Welp, this is it Jow Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore

Welp, this is it Jow Forums, think i'm just gonna end it here, I dont think I can take this shit anymore.
>just lost 7k in stocks
>family wants to kill me
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>get gang stalked everyday
>older brother has recently came out as transgender and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and kept me entertained. I'll return the favor. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 10 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

stream URL + quick rundown:

Thank you all, lads.

Attached: IMG_398539453985.jpg (559x1024, 56K)

based mental illness user

No one cared the first time you made this thread & we don't care now

> using a pistol

Even that weeb shuaiby (PBUH) had more sense than you

Send me your shitcoins plz. Or move to a cheap country and live like a king with 10k. Btw fuck jannies I saw your last thread

Do some good before you end it. You know what I mean

take out a (((politician))) in minecraft

what kind of name is sioa

Please don't use a gun and add yourself to the statistics that grabbers use to calculate "gun violence deaths".

no your justification is also shit no thanks I'm not gonna get doxxed for a larp
post alternative method

Attached: sigh.jpg (250x191, 7K)

Take down some nogs on your way out please

my mom has cancer send the rest of your money for a good cause before you die


dude honestly though all shitposting aside, dont do it

0x0fa29f80c790237c3de5f0786df2833fee258dd3 RIP buddy at least ill remember you as an hero

also this

Not using Discord. Hopefully some user saves the video and reposts.

op, why would your family want to kill you?

if your family is as fucked up as you're describing, move away and disassociate yourself with them. start a new life elsewhere.

if you only get one life, dont end it like this.

Dont OP. It's only 7k. Things with your family will get better, they need you. With you gone that increases the chance that your brother will forever remain a tranny. He needs you too, to subtly protest his retarded decision. There are plenty of us who have felt the same way as you at one point and time, but recognize that killing ourselves means we would not have found X. You haven't found your X yet. Whatever that is. Dont do it man, I've lost too many friends to suicide. I dont want to lose a fren now too.

Just leave the country man. You're free.

Just flee the state for a bit. Find a new girl and you will be good. Relax your life has meaning just wait

can someone who has gone into discord share the stream link provided this isnt a big larp


Attached: 1563324457662.png (349x491, 203K)

Don't do it dude.You only have one life. Don't waste it. Just try to cut ties them

Joined discord
Looks like OP is a larp faggot trying to lure people into his shit discord

Fuck off

Maybe you actually should KYS

You mean write a fictional story about a mosque and an Australian manlet hero who rescues 50 Muslims somehow. God bless that man

shit LARP. no suicide stream. he just keeps posting his faggy twitch league of legends stream

Send me your Linkies


Lifetime ban this niggers ip

Don't lie to someone on the edge of suicide, of you want his coins ask it upfront. Piece of shit

Don’t do it OP. Take that nice baretta to the range and go let off some steam.

Don't do it man, you can show your family the way. Your problems are solvable. It's just 7 grand. Relax, you'll be okay

Dude it's the mercury retrograde acting up. Hold on till august.

why are the jannies so shit at their jobs?

lol not joining your tranny server

dont join, just a bunch of roo fucking aussies talking about bendigo in the ute