I need a life hack

I need a life hack

How do I wake up and not feel like shit whole day, every day, all the time.

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>life hack

hack your face apart retard


smoke weed, you god damn noob

>life hack

Try some weed with your coffee. Try a dynavap as they are the most efficient, cheap and lung safe vapes there exist

I wanna feel good. Not paralized staring into a wall.

fuck off

Maybe your vitamin B deficient. Chug a Red Bull

Lift weights. It really helps.

Weed or shrooms are the best things you could do without getting addicted, but the best thing for waking up is nicotine

Get checked for cancer


>life hack
>mr robot

oh no no no no no nono HAHHAAHAHA

Google: 'unethical life hacks'

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Fast, stop eating carbs, drink coffee, exercise, drink plenty of water, smoke/vape in light amounts to stimulate the brain, read, find a fulfilling job, find a fulfilling hobby. Keep investing in crypto. That's all you need.

This but also cardio right when you get up before the sunrise then meditate and watch that and think of everything you are grateful for. Everything literally had to happen the exact way it did since the beginning of time for you to exist right here in this moment. Eat healthy. Drink water.
Less weed, use that sparingly. Shrooms are good. Microdose that or lsd and occasionally have a full trip

Do creative things and things you are passionate about or find exciting and meaningful. Always be trying to find better friends so you can get better.

>eat good food
>go to gym
>surround yourself with people you enjoy seeing
>get rid of negativity as mich as you can
>if some negative things cannot be removed, try seeing them from a different and positive angle
>set goals and plan on how to achieve them, nothing happens with being depressed at home and feeling sorry for yourself
>focus on self improvement
Don't smoke weed,its for losers.

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self improvement is for assholes

why do all the work to fee good when yu ccan just smoke a blunt, retard

Meditate for 30-45 minutes before you go to bed. That has helped me the most.

I've tried Stronglifts like suggested but it just ended up hurting my joints and making things worse, but it may work for you. I'd recommend trying a bunch of shit to see what's effective and what isn't. Keep a journal of how well you sleep, how long you sleep, etc.

Oh, and get the fuck off of the computer at LEAST 2 hours before you go to bed, preferably 3 or so. That goes for your phone as well. This is the biggest reason people don't feel rested even after 8 hours. Those "blue light" apps don't actually do much, either; the only cure is to just GET OFF.

Why escape from reality if you can face and change it?

The only reason weedlmao fags feel any sort of content is because they literally lobotomize themselves into ignorance.

You got a lot of advice now OP, now either use it or stop bitching


literally bluepilled

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what about tv, does that fuck up my sleep too?

Literally a brainlet.

Yes. Anything with a screen will fuck it up (except "paperwhite" shit amazon has put out but that is for fags, just read a real book instead)

Sleep without a pillow.


no bully plss

hmm I knew that bluelight from electronic devices kept you awake but I did not know that it would actually decrease sleep quality

lift weights

Weed is degenerate

Nofap, and stay in the sun/outdoors more

Taking magnesium citrate powder fixed this for me after a few days.

With marijuana less is more. The lobotomy actually takes a ridiculous high dose. High dose thc and low dose thc are 100% different.
Also negative effects of marijuana are easily countered by daily diet and exercise as long as dose is not too high.

You may have sleep apnea. I started wearing nose strips to bed and I feel well rested and energized now. Also, drink a big glass of water as soon as you wake up.

raw butter, raw eggs, raw meat

>aajonus vonderplanitz - research and read his books
>sv3rige on youtube

you can make it m8

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nofap. Sorry op.

when it's a first class seat that is expected to be empty: very very often

Also ultimate fish oil from the infowars store

Infowars merch is homeopathic snakeoil for alt right autists

SSRI's, weed, chronic masterbation, workout if youre not 300 pounds like me

Microdose modafinil.
Works better for those with high functioning autism

Do steroids, 100% you will not regret. Just do a light short cycle and see if you like it

Fish oil is fish oil you fucking retard


Then why buy it specifically from Alex Jones?

Not true, they have different dha and epa levels. Different ratios make a difference.

Pretty sure you're paralyzed mentally by being a reject. Weed might help.

Separate your head from your body. But please let me pump your boi pucci full of my alpha seed first



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>alt right
You're in the cult bro. You're who we are at war with you traitorous little rat.

>get rid of negativity as mich as you can

so stop browsing Jow Forums?

lower your iq
don’t think
escape from problems, I don’t have problem cause I solve them, I literally avoid them so that I never create them
smoke weed and sleep A LOT
take a walk in your favorite place
eat well, eat high quality food

i'm using cbd oil for that


already tempted, please elaborate

stopp fapping retard

have sex

Try your luck with moon3d and get good profit!

The blue light from a screen delays onset of melatonin release. The biggest thing is reducing stimuli. Programs that make your screen red can help, but I find no phone/other screens 30 minutes before sleep helps.

I plop on noise canceling headphones, floss my teeth, brush them and the become joyful when it's time to sleep down.

