>He doesn't know data is more valuable than oil
>He doesn't know Quant network has an Overledger who connects all the data networks in the world
He doesn't know data is more valuable than oil
Other urls found in this thread:
Effectively, the new gateway for the Internet
>volume dying.
>IDEX mandatory KYC coming soon
>fake tier 1 exchange for over a year
>(real) clients
>Nobody is selling
>mandatory KYC will be mandatory in a new regulated crypto sphere
>tier 1 exchange under NDA
>Real clients onboarded before asking exchanges to list them
Gil lied again and the top exchange they were goin to list on is Switcheo! TOP FUCKING KEK. what an outright scam
Every traditional exchanges will branch out to Digital assets soon where the QNT token certificate will be sold in the near future. Did Gil lie to the European central bank?
pretty sure he did, armenians are scummy
switcheo listed Quant for free out of nowhere, it has nothing to do with what Gil was talking about in regards to a tier 1 exchange
>pretty sure he did
You will never be in the same room as people like that, just admit it, you dont know shit except spew out racial hate on things
Meanwhile Chainlink has hyperledger and every company and coin will use it.
user there's no point in talking about Quant on Jow Forums, 2017 Jow Forums would have jumped on this, 2019 Jow Forums is married to their coins or thinks that everything other than chainlink is worthless
I'm just frustrated because I want some of the cunts to make it, I feel I owe /biz after 2016
have you ever bought anything off an armenian? good luck with your illiquid token stuck on shit exchanges. at least Sergey got us on binance right away. you fucks can't even land bittrex USA. again, top fucking kek.
are you buying Gil's race when you buy Quant tokens?
I've been in probably half of all Quant threads in 2019
all it's taught me is that:
1. Jow Forums doesn't want to do their own research, when you spoonfeed them they reuse to listen
2. if it's not 100% decentralized Jow Forums doesn't want it regardless of it being a good project
3. anons have way too much free time and fud the project for fun when the market as a whole is bored
4. linkies refuse to stay in their own threads and grossly misunderstand both Link and Quant and don't realize they aren't trying to accomplish the same thing
Brappercoin is more shilled than this, Quant is working with hundreds of banks and yet Jow Forums cares more about brapper and deflationary tokens like bomb or nuke or whatever. There's no point in trying to get Jow Forums in on this thing because they say stupid shit like thisI've given up trying to talk about this coin here
Fuck. This is the user who thought it was Siacoin again, fuck it's him right
probably, there are a few anons who go full retard in quant threads
I don't know if they're sincerely autistic or if they're just fudding as a joke but either way they shit up every quant thread
Dont forget most of the fags here are from Jow Forums and anyone that works for a ((bank)) is someone that they will outright hate immediately.
This nigger poster below doesnt realize that binance listing is imminent because of binance chain being integrated into quant's overledger allowing for enterprises to use it.
l o l
I think Jow Forums came over during late 2017 during BTC new ath and the whole mindset of Jow Forums changed, this place just isn't what it used to be when it comes to talking about projects.
see the most basic research will tell you why Quant's github is the way it is, but no, the banks that are already using it are wrong and the anons shitposting are right
Wanna know what else connects things together? My dick, it connects me to your mom.
Quant is a scam. We don't talk about it here. The end.
The fuck does your pic have to do with what you just said?
>connects decentralized blockchains via closed source centralized software with a random token attached to it for no reason
face it this was a low volume coordinated pnd from the start and now that idex is requiring KYC the party is over. anyone still holding this is ultimate brainlet.
This is just absolutely bottom of the barrel low quality fud. Try harder.
>Sia ($500M revenue small business) trials Overledger for free
>Sia also works with banks
>guys Quant is working with hundreds of banks!
$100 min eoy
>LINK is a scam
>QNT is a scam
>SENT is a scam
>LIT is a scam
>VIDT is a scam
>RSR is a scam
Biz make up your mind
All of these are unironically scams LOL
>Sia is a small business
yeah sure buddy sure..
Quant is already being integrated into Sia's payment systems and soon enough more banks will want to use Quant.
user this is just lazy
You're a scam