Delivering pizza as a side hustle worth it?

im trying to raise $3500

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Yeah, pizza delivery could make you that in 2 months. Maybe 1 month in a city at a busy location

Been watching Dave Ramsey videos, huh, user?

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dave ramsey talks about pizza delivery?

Yessir, to make extra cash and pay down bills and such. I've thought about it too.

cool, i wonder what other stuff other than pizza delivery can do it

Do you have to put that fucking sign on your car too?

any part time job. Personally, I'd recommend something where you are moving - it will be like getting paid to workout.

There was a financial talk radio host in the 80s who always preached working 80 hours a week. It was hilarious hearing his stories

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I do just eat and uber eats full time lmao fuckin better than any other job I’ve had

I do them both together. I literally pick and choose which orders I want. I also get to work when the fuck I want, it’s 100% flexible. No uniform. And the job is fuckin easy and you get to meet some cute lil thotties who work at the restaurants.

but you have to pay self employment tax.

Reminder that anyone advocating for a drive your own car to deliver/taxi is a jewish paid shill.
Every single one of those jobs is a scam because they make you use your own car and pay for your own car maintenance. Then all of a sudden you’re paying a shit ton for new brakes/tiers/etc. This is the absolute worst job there is

How much per month?

This. Some people that got in on the game early made bank. I myself drove Uber/Lyft from 2014 and was making a consistent $30-$50/hr after expenses.

Now, you'd be lucky to make minimum wage. Every broke, unemployed loser with a >1999 car is on the road already suppressing the returns.

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Let them find out the hard way.

Buy $350 in zuckbucks and sell the 10x in August

I work pizza delivery on the side a few nights a week. After a few years I'm fucking tired of it, 27 is too old to be doing bullshit jobs like that. It's decent money as long as you deliver to wealthy white areas (niggers in the ghetto give shit tips)

This. The only think worse is thinking about all the money I lost by not getting in RFR recently and LINK last year but coming to biz daily..

I'm in the UK and I dont have to worry about that until I make £12.5k.
It's still new in my area so I'm making the most of it. I'm not in this for the longterm. A year max.

Don't forget niggers will murder you for seven dollars.

spend $350 on VID and you'll see $4000 in one month...not even kidding, just look at this...

in america alone in heavily infested regions where niggers reside and prowl, countless pizza delivery persons in recent years have been robbed and killed by them. i shit u not, go fucking google it. if u deliver any kind of food that has a "cash on delivery" payment option, dont deliver with that service.

Just go on a dating app, set the age to 40+ & hook a sugar mama divorcee.

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Worked pizza (Domino's) a lot for five years. Worked with 38 year old and a 50 year old lifers.

Given a good area (tip wise) and a good crew and you'll probably average $30-40 in tips and reimbursement in a slow 3-4 "rush shift" with upwards of $150-200 in tips and reimbursement if you work a 2 hour ( 2 PM to 2AM) busy weekend night like Fri or Sat.

Typically $3-4 a run with tip and reimbursement with some nights being $5 and generally better during holidays ($6-7). My store pays $8.25 inside an hour inside and $5 on the road.

Pizza sales are becoming stagnant for Domino's. There's also their ongoing "fortressfication" for more stores.

I'd be wary about campus delivery. Generally volume of orders makes up for lower tip average than say a middle or working class neighborhood.

Refereum is the ultimate side hustle. Just play shit like Fortnite and PUBG to make it

Not going to make it

You are not supposed to use a car to deliver food. It is the most efficient to use a small moped if you already have one.
Same here. Did it for a year while I was saving up for and doing my trade certificate. Am 25, there was people in their 40's doing this kind of shit job, I felt bad for them.

I have a +60yo friend that more than once has told me to do this. I thought he was joking but maybe he wasn't. Is this really a thing?

A small, older beater car can work well

Domino's will be having e-bikes for some delivery areas too soon, so no license or wear/tear on a car, but not sure of pay structure.