When you're tired and doing things other than sleep, ask yourself this: "Am I doing this because I really want to or is my brain just seeking stimulation to keep me awake?"


less alcohol, or none. it is ideal to wake up earlier and not hungover for happiness and wellbeing

I have no clue what you're talking about. You're tilting at windmills.

thats the mainreason why i feel tired the whole day.... worst advice...never gonna make it

Stop eating junk food and processed shit filled with onions and aspartame.
Take cold showers in the morning
Stop masturbating or at least don't do it every day
Hit the gym, or if you are too tired to go to the gym after work invest in a home gym and do it in the morning
Get at least 8 hours of sleep
If you don't want to do any of that shit drink coffee. Not that instant cheap shit, drink some real coffee, the kind that needs a coffee maker

Put yourself on a routine
-wake up same time everyday
-workout everyday
-eat healthier (more veggies)
-have good hygiene
-don’t play video games or be online for too long.
-drink and do less drugs
-get a regular sexual partner
-make yourself smile (smiling releases endorphins and they put you in a better mood)
-go to sleep same time every night (make sure you are getting 7-9 hours)

get a pull up bar. if it can be outside, better, pull ups are one of the finest workouts you can do basically working on major parts of upper body all at the same time without creating unbalanced mass. with a pull up bar, you train your arms, torso, abs, neck, shoulders, everything on the upper body. Do not need no weights! use your own body as weight.

>I have no clue what you're talking about.
Because you have no clue about anything except what your demonic overlords social engineered you into believing. THE BEAST IS SCRATCHING AT THE DOOR!
Excuse me my testosterone is up it happens whenever I start working out again.

if you never done pull ups it will be super hard the first times. just keep at it. one full pull up is a good step. 3 is soon after and soon you'll be making 10 minimum

Have children OP. And feel a duty to raise them well, and love them. This is the final life hack. Have a good reason to make efforts and work hard


Noopept and coffee. Then a small amount of benzo when the jitters kick in,

more sport
quit drugs/smoking/alcohol
less internet
more social life with real, good people
aaaand picrelated

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Smile!!!!! this sends signals to your brain to make you happy.Dont force it just gentle smile.

adderall and sex with a real vagina, not a fleshlight

You're a deluded cultist.

Unironically. CBD. I recommend you get hemp flower, and not extract, because if its cannabis seed oil extract its worthless. I would say just smoke weed, but THC becomes a crutch for me. The CBD allows me to keep a clear enough head, and I dont feel like I need to smoke it every day like I do with regular weed. It has been the single best quality of life improvement i have made as far as self medicating goes.

I fuck sheep

How would you know? You have no clue what I'm talking about and you unironically use engineered phrases like "alt-right". The Dalai Lama is now considered "alt-right".

kek and based

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Fuck off faggot keep giving your hard earned money to that scammer Alex Jones for his special toothpaste

Well do you mean you feel like shit physically or mentally? Or both?

Modafinil. Keeps your brain running and awake. I can study for 14 hours straight on it.

33-50% vitamin supplements (those 100% pills aren't good, and if you're a guy get low selenium because too much selenium results in quicker balding)
Eat a bit more salt.
Take extra magnesium and D3.
Diet does a lot to a person.

>Business and Finance

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I never gave him money before but you inspired me to donate. At the end when you look back on your life this will be your proudest moment. Today you helped in the war against the globalists.

Unironically steroids

>get a regular sexual partner
hey heyy heeeyyyyyy

Nah are you crazy Jow Forums made me into a millionaire

Stop fapping

-Exercise 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes at moderate to high intensity. Mix in cardio and weight training routines.
-Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, unprocessed grains and legumes, high quality meats, and dairy (if you tolerate lactose) with little to nothing sourced from the middle of the grocery store
-Get quality sleep, look at your mattress and sleep hygiene and bedtime blue light consumption
-Caffeine is fine, alcohol sparingly, psychedelics for special occasions, no other intoxicants (no fucking weed)
-Try meditation, mindfulness, gratitude and visualization exercises. They're not memes (especially meditation, it can be life changing).
-Take up hobbies, you will suck dick at them at first, just accept that sucking dick is the unavoidable first step towards mastery. Persevere. Discipline is a muscle you have to build over time like any other.
-Think about how you spend your time, if you are spending excessive amounts of time in some pursuit that isn't paying real life dividends (could be anything, tv, video games, gambling, whatever), develop a plan to wean yourself down from it. Don't need to stop it altogether, though based on your personality type it may be safer if you cut all ties with the problem behavior.
-Make friends and/or strengthen the friendships you already have

Or you could megadose iodine and capsaicin, do crossfit til you get rhabdo and do intermittent fasting on a diet of pure butter and whale liver all while shooting up steroids and popping adderall and modafinil like tic tacs. Oh and definitely drink three liters of CBD a day because it cures all problems ever. Also do nofap and noporn for superpowers, but also do highfap at the same time to clear your head of sexual urges so you can go monkmode. Oh and spend 6 hours a day doing cold showers and wim hof breathing. The choice is yours. (Cold showers are actually a lot of fun but they're not some magic cure)

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hardships tempering you

I read about iodine somewhere online and started taking it for the hell of it. It FUCKED ME UP big time. I thought I was going schizo or something.

Better now but it took like 2 months to wear off. I even took it when I was starting to feel better again just to see if it was the cause and within hours I was all fucked up again.

Yeah I fell for the iodine meme too. Just two drops of lugol's a day had me just about nightmare tripping. Put up with it for a week then threw it in the trash.

It's one of those really pernicious substances with a cult following who will tell you that feeling like shit on it is a good thing because it's expelling toxins from your body. So gullibles just keep taking it and feeling like shit and pretending it's helping them: the worse you feel, the more good it's doing.

At least cold showers and hot peppers don't literally trash your neuroendocrine system. I mean they're joke fads too, but harmless enough.

CancerAnon probably incoming in 3... 2... 1...

This will ruin you over time. An entire generation of kids is about to find this out.

It's crazy eh? I could barely leave the house and shit, kept hearing like 2 seconds of songs repeating in my head over....and over....and over. I think for some people it can be beneficial or at least not fucked..has something to do with your thyroid I believe

Oh and speaking of thyroid mine was all swollen up and lumpy for those 2 months, back to normal now. I even threw out my iodized salt. Fuck that shit
