. Because of "stable coins" (litteral fiat holding with a sheepskin thrown over it to have the buzzword "crypto" attached) it causes heavy crypto market volatility from heavy bot swing trading.

Watch when PayPal releases a "crypto coin" and watch the market cap drain as all the normies chase their "muh real coin".

The whole point of crypto-currency is the elimination of centralized control over a value transaction protocal. All centralized and "stable" coins should not be considered crypto-currency because they don't even need a protocal to validate transactions; they can use direct communication and there will be no self-evident difference to how they function at all.
Coinmarket cap and the exchanges have all been duped and it has now poisoned the whole crypto scene.

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Imagine the world in 2148. Let's assume the population of humanity is around 17,500,000,000. Let's say the final bitcoin was just mined. If we divide the total population by the total bitcoin (21,000,000) we get about 834. Meaning if you were to distribute all bitcoin equally, 1 bitcoin would be split between 834 people. Now of course in reality, there is no equal distribution of bitcoin. Make of that what you will.

free market bub, whether you love or hate stable coins. as long as bitcoin can survive them, it'll come out stronger in the end. and if they really are the scams you say they are, eventually people will stop trading their btc for them. i personally don't think they're scams, and that they legitimately have reserves to back up tether and USD coin. but even if they blew up overnight, tether is only $4 billion of the $170 billion btc market cap, USD coin is less than half a billion. big deal.

Has the same trendline as Sears. I'll let you figure that one out

Like a shithead with only a quarter of one. And it's on an exchange because I don't know how to do wallets and keys. So, a brainlet as well.

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There is no way the Earth could ever sustain a population of 17.5 billion

I never said their are directly scams, they are overtly scams by using the crypto tagline as a marketing ploy even tho their entire centralized protocal could be implemented over direct communication to their servers.

Market normies are being tricked. There is no clear distinction when coinbase and other exchanges list XRP and other centralized and "stable" coins directly next to litecoin and bitcoin.

It's all a joke now, normies ruin everything.

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tldr...if it is a "stable" / corporate / centralized coin then you do not have direct control of the protocal in a decentralized fashion and run the risk of being dumped instantaneously.

Mt.gox shows what happens when a single "too big to fail" type of institution holds to much power either with value or direct control.

Make crypto-currency decentralized again!

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yes it could
scarcity is manufactured just like the worldview you hold which believes that earth could not support that many people

You're letting your ideals, no matter how reasonable, cloud your judgement. Even if paypal is an established brand outside of crypto, BTC is the de-facto face of cryptocurrency, and it's the name that normies recognize. Normies and smart money are the same in the sense that they only care when number go up. Will centralized stablecoins ever have the same "wow" factor that BTC has had in the eyes of the general public? Maybe, but I doubt it. Even if a flawless, cashless, efficient, peer-to-peer transaction service catches on (it will, nobody knows when), it will still differ fundamentally from BTC because it's centralized, like you said. By the time the adoption of such tech is feasible, enough money will be in BTC as a SOV that these services will look like a completely different ballgame, and people's motivation for buying in will change.

Holy shit you are fucking retarded man

How about this then: would you want to live in a world with 15 billion baby raping cannibal nigs, street shitters, Allah botherers, and chink insectoids?

I'm more worried about other retards getting hacked on a mass scale and the chain getting attacked

there's that manufactured worldview
cool beans honk honk

>There will not be one single bitcoin more than the 21 millions
what if i told you that inflation will be added in the future. the 21mil hard cap is a meme it can be changed and it will be in the future.

Not nigs and muzzies but Chongs will come around.

He's asking if you'd like to live in a low-trust society with intense social stratification because of population density in urban centers, because that's what developing nations are looking like, and America's got no qualms about compromising its values to exploit their labor en-masse. In what way is it manufactured? Do you see these current trends reversing? If Western society in its current state could support an influx of billions upon billions of people (it cannot), what makes you think humanity would abandon its tendencies to look more favorably towards one's tribe and make snap judgements based on immediately noticeable characteristics? Do you own guns? You should.

The “shitty” first layer is “only” protecting the value of the coins, no big deal right? If only it was faster! XRP all the way right??



>broooo everything is a manufacture worldview
You're fucking braindead

>he's holding btc while blissfully ignoring tether
oh boy

this new bottom will make 3k seem like the top

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