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Other urls found in this thread:

Eric Holder had Paul Walker assassinated to cover up his illegal gun smuggling operation in Mexico known as Fast and Furious.

OLD. And:

>team sells millions of dollars of premined shitcoin
>spends a couple hundred bucks on a forbes article

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You surely can FUD better than that.
Now change your IP address and try again.

>fud fud fud
>doesn't refute anything
Emotional investor.

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posted 1 day ago

1000 eoy


So which one of you wrote this?

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It's a term, retard. No one says shittokens.


fucking old

you have to go back s󠀀oyboy

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If one year ago you said Chainlink would be featured on Forbes alongside partnership with oracle the entire board would have collectively creamed.

Now it's just meh for you assholes isn't it

Ok, listen fags it costs roughly 8k to publish an article on Forbes. Anyone falling for this is an idiot.

>refute my baseless claim

Why are so few fudders intelligent?
Are they false flagging?

The Forbes blog post section isn't an exclusive website for only top crypto projects, it's just general crypto news. You can find articles about XRP, LTC, BCASH, etc. Congrats, LINK was featured on clickbait articles. Furthermore it's not even Forbes staff, pic related you can see when Forbes staff actually writes an article. Who do you think pays the contributors? It's called marketing, and that's exactly what's hapoening. Sergey is paying for exposure. While simultaneously dumping 700k over and over again.
>baseless claim
Top kek lad.

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This is an ad. I didn’t think LINK could get any more pathetic but here we are

>dumping 700k
nice try, not a single link was sold on the open market, else link's mcap ranking would've dived. it's called binance OTC feature.

u know forbes is self contributors that write for it, right?
u larpin faggot

Its an opinion piece that means jack squat. I could write for forbes and get my little editorial published if I wanted to. Nice try though.

Forbes contributor

They exchanged a token created out of thin air for someone's money, OTC or not. Now they used some of that money to advertise on Forbes. Get it?

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It's there anything dumber than a stink? Falling for this shilled PnD over and over.

They write about Destiny (the video game) on Forbes bro. Just cause it's on Forbes doesn't mean shit you cornball cuck

Dude everybody can write a forbes article its not an official statement

People are gonna be real surprised when they find out who the buyer was of the 700k LINK increments. In August, Joy joy

kek so i guess at least one bagholder works at forbes huh

We just keep winning baby.

Destiny was a popular game. Very successful

It still sucked. Very boring. What kind of chode plays such a game?

>t. Didn’t sell at $4.50

Forbes has written about everything. Cope harder linkie.

nobody bought. They were distributed