What was his endgame?

What was his endgame?

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Societal order.

to protect shekelstein

To become the living embodiment of wojak

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he cant think far enough to have an endgame

Just trying to make a living

This is what wagecucking does to the human mind.

poor little guy

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What in Quentin Tarantino quotes is unironically going on here?

Dude didn't want to spend $30 on a photo of his reaction during a rollercoaster, so he decided to take a photo of it. Mr Wagecuck didn't like that very much.

Anyone got youtube of this?

and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those pesky kids.

why does mr wagecuck even care?

If he let's people do that then he might get fired

Working at an amusement park is not "making a living", it is a summer job for degenerate teenage stoners

Oh ok. So...are people here wondering why he was trying not to get fired?

To finally become assistant to the manager (although there's no hourly wage raise)

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He is just doing his job but in doing so he is exhibiting what Sartre called bad faith. His "profession" has compromised his personal identity by making him absurd.

Haha what a fat bitch. He cares way too much for his minimum wage

I just googled who that is, i dont think ANYONE here is commenting on this video with that context. I think they are insecure to commit themselves to something bigger than them even if they stand to benefit.

Do you REALLY think a successful life is one where you get FIRED often? Think about that for a second if you can

Everyone has his ways to hustle man. Who are you to judge

Fuck off faggot

Man imagine having a job so dead end that you end up chasing somebody over $30 because they pulled out their phone to take a photo. You could instead be chasing some criminal or terrorist down the street to inevitably pin him down and beat the ever living shit out of him and in the process serving your community by keeping it safe either by being a police officer or even a security guard and 9/10 you'd get away with beating the son of a bitch. Now look at this wagie oyboy, chasing a chad he can't touch over the price of a rollercoaster photograph

I hope hes trolling but hes prolly a neet who doesn't know what work is. Work builds character

save up for 1000 LINK @ 1.49 and retire

If you are unironically making fun of that employee there is something wrong with you

To finally be able to tell his alpha manager to fuck his mother because he wants an actual alpha in the family to take care of them so superior genes are essential

dead right, love french philosophers

Big words from someone who never had a job

sean paul sartre spittin out them truths

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You don't own your job mate
It can be revoked from you at any time
You are being lent a job
I made my own job
I own my job
I'm always hired
Kill yourself

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>If you are unironically making fun of that employee there is something wrong with you

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