Bought $4 Link

>bought $4 Link
>Panic sold earlier at $1.97
>Fomo'd back in earlier at $2.20

I'm financially and sexually destroyed

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Have you ever considered that you might be an NPC?

Even NPCs are smarter than this...

all you have to do is hold link and you cant even do that

literally all you had to do was zoom out

Those are some perfect spots you hit man, next time do exactly the opposite of what you think will happen and you're settled for life.

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ahhh the good old buy high sell low strategy
I see you mastered the fundamentals

bought high and sold low, truly the Jow Forums way

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must feel pretty bad being you huh?

Lmao you fell for the link meme?

Post next time you trade so we can inverse you and get mad gains

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>sexually destroyed
how does that even happen? dominatrix?

ouch, fell for the link is a meme meme?

Next time, buy the ATH and sell the ATL and post proof. I will send you the respective amount of money to cover your losses, promised.

This. An NPC would buy at $4, sell at $4.15 and pat themselves on the back for their sick profitz


Show me on the doll where Sergey touched you

you sound like a 20 yr old fag
anyone buying after ath is an absolute mongoloid

I honestly don't believe you, nobody can time the markets that perfectly. Nobody!

Haha, oh man, you'll learn after doing this a few more times