What does he actually do?

What does he actually do?

He's not a coder

He's certainly not a charismatic public speaker.

So why the fuck is he the face of the company? What the fuck does he do apart from dumping 700k every day?

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He is the messiah.

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Pic related

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Sergey doesn't know how to dump 700k. Thomas does that for him.

so he's a meme basically. who's actually the "brains" behind the project?

>they're making fun of me again
Look up the SF talk, he actually says it.

He is the memeable face of it all, the most important part

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I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a millionaire

he knows he's our meme. we may poke fun at him but we are very protective of our meme's

He is a businessman. He talks business with other business people.

Ideas, vision and philosophy

The ones with crooked noses and hands rubbing.
>(((Decentralised oracles)))

dude seriously can't code?

Nick Szabo

Ari Juels

I'll give him that. Still weird that they made him the face tho, not to mention he got fat as fuck

nope, not a single line

he's a crypto evangelist

He does code. Has coded since he's a kid, both parents are programmers. I heard him talk about it in some obscure interview once which no, I will not waste my time trying to find for you. I remember he said he chose to study philosophy because it was what he felt the missing piece was to coding logic, that's paraphrasing he said something more eloquent but basically he did it to supplement his coding knowledge and add a layer of depth to his expertise.

He eats Big Macs.

Motherfucker can't even be trusted to decide what to wear in the morning. That's why he wears the same shit every day.

I loe you Sergey

>he said something more eloquent

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He unironically does code though. He learned it on his own time.

He's there to take all the criticism and do the legally questionable stuff

He used to call himself Satoshi Nazamura

He knows this project like his pockets and hi has the vision and capability to execute that mission. The fact that he gained some solid muscle weight (looks like an olympic lifter nowadays) is just an added credibility bonus