SENT is going viral

Don’t miss out on this gem Jow Forums

• Quiet development for close to two years developing an open source decentralized bandwidth and VPN network.

• dVPN on all desktops, plus Android. iPhone app coming soon

• Enterprise, corporate and private dVPN solutions. On mainnet, nodes will be able to accept any coin as payment for bandwidth. BTC, ETH, Monero, Dash, etc.

• Strong user adoption: over 65k weekly sessions. Usage doubling every month. Just crossed 1,000,000 dVPN session

• $5 million low-cap that will disrupt a $35 billion VPN industry with its next generation relay and node network

• Development of an open source, decentralized, and fully encrypted dChat application

• Token mixer and tumbler for true crypto anonymity

There is a lot more to this project. Do your own research: for real time network usage for their consistent development updates

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no one is market buying and no on is selling, yet the order book keeps getting pushed upwards with bids. the fuck is going on?

>100k volume
>no one is buying
pick one user

I bought this to try to ride a pnd but the more I look into the project it is pretty legit and it's still very early, lots of room to grow


Don't forget that Sentinel will be the privacy hub on Cosmos so any coin/service/user that wants privacy will go through the Sentinel hub and therefore giving rewards to people staking their SENT.

sideways my friend. this shit will rise to the stars

there's only been a few people that have actually had transactions in the past hour, there was one guy that initiated those sells but the buys were only a couple different people. that's only a few thousand dollars which is a screeching halt in volume compared to the 24 hour volume

In one year there will be 2 types of people in /biz Jow Forums:

-Rich people who bought Sentinel now before x100-x1000

-Fudders and haters crying every day and feeling like shit for being so stupid and not differentiating a gem from a scam

I'm going to screenshot this now and in one year make 10 threads every day here with the screenshot of this comment to remind you forever how you missed your only chance in your life to become rich put in a tray in front of your eyes

Attached: opportunity.jpg (575x575, 65K)

>>will randomly become $500,000,000 marketcap
to potentially $5,000,000,000 marketcap

why is biz full of absolute faggots like you?

"ThIs OnE iz DifFeREnt" - You, a fucking faggot.

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I will make screenshot of your comment too for the 10 daily threads next year. DONT FORGET, GET READY TO CRY EVERYDAY IN A YEAR

Sure, go ahead - Can you also leave a comment with an IRL photo of your faggot face when next year arrives and you've wasted approximately 363 days moaning and pissing away money on your emotional investment, and the other 2 days you were attempting to come up with a quick witted reply as to why you've become just another fucking Jow Forums dust faggot with another useless, baseless, and emotionally triggered statement about the future of his "investment"

Can't wait for $1


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Attached: get_ready_to_cry_next_year.jpg (1816x872, 200K)

kill yourself pajeet

kek this is the new shitcoin pump of the week eh

you will be the one killing yourself next year once you realize the once in a lifetime opportunity you just lost

Attached: get_ready_to_cry.jpg (2976x3968, 2.89M)

>> he took a screenshot and thinks that it's somehow meaningful of literally anything.

I took a photo of my dick this morning, that doesn't mean it means anything other than i took a picture of my dick. Do you understand what I'm saying?

you're simply pushing this coin, hoping for insane gains - which may or may not happen, it's luck, and you know this already or you wouldn't be shilling like an absolute retard. (seriously though: good shills talk tech, discuss team principles, build up the community) you just scream 'i'm a faggot shill that needs this coin to jump up in value otherwise i'm fucked'

Pic related.

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you didnt take a picture of your dick. For that you will need a professional top resolution microscope

>bullet points
There is no stronger sell signal.


>>professional top resolution microscope
>>spends literal time replying to my shitpost with an actual shittier post than mine...

Wow. you're a legitimate moron.

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Sentinel being the 3rd hub on Cosmos and being the privacy hub of Cosmos means that any coin/user/service that wants to be private has to go through Sentinel means SENT is going to be big, Cosmos is already big and SENT will be as well

Where can I buy this godlike coin , I’m a filthy burger btw if that matters

You are welcome to refute any of the fundamentals I posted. Instead all you do is cry and spit nonsense . Be a bit more intelligent user.

idex, you can use their dVPN if you need

>2017 ico shitcoin

hell to the naw

yeah we'll fucking see, if you're right, I guess i'll regret it, but for now you're full of shit and are trying to appeal to FOMO's a bit too hard, stop the shilling

Actually you know what, when SENT gets fucking pumped for everything its worth, I hope you come back and apologize. They're not a fucking proxy for FUD to all make easy gains. Stop shilling like it is. The other thread is already shitty enough.

