BEWARE of this


He's trying to stir up commotion for SENT, attempting to offload his bags on you.

I won't give you specifics, but this is a MASSIVE PAID SHILL CAMPAIGN.

DYOR and don't forget, it doesn't need an army of shills if the tech speaks for itself.

with SENT, the tech doesn't say MUCH AT ALL.

You've been warned, stay away from SENT.

Attached: fagshill.png (1890x1200, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trying to fud because you didnt buy yesterday?
Why would anyone pay someone to shill on biz when biz is full of retards like you and is way smaller than for example reddit

>The tech doesnt say much at all
Endorsed by Cosmos, being big contributors to cosmos and tendermint, being the 3rd hub on the Cosmos network

Main dev activity on Sentinel, Cosmos and Tendermint, great guy

Sentinel github, Open source of course


Their website where you can download the PC dVPN

Sentinel stats


I'd say it's quite legit.

>>why would anyone pay to shill on biz
woah, you're fucking retarded on a whole new level pal.

and google gave a shoutout regarding the use of services surrounding oracles and LINK, doesn't mean literally anything, especially for a no-name coin like cosmos (no name in terms of any actual adoption or visibility to anyone that matters)

Every coin that anyone takes even remotely into trading seriously is open source, your point?

It's a normie complicated VPN that largely nobody cares about and normal people will never hear about much less use and interact on a daily basis with.

>>more useless stats

>>more useless stats

>> your opinion is just that of a low tier shitcoin bagholder on biz, literally nothing special or noteworthy.

Attached: 1545680366184.jpg (1170x1218, 299K)

>I won’t give specifics
>because I don’t have any

Attached: D1A9C998-31DD-4CF6-9BF2-F6B71B8BFF7D.jpg (840x839, 171K)

Are they all chinks?

Giving a shoutout and literally endorsing and making Sentinel the 3rd hub on Cosmos is not the same thing you moron.
Saying "hey i like the technology keep going" and "Wow you guys are doing something incredible, we will give you your own hub" is not the same.
"no name coin like cosmos"
Cosmos is probably the biggest project right now, it's just that it's not in mainnet, even ethereum will migrate to cosmos as "ethermint" if you didnt know.

The point about open source is that you said "the tech doesnt say much at all" but you can read it all on their github, you can download the dVPN and use it and see that it works, its to show that you saying that they have nothing is a total lie.

Its not a normie "complicated" vpn, its a decentralized VPN, which means that there is no CENTRAL failure point like in a normal VPN. Even if you dodge your ISP with a normal VPN you have to trust the VPN which you can not do because you cannot see what they do on the servers, this is open source which means you can trust the code instead of a company that says "we dont log"

You're just fucking salty you didnt buy or you're just fucking retarded and doesnt understand the fundamentals of privacy and/or tech

Why are you using racist language you piece of dog shit.

Sorry nigger

no other VPN has a multi hop relay net that allows any users to truly hide their ip .

tor exit nodes add a layer on top of this

bandwidth will become a fungible commdity the first digital fungible commodity.

they have socks5 proxy also about to get released, they adopted tendermint before any other project

hello mcafee.

why the fuck would anyone be salty they didnt buy your discord shitcoin? Less than 3000 dollars would crash it back to pre-shill levels. The price doesn't even exist

nigguh, just stack sats and chill.

You’re doing gods works user. Real bizbros can see that this shit fell off the earth until a pnd group picked it up a few days ago. This is just the flavor of the month

first fudders said its the flavour of the week
now they say its the flavour of the month
next you will be saying its the flavour of the year

HAHAHAHA now you not only make SENT memes but start also SENT threads. Guys, he was fudding before, now he wants to buy cheap SENT and make even fud threads LOL

You were idiot not to buy last week, now you buy at +200%

Attached: index8.jpg (240x320, 16K)

Keep posting OP! SENT price just went up another 7% since you posted.


Attached: OP_get_ready_to_cry_next_year.jpg (259x194, 7K)

Go fuck yourself, slant eyed monkey

Kys loser

sent shilling won't stop till it has 1bil mcap i promise

kys? the King Yes is Sentinel?

>down 90% and trade volume has gone to basically zero
>lul ur mad it’s up 7% hurrrdurrereeeerr
Fucking retards, this entire lot.

It's ok OP, you can buy at current price, no one is studid enough to believe your fud and give you cheap SENT

lol down 90%?? It's close to 100% up in last 7 days, check CMC