Are there any guys here who are 18-24, straight, have bangs (hair), and have really long feet with really long toes...

Are there any guys here who are 18-24, straight, have bangs (hair), and have really long feet with really long toes? If you fit this description and want a paypig for your crypto investments, add me.

P.S. I am not scamming, if you've seen my threads before, it's just because I have never found a person who fit my description except one who ghosted me.


Attached: utuy6677667.jpg (225x225, 7K)

are you a girl

Sorry no, just a beta male

I'm 28, have slightly long hair and am 6'3" 82kg. Toes are normal tho. Doni qualify?

why do you want them to be straight then

Yeah I fit that criteria. I'm a handsome bastard too. Also I'm a total fucking whore and I'll do anything for money


I'm 21, could have bangs, size 9 feet and long toes. Let's do this user.

Add me, phone post so diff ID

I'm 22, got curled hair, mid sized toes, relatively big feet I guess. DO i qualify for your party?

I fit ur description and have long hair let’s do this user

Add me

I'm 21, 6'3" with pale skin and long feet and toes. Pay me in Link and you've got yourself a deal. I don't use Steam though.

Pic is unrelated, the name is from Discord. Add me

these are the best kinds of threads, good luck op

t. long toe harvester

Attached: download.jpg (212x238, 5K)


yo my dude, I'm 23, got nice hair, and wear 12 size shoes, what do you think?

@long toes#5068

i'm 51, lesbian, have short hair and short feet with short toes
do i qualify?

OP im 34 and have really nice long feet with reaaally long toes. also got beautiful hair. do I make the cut?

Pm'ed you

I'm the complete opposite, fuck youu

Best thread on the Jow Forums atm

Get in line faggot

fuck off cunt i'll stick my long ass toes in your ass