Be honest boys, what's your overall investment and current valuation?
Bonus: Biggest gain that you sold for a profit (doesn't count if you "hodl'ed" and lost all the value you could have gained), and biggest failure.
Investment: $17,500
Valuation: $14,270
Biggest Gain: Flipped XRB from $3.20 to $30
Biggest Failure: Bought CND after pajeet beach post shilled it at 30 cents, current value is less than 1 cent.
Be honest boys, what's your overall investment and current valuation?
>investment $1652
>valuation $1686
Investiment: $10000
Biggest Gain: None
Biggest Failure: My Life
Investment: $35K
Valuation: $90K
Biggest Gain: bought BTC in 2013 for $70/p. Bought BNB in Sep 2017
Biggest Failure: bought weed with BTC in 2013 & 2014. Bought Liquid & ICX because of some Korean Jew Nigger. ICX@$3.08, now $0.26
He's my hero, I sold my CND at 25 cents.
>Providing data on wealth and investments
>for free
never gone make it
Investment: $6.5K
Valuation: $3.2K
I thought i would be a millionaire by now. why do i get justed so hard everytime
>Assuming anyone would take data posted here seriously when over 50% of the users larp as millionaires on a daily basis
initial investment: $2000
current valuation: Negative $300,000
i wish i was baiting
This guy right here. This is the guy.
Investment: $50k
Current: $72k
ATH: $930k
Initial investment: $80
ATH: Around $10k
Now: $700
Take me back to early 2017.
>$2600 CAD
I'm glad I started small and didn't dump 40k into crypto
Read through thread again. Those morons are unironically posting correct data for the most part. Normies are retarded
lmao 10k with 80$
poor fag minumum wage loser here
i only have been buying link the last two years
i felt so stupid when everything else was mooning way harder than link
not so much anymore
invested about 8,000 over the last two years.literally was all i could save, i tried my hardest
37k linkies
almost quit my minuim wage restaurnt job.
To add to this, I fell for the link meme and lost $400, then went all in REN and didn't sell when it was up 20% because I'm fucking dumb
Mainly held with the occasional trades from one shitcoin to another based on what Jow Forums was shilling back then because everything just pumped.
Again, you're the normie if you interpret anything posted on Jow Forums as anything but a meme.
Investment: $15k
Valuation: $90k
ATH: $135k
It was worth $9k in december 18. Thanks to daytrading and link (of which I sold half at the top) im way up.
>Most probably honest data
>Most probably memeing
Wholesome. Makes me happy, even if a bit jealous.
k, so go sell this insanely valuable data to your local data collection agency. i'm sure they will gladly offer you between 1 and 5 cents for this immaculate data on how 9 autistic retards are doing on their internet money investments. you really found a data goldmine here pal, congrats!
>selling data
That is not how this works. Just one part of the equation OP, but I guess you know that faggot
Investment: $60k
Valuation: $100k
Biggest Gain: dumped wax on normies when it was listed on bittrex for 3 btc profit
Biggest Failure: hodling btc from 20k to 3k like a fucking retard
Investment: 2000$
Valuation: 1400$
Held my homochain till the bitter end instead of gain sats like a good goy.
>just one part of le equation in my ingenious master plan to data mine autistic teenagers, muahahahaha!
you're like a supervillian who doesn't realize he has downs syndrome in a parody superhero movie.
What? Building a nice straw man I see.
Investment: $5000
Valuation: $5500
All time high: $19000
Biggest gain: Bought a lot of LINK under 0.50.
Biggest failure: Attempting to swing trade link the past three months, traded like a shitty poker player buying when it pumped and selling when it dipped. Lost half of it in the process
Happens to us all at some point, you'll learn and grow and eventually you'll be the one dumping after the pumps and buying the dips. Protip: Never swing more than 10% of your portfolio or you'll kys if the bullrun begins and you lost a majority of your stack.
I started with 20 cent in 2016, went up to 100 bucks during the 2017 bull, and then held down to 5 bucks over the course of last year. Luckily I was all in link. So I'm now back to 50 bucks (I didn't sell the top, because I learned nothing). I'm a small-time hobby trader. Just in it for the experience and bragging rights a few years down the line...
you won't have bragging rights if you turn 20 cents into $500-1000, you'll have people laughing at you because you knew about the future of finance but were too scared to invest more and secure the generational wealth of your future family.
Investment: 320K
Value: 746K
Only crypto that matters.