Finally found my waifu please god let her swipe right

Finally found my waifu please god let her swipe right

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Other urls found in this thread:

>user wants a woman who doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut
Yeah I would love for a dumb bitch to run her mouth about how much money I have to all her friends. No way that ends poorly.


hope you like old traps OP

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dude go post this fucking faggotry somewhere else, this is incel land you fucking nigger

Found "her" on Facebook.

cringe as fuck and OP is obviously a redditor. you have to go back

You are scouting 47 year olds in freakin can have any girl you want there OP. A paradise if you like Asian women.



Just look at that hand.

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post the rest of "her" face user ;)

and that jawline

redditor gf is better than a /soc/ gf, and also better than a nointernet gf. I got my ex using reddit and she's pretty happy with it and still a cool chick

Its a hooker op..





How about you don't call people the N word. You'd get your ass kicked if you said that in front of me or any black person. Dumbass

Based nigger


Shut up you stupid nigger.

>1 mile away
You fell for the gook meme, jungle gook no less

How about you don't get offended by trivial colloquial sounds that actually used to be a term to denote royalty in southern africa.

Frail, inbred pedokikes bought, shipped, sold and used you for farm equipment for hundreds of years.


strong sell signal

you won't do shit you fat nigger

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>that ID and that post


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checkd and kekd

Attached: 1541477560897.jpg (251x242, 8K)

obvius gold digger, or i may say bitcoin digger, she looks for millionaire bitcoin nerds to drain this crypto

YOu actually care about age? FUck anything and marry many women. any age is great.

That’s an easy lay friend but don’t get hooked.

Found the incel