Can/does dropshipping actually work? I always see ads for guys like Alex Becker and have watched a few vids. Of course he claims all this stuff works and posts screenshots of peoples monthly income as "proof." I understand how it works as well but it seems like the possibility of making what he claims you could make is the same as gaining idk getting 500k subs on youtube. Possible just very difficult. Oh yeah, in his older videos he mogs everyone who says it's a scam or doesn't understand by basically calling them retarded. Idk it seems like it could work considering there are at least a hundred other youtubers pushing similar advice who seem successful at face value.
So Jow Forums give it to me straight does this shit work and if so how much have you made off of it?
works, just not as easy as theses guys sell it to be
you need good product, good seo, capital to sustain capital flow, good marketing strat, decent brand
the way a lot of brainlets see dropshipping is the way people did it 5y back, with a one product page and all the spam ads. Now you need to treat it as a actual business
Caleb Wood
nice sports car he leased in the background there
Julian Reyes
Yeah in the vids I watch they all say that dropshipping works best in a niche. Very specific but not obscure hobbies and lifestyles from what I can tell. Have you made anything off of it? If so what sites do you use?
Parker Moore
Yeah I don't think he Thai Lopez'd it because it's in all of his videos, but maybe he is just larping.
Bentley Hall
i sold puppy dolls until about 8 months ago
made quite a bit of money, but then paypall froze my account with $20k on it, and i had no money to fufill orders. fucked me over
Lucas Gomez
>what sites do you use
i used shopfy
if you are asking about sites with info on how to do it, stop looking, there is no secrets and anyone that sells guides on how to set a store is a pajeet scammer
Lincoln Taylor
Holy shit dude, how long did it take you to make that?
Jeremiah Reyes
so you have to have a website, you have to have the financial infrastructure, the legal infrastructure, and the coding infrastructure of a website. then you need to establish a link between you and supplier/producer then you host said website finally, you market said website by being one annoying motherfucker
did I get it right?
Noah Edwards
about 3 months
it was a good niche and the marketing was on point
>legal infrastructure >coding infrastructure
dont need to bother with these
Cameron Bennett
So, you shouldn't hire a lawyer for this? Also, you don't have to build the website?
Cooper Hernandez
Just need credit cards to interface directly with tethers
Robert Parker
How much were you taking away after paying for advertisement?
Daniel Jenkins
yeah you don't have to build any website. Shopify will "make" you a webstore based off of them. It's not hard, I've set mine up, just don't know what to sell and not ready to put money into it quite yet.
Jason Anderson
Yes. I make a living from dropshipping. Quit my job earlier this year (Feb)
Isaiah Flores
How much do you make? When did you start? How many hours a week do you work?
Landon Parker
Those who have used online sites like shopify or even made decent income online, how much did you initially need to start things off?
Brayden Rivera
It really jumps around, average 8k a month profit
I started 2 years ago
I work less than 2 hours a day
William Ross
what do you primary sell?
William Long
Can you elaborate on your experiences with dropshipping? Other than a very comfortable living you're making, what initially got you started in it? Did you have to invest much in order to begin?
I'm very interested in starting this year, any help or advice from someone who's seen success such as you would be greatly appreciated.
Nathan Walker
I got some capital to invest and always wanted to get into dropshipping. Not sure if a general or a niche store is better though? Any advice anons?
Jacob Martin
What’s the best way to get started?
Ayden Hughes
It's doubtful that he would explain that specifically as he'd provide you with his own niche (Assuming he's operating within a niche)
I'd like answers to these though.
Ayden Walker
he could give a general idea of what the product is such as childs toys/PC shit you know general.
Alexander Ramirez
from what everyone says, niche is the way to go. Think about it, a retarded bronie will spend his life savings on all mlp related shit. A normie will be hesitant to buy even the most normie shit like a GoT or Walking Dead mug or poster.
David Hill
My mistake, thought you meant specific product.
Levi Turner
Wouldnt most dropshipping shit thats related to bronie/GoT/Walking Dead be some kind of chinese shit fake or whatever? Wouldn't those autismos want legit products?
Matthew Ortiz
Doesn't the amount of people dropshipping massively increasing just mean you'll make less money? Being less valueable to the people shipping you the product ofc.
Aaron Ward
Yeah, pretty sure it's easier to target your audience with a niche as well. Really want to try giving this a go.
Colton Wright
I've sold lots of different items, but right now, I've found success again in the dog niche. When I quit my job, I was in the women's fashion niche, but there's way too many returns and it can be a big headache if you don't know what you're doing and have no systems in place. I had two filipino virtual assistants that fulfilled orders and handled customers service.
