Do you use one?
Credit cards
no, debit is working fine for me
There's literally no reason to ever need one
I'm trying to find a good one but don't even know how to properly check my credit score because there's so much FUD online about it all.
Car rental on holiday trips
That's my only reason for having one.
biz is officially fucking retarded i guess
the benefits of credit cards are amazing, yet they're set up for you to fail if you're not "smart with money"
>Smart with money adj
>pay off the fucking debt each month
thats it user, just pay it off. dont exceed approximately 3-5% of your loan limit if you can, it will put you in the god-tier score of 825 like me. unironically get a creditkarma account and follow their tips. also, you only "need" like 4 cards max,
make sure that each of these cards offer the maximum benefits from whatever sector they offer, for example, flight miles. if you find a very good flight miles visa, that may be the only one you need.
credit cards, straight up, are set up to trick idiots into going broke.
>No interest for the first year!
>Rack it up for the first year then be hit with massive debt bills at the end of the first year!
dont be stupid just read
Debit card does the same thing, or get a prepaid visa
clarification i'm not saying you need 4 cards, im saying having more than 4 that dont all serve explicit purposes is just stupid. i have 3. there's one other credit company on that list i dont have that has a new benefits program that im interested in. visa and mastercard are accepted everywhere, discover and amex tend to offer better perks because theyre not. so start with a visa/mastercard.
you are fucking stupid
if someone steals your debt and makes purchases, the bank generally tells you to fuck off. credit cards have theft protection. probably the biggest, largest reason to only carry credit cards when you're out and about.
>carry $50 around max because what the fuck do you need access to your entire cash account for, ever?
Most car rental companies state clearly in their policies that no debit or prepaid cards allowed. Only credit cards.
Some companies demand outrageous deposit in cash, if no credit card.
I'm talking about major wide spread companies here. There are smaller local ones that are more flexible.
However a credit card guarantees you can rent at any place, from any company.
Mfw 836 score, never had a cc
If you're not using a cash back card, you'll never make it.
said above i have an 825, which, let's be honest, there's no much of a fucking difference.
point is walking around saying you don't have a credit card and dont use one goes to show you you're not taking full advantage of a financial system designed to disadvantage idiots.
>how can i short america
Here in Europe almost anything can be bought with visa debit, often preferred over credit cards because it's linked directly to the bank
I know, I'm on the same contintent.
And if you try at Sixt, Europcar, Hertz etc. they'll require a credit card.
I only have a credit card to buy crypto
>they'll require a credit card.
Not true, As long as you have enough in the account they will put a hold on a portion of the funds
The links below, show you don't know what your talkin about
I use blue cash preferred for 6% groceries, 3% on gas and department stores. Then I use my fidelity rewards for 2% on everything else. I only spend $1000-1500/month with a total limit of $75k, so debt util is low and credit score is >800 now. I pay in full every month so there is no interest. I never use my debit card because there are no rewards, and there is less fraud protection.
I make most of my purchases with them. Blue cash preferred for cash back (4 kids so I spend a lot on groceries) then some MasterCard one for everything else and I get free shit from Amazon. Just pay it in full, it's free money paid for by idiots who can't handle their credit cards.
Wonder if you realize the credit card companies are selling your info and in turn the grocery store et al are jacking up the price for the things you buy alot.
There's no absolute increase in your buying power. You're simply in a better position than other consumers who don't use the cards quite as effectively
Now kill yourself
Eat your children
Literally no reason not to buy everything on credit assuming you pay in full (i.e. only spend what you'd otherwise be buying)
Benefits are
>Joint liability on faults
>Easy charge backs
sure handy for international purchases,
bitcoin will be even easier.
Yeah I racked up 2.4k, been having trouble but half way paid down. I'd be done paying it off by now if I didn't have to move next month. Only 1000 more to go
Use your credit card as a debit card.
Pay off every month.
Build your credit history.
Collect the rewards.
Only poor people use debit.
Just got $85 cash back in the last 6 months. And paid literally 0 interest. Free money u moran
yeah cashback is nice covers my banking and insurance
How do you build credit?
I use several ones:
>Komplett bank
Gives me 2% cashback on electronics bought at
>Bank Norwegian
Gives me 1% cashback as flight reward, 2% if i fly with Norwegian
Unfortunately we dont have real cashback cards here in norway, but its better than nothing...
I never rented in the U.K. - left side traffic
I can only talk about continental Europe and USA
Of course. Only a moron wouldn't use one. You build credit and get cash back.
Found the idiot.
i literally only use a credit card to get points. i pay off my balance right away
The amount of energy wasted using a credit card is not worth the 85$ cash back
use card at store. set your automatic payment to full balance. nice try (((david)))
banks in my smol country dont have a credit building system
you get appropriate credit when you prove you have a job, your credit gets downgraded with being late, there is no ´´credit building´´
Pic related
>Most major international suppliers will allow a traveler to book a rental car as long as they have enough money on their debit card to cover the deductible on the rental.
Do you want me waste more time..get some links?
>i pay off my balance right away
people who make it a point to say this never do.
AutoEurope is a broker. You can't have zero excess using a broker. Oversized sum gets blocked off the account and then someone finds a scratch and no deposit back. No thanks. I don't use 3rd party operatives. Just me and the rental co.
