Libra may be canceled due to regulatory concerns, Facebook tells investors

Imagine being an investor of Facebook/Libra right now....

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OP will be not a faggot one day

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also , does this mean crypto is kneeling before the kikery of banks and governments?

When I want reliable news, I get it from Priyeshu Garg.

Thanks Priyeshu Garg!

yes all cryptos will now follow all regulatory rules and no longer provide decentralized protections.

jesus fuck ur retarded.

No. Libra was hardly a crypto project.
From a technical point of view maybe it was looking like a blockchain, but a centralized blockchain is fucking stupid...
The US congress was right to kill this project, and believe me I'm not a fan of the US government.
The US gov is bad but Facebook is much worse.

No it means everybody hates Zuckerberg because everyone hates Facebook. Tom from Myspace never pulled any of this shit

Facebook and Twitter are the enemies of freedom. These leftist communist kike faggots are trying to control every aspect of our lives. They’re trying to create a social credit score like China (they already have everyone’s info) and now they want to control the currency so they can freeze accounts of people who wrongthink. Fuck these fucking faggots.

It was never meant to get off the ground. Just a $50million dollar project to fuck over the Winklevoss twins. Again.

>Just a $50million dollar project to fuck over the Winklevoss twin

Exactly, Zuckerberg life is built around hating the Winklevoss twins for their success with women and in sports.

i want it to happen so chainlink moons desu

Imagine thinking that there won't be a one world currency.

Imagine thinking that Jared Kushner's brother, whose company is a founding member of Libra, won't be able to get regulatory approval.

Imagine believing the FUD from the media, the ones who called it "Globalcoin" before it was officially announced.

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lmfao what? Zuckerberg is worth 70 times more than the twins

youre delusional

He was in school with the Winklevoss before creating Facebook. Then he scammed them.

How old are you for not knowing that, there was even a film about it...

were they the two blond rowing boat chads from the fraternity house?



if anything, it would need approval from BIS and IMF, and they are the ones putting the pressure on regulators

This is unironically bad news for RSR
Libra would have attracted normie attention to alternatives such as RSV

It's all a Jewish scam to crash the entire crypto market by dumping on investor confidence with the failing of Libra.

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Imagine being invested in the stablecoin project that Libra stole a lot of its ideas from that's actually decentralized and backed by Peter Thiel and Coinbase Ventures and advised by a former SEC commissioner advises

I think it's bad for RSR because it attracted gummint attention to this concept in general. Would like to see Reserve well established, decentralized, and unpegged from the dollar before it catches the eye of tptb.

IMO this is why they switched up the roadmap and launched RSV before RSD. Way less friction involved in launching RSV, so they can work on adoption and fly under the USG radar for longer.

>70 times more than the twins
I bet this is exactly how zuck copes