Coinlion will be the new norm when Binance closes

Coinlion will be the new norm when Binance closes

I called hydro & qnt @ ico prices



Attached: thenextquantEZ10x.png (1168x839, 1.57M)

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Damn so youre responsible for qnt?

[spoiler] give me back my money, I fell for your fucking scam [/spoiler]

Someone respond to binance US fud

O you can’t

op is right. Coinlion will go bonkers in by end of year. Min $1+ by eoy. Screenshot this. $5+ by eoy 2020. fdic insured, usa regulatory compliant, and fiat. No fees to trade with lion.

Has anyone actually used this exchange?

yes, it's getting better every week as they make updates. Looking forward to fiat so i don't get raped in coinbase fees anymore

yes I have also used it. Quick deposit and withdraw too.

that's funny where do you see this information? because it sure as shit isn't on their website