At least your shills are somewhat believable for a split second, until you realize what sneaky tactics you're trying to utilize.

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if you got a microscopic dick at least buy sent so you can be rich with microscopic dick, being poor like now and microscopic dick must be nightmare for you now user

The more you type out, the clearer it becomes -

You're the standard for SENT bagholders.

You, are invariably - the biggest faggot on this entire board.

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I am impressed. Unlike other biz pnd this project is actually legit with a real usecase. This time I think biz found a real gem.

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The biggest faggot title will officially go to you next year after 10 daily threads coming to biz with your screenshot forever showing in /biz your stupidity. I'll be adding a photo of a different hot girl every day in the 10 threads while you look for your microscopic dick and a time machine to go back and buy sent now ahahahhahah

Attached: index8.jpg (240x320, 16K)

Pic related is basically how you're viewed by basically everyone on biz right now.

FYI - being this attached to something, is UNHEALTHY.

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What's a suicide stack and a make it stack of this?
Also how will they move from the eth platform, will I have to sell it and then just rebuy or what?

Attached: IMG_0462.jpg (800x1200, 86K)

A suicide stack is buying any of this coin - as you'll want to kill yourself for making such a poor financial decision.

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Disgusting neet, clean your house filthy degenerate

Congrats for humiliating yourself publicly in biz, YOU ARE MAKING SENT MEMES BY YOURSELF NOW WELL DONE, AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, says the fudder making SENT memes now LMAO

looks like all those drugs fried your brain

>>not my place you fucking disease ridden piece of cow dung.

2nd pic - a workshop where things get fixed. Occasionally a can of lube gets tipped over while making sure the brakes and wheels are gliding smoothly, sounds like a smart idea rather than keeping my workshop clean and letting myself get into an accident because i was lazy about taking care of my vehicles and recreational items.

Why do you come on and say simpleton shit, with your simpleton brain and faggot template remarks?

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i researched sentinel tech and it surprized me, i think no other vpn exist with a multi hop relay net, if sentinel team manages to deliver this is huge.
there is nothing as cutting hedge as this on the vpn market at this moment in time

>> can't discern basic conversational techniques and grammatical nuances.

There's a time for reflection, faggot - That time is NOW, for you.

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Explain this part of my post
>Also how will they move from the eth platform, will I have to sell it and then just rebuy or what?

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You are just regretting having posted abou t your drug use cause it shows how much of a filthy degen you are
Listening to a drug user for financial advices is just plain retard

they will have a token swap, they will announce how it will be done in the official tg

there will be token swap from ERC20 to native SENT token in COSMOS ecosystem

Alright then, thanks.
Are all devs Chinese though?

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well they are working with binance and cz together

they won hackernoon and CZ retweeted them on twitter for month.

for me sent feel like xvg verge. i mean even john mcafee tweeted and answer sent follower.he is using 500 phones with vpn. what do u think he uses for free.

Wait a sec. Sentinel is currently in testnet. Holy Jesus.

What is going to happen with the price once mainnet is launch in the next few months?

This is just insane

the devs are user, they won't reveal their identity or location, i think they are from a place that has high surveillance and thats why they started this project, they are mainly driven by ideological motives IMO

historically coins pump after mainnet, so I think this will be fun ride ahead

yes user, cannot wait to see al the fudders here crying after sentinel hub mainnet

imagine when the fudders see that every piece of software promised got delivered:
interblockchain mixer
relay net
tor exit nodes
rpivate nets

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>need to tell it is GOING to be viral
haven't seen such an amateurish OP in a long time. Can only come from a circle jerk.

SENT went up close to 4x in a matter of days. There is serious accumulation happening on the books. Just look at the top wallets. This is something else. We are seeing the start of a multi billion dollar VPN industry being disrupted.