I'm 21 (682 credit score) make $18k wage cucking, but I do own a registered business (no profits, just spent the money so I can place hold the name). How can I get a $50,000 loan minimum so I can invest in gold + silver miners and physical gold + silver?
Getting a loan to become stinky rich
If you make $18k you can't get a 50k loan dumbass. You wouldnt even be able to make the payments, they would be around 1k a month.
I don't pay a phone bill, I live rent free, my parents pay for my food, I don't own a car and they drive me everywhere or I lyft. Im living super comfy. Think I could with a co-sign from them?
Forget it. The land of opportunity is over. Most banks won't give you a loan worth a damn unless you have a stable job from 30 years ago, or work for a fortune 500 company.
Louis Rossmann was even mentioning this and how, as a small business that had $60k in the bank, he couldn't take out a loan for less than that despite having the cash on hand.
wow thank you user for the info. The only way I see myself getting a big loan is if I get a school loan, pay for 3 credits and use the rest to invest. Unfortunately my parents arent looking to co-sign on a loan because they are looking to refinance their house after rates drop. I was thinking of finding a way to contact a Loan Shark though.
>open multiple credit cards
>max them
>call bank
>tell them you're looking for debt consolidation with favorable interest rate and potentially a payment grace period
there's $50k without even talking to a bank rep
I make 75k and couldnt get more than 25k, but I have a lot of other expenses. You can always apply.
user absolutely no bank is going to give a 21 year old making 18k a loan of 50k
holy moly you are right user, this is very very good for buying physical! Didn't think of that. Now I have to find a way to be able to buy gold and silver miner stock. Probably just sell some of the physical to cash.
Maybe with a comfy co-sign from my mommy and daddy.
Yes, remember it's risky. You can also look into low APR credit cards, or ones with a 1 year grace period. This is popular in the US, but you have to be ready to dig and possibly use different banks. Another way is to use free credit transfers. This means you take your credit card balance on one card and simply transfer it to another card. You can avoid the interest on the amount owed this way. You will have to transfer to a card with a low rate, or even better one with another 1 year grace period. Also make sure to remember that some credit card transfers can be 1% - 3% of the amount owed, GO FOR THE FREE ONES.
Check out pic related.
And yes, while I'm not personally a goldbug or silverbug, it's a smart idea to trade made up credit for physical, precious metals. Personally, I'm after LINK
I saw a bold linky stinky the other day take a $35k loan out to buy LINK. I wonder how much he lifts with that power move.
Listen you fucking brainlets, let me tell you why this is certifiably stupid.
1. 50k worth of credit card debt while making 18k a year will fucking demolish your credit and income.
2. creditors will look at your income and credit score/history and laugh in your face before you even get to #1
3. Your credit will be so shit, you won’t be able to even talk to a debt consolidator.
4. Even if you do miraculously pull this off when hell freezes over, you’ll land yourself 100k in debt just for the kikes to take your gold and silver investments, and you’re back at square one with no gold or silver but 100k in debt.
Nice plan user, go for it!
Well if you're a retard that doesn't properly float the credit cards, then yeah sure. If you're also that retarded, then claim bankruptcy. Fucking lol @ people like you who want / care about having a good goy score. Not all of us want to be fucking peasants forever you worthless fucking nigger. Now go scrub Shekelstein's shoes with your tongue.
Also gold can be buried. Fag
This. I sadly lost all my gold and silver I bought previously in a boating accident.
>user wanted to roleplay as Musa on the River™ and crashed into the jetty
>Not all of us want to be fucking peasants forever
Good luck buying a house with 250k+ in cash, or being limited to sub $10000 secondhand shit boxes on wheels, Mr. Defiant Goy. I’m sure you won’t end up a rent slave to Mr. Shekelburg in 2-4 years after your parents kick your sorry ass out.
>Also gold can be buried.
So you just think brokers and dealers wouldn’t document a 50k purchase for appreciating assets like Precious Metals and not send the buyer’s information to the IRS?
Wew, lad. I knew this board was dumb but not this dumb.
>So you just think brokers and dealers wouldn’t document a 50k purchase for appreciating assets like Precious Metals and not send the buyer’s information to the IRS?
Maybe buy $4000 from 12 brokers?
>buy appreciating assets with credit
>float credit balances, dodging interest
>sell appreciating assets for profit legally
>use profit that is properly documented to buy your beloved boomer mcmansion
Fucking NPC, there's nothing illegal being posted here. It's using favorable credit card terms in conjunction with selling appreciating assets to build wealth. Go fuck off back to r*ddit now. Dumb fuck
before buying your faggy mcmansion add this in
>take amount earned off the sale the of the assets and pay off debt
>banker in his tight pants will be happy
>>sell appreciating assets for profit legally
>>use profit that is properly documented to buy your beloved boomer mcmansion
You do realize that Gold and Silver aren’t pennystocks or shitcoins right? It could take decades to reach a decent profit, let alone enough to buy a house with an initial investment of 50k.
Yeah, you're actually fucking retarded. I said earlier that I'm after Link
Youre forgetting the graph to silver looks almost identical to Bitcoin pre 2017 moon. So I'll just buy up quick then cash out quick after moon.
We’re talking about OP here you fucking mongroid. He was the one who posted the thread you humongous flaming faggot
Just get a student loan. They're going to be forgiven anyway.
What the fuck makes you say thay. The entire national economy would collapse.
Well yeah, that's gonna happen too retard. Might as well load up on gold and silver while you can.
>bad things will happen because i said so
Good luck getting anybody to buy your affiliate gold and silver links shill
Crabs in the bucket hate when people try to get ahead.
Why pay for 3 credits? Just fake your own death. If you think the 'crash' is seriously coming, being dead won't hold you back until you can just buy a new identity in whatever banana republic occupies the land formally known as USA. Get your parents in on it and offer to pay off their mortgage or buy your mom a fucking purse or something, in exchange for hiding you from the federales.
America is gonna fall back into recession,its inevitable. The fed is gonna announce a rate cut tomorrow, and they'll be back to QE before you know it. If you only understood economics you'd get it, but you're a faggot retarded zoomer. Enjoy starving to death.
I'm on the same page you are user with the recession happening. Even during the FedListens conference the professors and fellow members of the federal reserve were saying we are headed into a recession very very soon. Instead of student loan looks like im just going to open up multiple credit cards and stock up on physical.
It's funny how our system lets you borrow very easily, but god forbid you use it for a business... despite the government backing up 50% of it through an SBA loan.
>durrr 2019 is the same as 1929
Just get on Robinhood with 1k until the market cures you of your retardation.