6 more days

6 more days

Attached: chainlink.png (1200x675, 27K)

Til what?

The devastating implosion that will leave no survivors.

sub 1 dollar

Why would Thomas announce anything. Literally a nothing burger

rip swingies

Its 5 days you fucking moron

Swinglinkers always win.

haven't seen this much pride in something since the muzzies invented allah snackbar. i guess linkers will learn the way jihadist do.

You were told, you just didn't listen


Tonight, I'd like truffles on my tendies, mother.

Attached: g2k90u29ys1y.jpg (670x670, 67K)

he's going to announce 50+ PARTNERSHITS with worthless start-ups

just waiting for my real life to begin

Attached: 1559961233811.jpg (426x372, 29K)

learn what? muslims are taking over europe, cope :^)

What is the big day about trufflecon2019? we already know they are working with truffle

They nice thing about having only 5 linkies is I don't give a shit if it goes to 0 but it's still fun to watch if it explodes in price for some reason

i swung out of link and doubled my stack
why didn't you?

Because I'm too inexperienced at trading.
But I'm starting to see a stable pattern emerge so I might wait for another big pump to swing it.

>white truffle oil on tendies
Holy fuck that's a game changer

>stable pattern
prepare to get REKT

Why are devs dumping if it's going to moon because of new partnerships? I am very confused. Someone with IQ above 110 please explain.


quick question, were you born a fucking retard?

they aren't dumping
not a single link has been sold on the open market. they have used binance OTC to fund expansion.

so they can't get accused of insider trading bullshit

The left can’t meme

No and I'm not one now either. My was IQ tested as 10-15 points above the limit for retardation by many doctor