High school: "Like, EW! What an ugly creep!"

>High school: "Like, EW! What an ugly creep!"
>College: *completely ignores you while fucking Chads every week*
>Working life: "I, like, don't think that this candidate displayed enough of our Core Values in his interview. He got the technical questions right but he didn't show Excellent Enthusiasm or Majestic Motivation in his teamwork examples. We should reject him."

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only you to blame for bending the knee and wanting to slave for kikes in 2019. fucking retard. there is a million ways to make money and stay neet comfy.

id rather die than work for somebody else. ultimative cuckoldry.

Agreed about vapid whores in HR being an issue, but this is a pathetic projection, OP.

You probably go into interviews thinking this and give off a vibe unwittingly.

Try having sex, odds are it will make you a less of a timid, socially uncalibrated, unbearable cunt that no one will employ ever

kys kike. also have sex

you need to go back Jow Forums

>t. goldsteinberg
tick tock shlomo

Only chads or normies attractive and socially adept and upper class enough to never have these problems can get sex these days


>t. Dyel incel who has given up and thinks you should too

is this the manlet dicklet incel general? lmao how fucking pathetic

Wtf? I saw this thread a week ago, why post it again?

i know the one of the girls

can confirm OP is a beta who touched his first boob at 25

Zoom out for a second. How much of personal real life experience do you have to back up your regarding statement and how much did you pick up through the hive mind of image boards?

This may sound like ' just bee yourself' tier advice, but don't let made up meme concepts that you pick up through excessive forum dwelling and its constant reassurance by others anons, manifest and burn into your head, hindering you to unironically just stepping outside the house and talk with girls. Why the overcomplicating? Why the blaming others and not taking responsibility for your own life/actions? Have strong opinions, weakly held. The basic gist about the omnipresent mantra propagated about 'NPC/Normies' here consists of (subconsiously) following blind herd mentality in order to fit it. The forgotten 'minor' detail is tough that the scale on which this applies doesn't matter wether its the global population or measly hundreds of anonymous users of a subculture image board.

too based
waste of time to type
you cant compete with literally years of dopamine fried brain

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True. But how do you have sex? Thats the part they never explain

Care to name a few of these "million ways" for us wannabe NEETs and wagecucks?

All these 'I'm so happy in pictures and socially active on social networks' roasties are miserable on the inside and depressed neurotic messes by the time they're 35

>living with mommy & daddy well into adulthood, now THATS a lifestyle

Cope dude. Women live happier and longer lives than men

Things like this make me feel fortunate for choosing a carrer in research, despite paying like shit

It’s true though. Once they hit the wall their value gets destroyed.

Its actually not bad if the house is huge, near a beach, and your parents are rich (like mine) . Sounds like you fell for some sort of meme.

>just be born rich bro, so much better than wagecucking


it's actually good advice eventhough you are implying it's not

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All women are whores

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If you have literally anything negative to say about incels then you are not a man

it sure is summer in here

My mom is 50 to and she still gets guys giving her free shit. And shes not even hot. Women always have it easy. Wall is a myth

They are unable to fulfil life's most basic purpose. Unsure how that makes me less of a man kek.

Those girls probably are overqualified as fuck but got pigeonholed into recruiting because they're babe.
But tell me more about how white men are the most oppressed minority on the planet and that nobody else has any valid problems.



Wage until you've got $20k or so saved then get to work on turning $1 into $2.

got 30k, any ideas for the second part?
i am disenchanted with amazon wholesaling after a recent failure

Nonsense, lower your standards. There a plenty of 5s and 6s looking for a lay

maybe for chad lites. lower your standards to a 1 or 2 but no guarantees there either

kek imagine thinking like this

Why would i be larping about this?


Fuck off Jow Forums is can not exist with out Jow Forums
Also 10/10 about women in work place OP they belong in the kitchen not being left with the responsibility of recruiting men .

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in the real world, 80% of women like this arent going to act standoffish to you because your ugly. its because you're a fucking annoying dick, being ugly just doesnt help.
the other 20% well that's just humans, just as many shit bag men

100% Bizraeli here. Fuck Jow Forums and their schizophrenic ramblings. You faggots do nothing but poison the air here. Shut the fuck up about your personal feels and talk money.

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Being born an upper-middle class millennial/zoomer white female is just life on easy mode. To say so otherwise is being as delusional as the group you're criticizing.

Tick tock as brazilization envelops your community , you amuse me goy

>Jow Forums
>not Jow Forums
unironically leave newfaggot

Women in places of power have always been a mistake.
It's a shame that the real effects of this won't be seen for another 30 years and no one will connect the dots about it soon.