Your debit card is a direct link to your bank account and anyone that obtains your debit info can charge your checking account retards. A credit card provides a buffer between your checking account and the purchases that you make.
And the whole point of it is to build up your credit so you can eventually buy a house. Granted I haven’t checked my credit score ever because I don’t know if checking it affects the score but I make payments every month and make sure to not have any outstanding balance, so I’m guessing I’m good. If you’re still using your debit card to make purchases then you’re part of the 67% of Americans that think paying with debit is remotely safe when compared to cash or credit.
to cover your openings get yourself an uber visa for that sweet 4% on restaurants, 3% travel. also no international fees
to cover all bases currently using 4 credit cards:
citi double cash - 2% flat everywhere
uber visa - 4% restaurant, 3% travel, no int fees
costco - 4% gas
boa cash rewards world cc - 3% online purchases
pay the bal in full each month boys this user is correct
>I don't know if checking it affects the score
I'm just telling you this for your own good, but what you just said is about as dumb as when people say "I'm not sure if Africa is a country or a state".
Don’t care didn’t answer my question
No, I don't live in a Jewed country that has credit scores.
This, but if you could get credit score and cashback in my country I would use one.
Fine i looked it up
Not wasting more time, just admit you're wrong
i rented a car last month and they had a sign at the counter no debit card.
>.."present the debit card and, depending on the vehicle group, one or more credit cards"
Why do they keep bringing up credit card even in the debit conditions then? I don't mind being wrong. Just haven't come across terms that state clearly: a debit card will do alone.
>energy wasted
>literally all you do is swipe a card and remember to pay off your balance once a month
it's convenient and I get cash back for using my card so why the fuck would I not use it
Yes I'm opening credit cards like crazy. I'm living entirely on credit cards right now.
I have been but my bank is now offering 2% cash back on my debit card so I will probably stop using it (I get 0% cash back on credit).
Some of the easiest financial tricks you can do with credit.
>churn cards with stacked rewards
>pay credit to yourself, pocket the bonus rewards, pay the cards back
>use it like debit, immediately pay it off so you pay no interest, get rewards
These idiots who say “I never use credit cards” are just as bad as boomers who used credit far too much.
What you need to do is find good cards with rewards — for example, a Wells Fargo card which is spend $1000 and get $400 back. There’s a TD one which is spend $500 get $250 back. And so on.
All cards with one year 0% interest rate are always worth getting as well, just make sure there are no membership fees.
I have been doing this for about a year now and have accumulated around 10 cards, all at $0 balances now but have taken from these companies around $2000+ in rewards for literally doing nothing. Just remember, when you have a credit card at $0 balance DO NOT CLOSE IT. It’s stupid, but keeping empty credit cards open boosts your credit score. Just store them in a drawer and forgot about them.
Enjoy my tip, my fine gentlemen. Open to taking questions.
Can i do this as a neet. I have a good credit score but have been ill for months so am off work.
Only financially illiterate boomers and other NPC's use credit cards.
I got 30 euros back in two months, no interest payed. If you play the bill every month you are ok.
There are only 2 reasonable options
>cash only to protect your privacy
>credit/charge cards to earn rewards
Discover has absolutely stupid good rewards if you're an uber autist like me.
>first year no interest
>first year discover matches your cashback
>every quarter is different rewards that get 5% back
>first year It was rewards on restaraunts, gas stations, and amazon over christmas
>i used it for work, where I ate at restaraunts and gas stations non stop
next months statement will be around the 15th and will mark the 1 year cash back. statement says $591 rn but should be close to 650 by the time the cashback match us up, which puts me at about $1300 in cash back.
Now unfortunately, I started my own freelancing business which has been up and down constantly and I'm carrying a fairly large balance on the card (yeah welcome to poverty). I told my wife we didn't want to use our cards when we didn't have money or this would happen, but here we are. Oh well. At least things are picking up with my business, thank god.
Other than cards though, I'm a total jew about other rewards/cashback etc too. I use the fuck out of acorns found money, and I only ever buy shit there when there's an offer.
>printer ink
>wife's contacts (actually saved like 300 USD plus the foudn money)
>bought wedding rings through it, buy lots of automotive parts through it
>plane tickets and car rentals for work
>plus tons more
I also use Brave and forced my entire family to switch to it, turn on ads and not contribute to automatic payouts. This is actually unironically making me like 50-100 BAT per month. ends up being around 10-20 USD/month, but when BAT moons I'll be much comfier.
I also use Honey on brave (works just like it should w/ chrome), expedia rewards (for all my work trips - basically have over $100 in hotels for nothing), flight miles with united and delta (have a few hundred combined).
Oh, don't forget to use your own vehicle for work when you can and charge your clients the IRS rate of $0.58/mile, its free fucking income
this but also
I have one only to build up good goy points. If you are really trying to be a dick head though you need to pimp the system as one of those credit churners. You sign up for all the credit cards and rotate them to rack up maximum benefits. It's basically taking on another job of spreadsheeting to fuck shekelstein for being such a good goy though.
I know someone who does it and it sounds like a bigger pain in the ass than regular work for a free vacation but I mean if that's your shit then you do you.
Of course you can. For starters, Google credit cards with cash back bonuses. I started with Chase, I believe.