It took me a long time to find success, but the biggest thing you should ask yourself is when you're looking at your store.... would you buy from you?
You see, if you don't make your website look like the most trustworthy website ever, you're never going to make it.
I have a 1800 number on my site. I have a nice clean theme, and I have customer reviews.
If you want to start this year, start tonight. It takes a lot of info that is readily available on youtube.
My biggest piece of advice for you is to just start.
Matthew Gomez
no need for a lawyer, jesus
you can just use shopfy for the website, is like $20 a month i think, its basicle all ready to go
my budget was $250 a month for ads and instagram posts
Leo White
I mean it's a very saturated market now, but if you have a good niche along with good marketing you're set. From what I've seen it's all about how well you use FB ads and setting up a pixel on your Shopify store to create lookalike audiences.
Noah Peterson
> was in the women's fashion niche i know someone doing this and theys upposedly make like 60k a year just buy selling shit from goodwill and other large bulk buys of clothes ( dont remember specifics) on ebay other sites. >$250 a month for ads and instagram posts Are these ads on instagram or posted by people?
Henry Wood
Except I was making double that and never laid a hand on any of the product. All dropshipped from china
Joshua Cooper
Really appreciate the reply, extremely helpful. I think the hardest thing when it comes to this is gaining traffic to the site itself.
There's a lot to get figured before I begin but again your info was absolutely priceless, so thanks.
Luke Hall
Ehhh though mlp makes a lot of shit, there's bound to be something that's not legit that still grabs the bronies interest. A normal mlp toy or shirt will be bought from the legit source. However a specific mlp shirt like one that says "Straight Out Of Ponyville" that is something the legit mlp could never give, so the retarded bronie buys from your store.
Levi Taylor
posts by "influencers"
gotta be careful there, don't waste more than $30 bucks for one single post, always look for profiles within the range of 50k-150k with really good engagement
instagram ads only works if you already have a good instagram profile
Evan Lewis
Can't imagine how irritating it would've been dealing with potential returns though.
Joseph Myers
its the worst part by far
and a lot of the time you gonna have to eat losses
Angel Nelson
Is dropshipping the new term for reselling or what? I know someone who retired in his early 40's and sold shit on Ebay back in the 00's and still does it today.
Logan Robinson
I'm just wondering if they'll cause issues if they feel like its fake merch Thats interesting so you actually get a lot of traffic from those influencers?
Wyatt Powell
You never touch the product when dropshipping. You sell cheap items made from China on your store for idk 4x their worth. Example: You find a $1 iPhone case Ally Express and decide to put it on your store and sell it for $4. The customer gives you their info and you send the item to them through your Shopify store. You get $3 profit and on a much bigger scale you make a lot more.
John Williams
if done right, its gives the best roi you can get
facebook ads is saturated and expensive now, sure you can make it work, but its not as easy as using instagram
William Nelson
>i know someone doing this and theys upposedly make like 60k a year just buy selling shit from goodwill and other large bulk buys of clothes ( dont remember specifics) on ebay other sites. I know a guy who tried doing this and ended up turning his apartment into a massive hoarder den full of useless shit like old books and stuffed animals
Jordan Hall
You should get a lawyer to get your $20k out of your frozen PayPal account, you absolute brick.
Julian Phillips
he didnt make any money off of it?
Brody Morgan
Rather than take the return and essentially waste your time, would you usually just send a refund or something?
In my eyes, the only reason returns would be such an issue is because it's dropshipping.
An ok so lets say you use AliExpress for example, once you have an order you would literally and manually add the customers shipping info to whatever Chinese site you were using. This is the general gist?
Brayden Ramirez
That's the point, they know it's not authentic, but they don't care because they want it and it'll probably be cheaper than the authentic. Like I said for the mlp toys, they will buy the real deal. But for a mlp ring that has fucking applejack stamped into it or a necklace that says "bronies 4 life" that is the shit that Hasbro will not sale but China will.
Aiden Peterson
Most of these cunts make their money selling their stupid ebook telling you how you too can make $100,000/mo!
>you make it by convincing a bunch of dumbfucks to buy your ebooks
Isaiah Jones
He started making money off it and then went way too far with the thrift store shopping thinking he'd he able to sell all of it. Not sure what happened to all the stuff he had bought
Ryder Watson
Yes but I don't think you have type anthing because that's what your Shopify store is for. They enter their info on your store like they would with Amazon, and your store sends the order out to Ali Express and if I'm not mistaken pays using part of sale you just made. I havent gotten my store up yet but have been doing tons of research.