You've conned yourself into believing this as a coping mechanism. The truth is young guys are mostly worthless to women because they lack experience and financial power. So lots of young guys now become bitter incels, and come up with all these coping strategies and stay a virgin for way longer than they should. The fact is, this period where young guys have trouble getting women is only very short. 18-23 at max. Once you are over 23 you should be able to pick up women easily. Hell I was able to woo and impress a reasonable attractive women into being my gf when I was fucking unemployed and out of shape once I hit 24.

If you are under 23, start saving money and trying to gain life experience, maybe fuck a prostitute for sexual experience. If you are over 23 you have no excuse, you don't realize it yet but life changes and the doors are now open to you, you just haven't gone to check them. Sex is easy as fuck after 23.

haff seks

I'm almost 29 and haven't gotten anything since 2012. I'm somewhat fit and decently educated, I legit don't know what's wrong with me. But I know I don't want to live like this much longer. Pic related is me

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Well, since you are here...

I tried it once and the police started chasing me, it's really not worth the effort man.

>is can not exist
all Jow Forums brainlets please leave. we are here to make money, nothing else. if you want to effect change, get the fuck out of your basements and do something.

Absolutely based!

Checked. Buy crypto. Haven’t worked since eth

lose galsses improve haircut

train your neck
get a better haircut

you literally look like half life gordon freeman and you ask why you don't get laid bro, start by the haircut, if it doesn't work shave your beard

I'll never understand why business hire women.
Especially in the critical department of who you fucking hire.
Don't they know employees make or break a company, everything else being basically irrelevant ?

Brave to post yourself, but like others said, fix that haircut and lose the glasses, get contacts if you must. Shave the beard too.

If your problem is lack of confidence in approaching women, stemmed by years of failure, then you will have to visit a few whores to get that confidence boost up and to be able to treat women like meat again after seeing them degrade themselves for your money. Then you can get that confidence back and slay normal pussy. If you are American than you're out of luck for this part though unless you are willing to travel.

Premartial Sex is Degenerate.

They get subsidies or tax breaks or etc. depending on the country if they have enough % of women. Literally the only reason

You look decent. Are you a manlet?
Just get professional pictures taken for 100$ and use them on tinder. Fuck uggos on tinder to get your confidence up.

Contacts and gym will help but probably you dont even need that. Plenty of guys who look like you get pussy

I'm 5'10, if that's manlet. I dunno I guess everything just feels really phony to me. I suck at "advertising" myself because it feels disingenuous.

It's not disingenuous to advertise yourself honestly.
You need a bit more confidence man, you're a good looking guy and you have the right to sell your best qualities.
That's social darwinism my guy, you're competing for a mate, put your best feathers out and find someone.

Why do you post the same joke more than once?

the only solution to your problem is holding UND my friend.

lol you don't know what a recruiter's job is, basically a glorified secretary. they're not on screenings or interviews and don't make hiring decisions--just send emails and schedule meetings

If you're unable to get laid it's over for me you're 10 times as hot as me

>Once you are over 23 you should be able to pick up women easily

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9/10 you literally never meet an HR person when looking for jobs. If you sperg out on the phone or in emails then it’s your fault.

Any decent job might have an hr screen but the project/team leaders will do the actual interview since recruiter chickens dont know shit about anything technical

My favorite chart

Haircut, contacts, and lifting... you’ll make it

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A PhD in international relations is not being overqualified, user

fix the hair man. Get a nice fade and dont wear the top so flat. looks like shit. and lose the glasses.
>t. family owns a salon for men


Leeching off your parents doesn't count as a "way to make money"

FANG recruits on academic conferences I attend. These recruiters were the first time I encountered the valley girl stereotype IRL. I was absolutely disgusted.

>bro sex is so easy to get when you're mid-20's and older

I'm circumcised so jacking off doesn't even feel good.

>actually believing people don't judge you from appearance alone
I'm a 184 90 kg "chad" with 8/10 face. Even if I raped women, they won't go to police, because I'm handsome. But if an incel/autist even dares to compliment same women will report harassment, share about "how she got raped on workplace" with #metoo on whatever social media she is using.

Post pics, I did.
Thanks for the advice, guys, I'm gonna give it a try.
I wouldn't sell yourself short, my best friend is way worse off than me, looks wise, but does really well. It has more to do with me having no social skills/confidence I think.

You just suck at whacking it and will probably suck at giving good dick if you can't even get that right

Mfw 6'6"

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IT is. As long as you take care of your self and your body you can get laid easily. Just think about the girls who put low effort into themselves, that’s also a male problem