Xavier Richardson
>lawyer up paypal over 20k
yeah right
too much hassle, chinks dont do well with returning shit
and if you are making money on volume, there is no point on wasting the time over $5
Lucas Thompson
What are realistic returns for this? I have about 2 months of free time and am willing to dedicate multiple hours per day to advertising/researching/setting things up.
How much per month is reasonable to expect?
John Myers
>How much per month is reasonable to expect? I would imagine it entirely depends on what you're selling and how much traffic you can pull to your product.
Personally I'd want to make at least £3000 p/m
John Barnes
I have some ideas for markets (mainly video game merch) around 4000/m was my original goal. I don't want it to replace my job, though.
John Walker
all internet marketing gurus are scammers. They give vague/old advice that most OGs already know and sell info products to noobs who don't know any better.
No one will teach you a method on how to make money that works right now. I've been doing internet marketing for 12 years full time and I've had a few schemes that earned me 30k+/month for a while. Never would I teach that shit to anybody while it still worked. It would be retarded.
Jaxon Martinez
oh and I have done dropshipping as well, about 200k in sales in 12 months. The thing is "dropshipping" isn't a way to make money. What makes you money is the traffic. Getting traffic profitably to a dropshipping site is how you make money, and nobody teaching how to do that. Those that know are making bank and not teaching it. Facebook ads don't really work that well for dropshipping anymore, which is how I did it in 2016 before normies killed the method.
Alexander Foster
Becker is a scammer taking advantage of "nerd culture" to sell to incels looking for a way out
Crypto is probably still the best option. If you can do affiliate marketing you're probably making bank because you can come up with new ways to fuck with people.
Asher Thompson
Can you elaborate? I'm interested in as many streams as possible
Christopher Garcia
I.E. what the other guy said. Most people make a pittance from affiliate marketing and dropshipping. You basically have to come up with new ways to monetize your shit and keep it a secret in order to make the big bucks.
Jaxson Roberts
Lambo in the background = massive red flag
Owen Bennett
Guy is a huge dick
Evan Foster
so is it just this guy that's a scam or is dropshipping in general a scam?
Jose Mitchell
Affiliate marketing and dropshipping are worthwhile IF you can drive traffic to your store or offer. I made a lot of money selling skin care products first as an affiliate then my own PL brand, but the entire space is so competitive now and I moved into speculating on shitcoins. It's all about driving traffic and getting your cost per conversion low. No matter what product you would choose to dropship you would be facing huge competition in all the conventional traffic driving methods and would not be able to compete without some kind of unique approach to getting lower cost per conversion. So you should think always when choosing a product "who buys this? where do I find them? how can I reach them and convince them to buy from me?" and research from that angle before even looking at suppliers and such.
Your best way to start is to find some handmade products on etsy, come up with some fancy marketing take on them, and offer them on a dropshipping store at 1000% markup. This will allow you to think outside the box, you can't outspend the big players with millions in literally any vertical and you can't out-busywork the pajeets so it is out of the box or on the streets.
>not arbing >not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges >Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs > Not shorting OKeX No wonder you're poor...
Nathan Jackson
Any guidance on learning how to spot good arbitrage opportunities? Any good tutorials / guides on this stuff you suggest?
Nathaniel Martin
Austin Lewis
Just dropped a hard Eth
Its a scam - just don't
Jeremiah Rodriguez
what? i just flipped 6 eth
Lincoln Ortiz
You can't be this new - he spams the board every day
Ayden Carter
Yeah I've seen the post before but checked it out. Price on okex and hitbtc is like .40 and its .15 on forkdelta
Jacob Lopez
hmm, you seem legit as I have done similar but never really expanded big. How do ypu advertise yourself, I used google adsense without any success. Whats your earning rate on the items? 50% 100% 200% of the original price?
Jeremiah Wright
It ain't the same token mon ami Just the same ticker
Landon Long
Delet this
Christian Bailey
*typo, not adsense but google ads
Aiden Phillips
>filming with a lambo in the background wew
Ethan Nguyen
>advertising or begging thread Alex, you will have a bad day for expending your ads to Jow Forums. Expect losing your business. Should have stayed on plebbit
Elijah Allen
Based af dude
Xavier White
Becker actually does email lists and email funneling and doesn’t really do dropshipping. He gets other people to talk about dropshipping on his channel. I’ve tried getting an email list but it’s fucking hard, do you have an tips e-commerce master? Do I first find a seller and ask to advertise for him or how does it work.