/smg/ stock market general

If only you knew how bad things really are... edition.

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Biden is getting owned, SELL SELL SELL

thread theme

bear time bois

I want moar cheapies.

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All I'm taking away from these is the dems have nobody and Donald is going to cruise in to a second term free of charge.

Literally no chance Trump doesn't win

Literal fucking retards on stage

This is why we need Marianne Williamson to get the nomination. The debates would be legendary and talked about for generations.v

Why is inflation lower than history?

Two reasons:
>The Trump trade war acts the same as a fed rate increase.

>Wages are not high enough for people to do anything but continue to work. Most Americans can't afford an unexpected bill of $500.

Stocks will continue to go up. Real estate will not.

>things the dems knew a year ago

Doesn’t Biden have serious brain damage from the surgeries?

its because all these soiboi countries are cucking their currencies, and trumps nofap energy keeps the dollar stronk. he wants the dollar to go down a lil bit, but can't just seem to bust that nut and break his streak

Fucking looks like it good god

If the economy shits itself Trump is fucking regardless of who is nominated. High probability of recession in the next 12 months.

Leaving that aside, Trump isn't doing well in head to head polls currently. That might change, but from the perspective of an investor, you look at these things with your head not your heart. Even if you like Trump, the high probability of a progressive victory in 2020 and the possibility of a recession ought to have you nervous.

Really they have a whole segment on cucking our first responders so they have to put them selves in further danger when there is a violent suspect? WTF? Like how is it possible these people are this retarded in such a variety of ways on so many issues?

>The trade ware will cause lower inflation.
No. You have it backwards. The import taxes get added to the prices consumers see. Price increases = inflation.

I think Goldman has Trump reelection at around 70%. My guess is it is closer to 90%

Those polls this far out don't mean shit

Picture it man Marianne is like we need to confront our healthcare system and fix how it is making people sicker. Your response Mr President? What the fuck is this quack even saying?

>High probability of recession in the next 12 months.
This. Today's rate cut is not a good sign. In 2000 and 2007 the fed cut rates ~6 months before the recession stared. They seem to cut rates as a last ditch effort to avoid catastrophe. See pic related.

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This Inslee guy is a faggot.

Real estate, both private and public, is heavily debt-financed. As rates continue to move lower, cost of debt capital goes down. Real estate should be one of the prime beneficiaries of this

>As rates continue to move lower, cost of debt capital goes down
assuming you have a good credit rating.
most of these unicorn and zombie companies on the markets do not.

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I would abolish the EPA and get rid of regulations that prevent you from mining gold in and around Bristol Bay.

I would also sell off 66 percent of our national parks and charge property tax on the land then use the money to pay down our debt.

Do you have a chart for which stocks rose during the recession ?

the vast majority of public listed REITs own top-quality properties in the best cities in the world

Lol this fucking guy.... Zoomers first recession

Theirs a ton of shit retail space in some of those. Be very careful with those.


I would higher more women and pay my employees less on average, but my business would turn into a dumpster fire.


I hope your business isn't a spelling bee

Don't buy broad based ETF's then, actually do a little digging and find the top guys in each sector. Data center guys like EQIX will continue to win as will AMT and China Tower if you can invest in China given the massive worldwide 5G rollout

Office REITs generally trade at 20%+ discounts to their underlying NAV which is one of the more perplexing things going on in the space. Even in NYC where properties can and do trade frequently at sub-5% cap rates the office guys are getting implied caps of 6-7%. Shit even west coast guys in the best markets in the US are trading at 5-20% discounts.

Housing guys are easy to understand and wagies can't afford homes so they're perma-renters. Apparently manufacturing housing has great economics although I don't know the sector that well

I smell cheesecake in here

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>negative interest rates on deficit countries
>cheap money making unprofitable companies stay afloat a lot longer than they should
>entire world central banks trying their hardest to postpone a recession by fucking the economy even more
Who is prepared for the next big depression?

>tfw had 300 dollars in my trading account
>tfw trade my way up to fucking 22 hundred dollars in two weeks with AMD and MSFT options
>tfw ER's come around and it fucks everything up for me
>do a bunch of stupid shit and end up now with just under 300 dollars in my rh account
FUCK. This shit really drags me down. I really fucking hate earnings reports. I know its gonna be okay and i can make it happen again. + I have other incomes that are consistent so i'll be okay with my finances but just FUCK i am such a stupid piece of shit

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Real estate isn't exactly a super liquid asset... it's not something you can just dump in a single phonecall in most cases.

Its minority women owned.

Das rite, wite boi.

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checked. And so it appears. Futures are dismissing the sell off with prejudice.

Prematuraley pay out t-bills and crash the global economies?

We will have a surplus, fuck the rest of the world. America first

Everybody has to learn this lesson eventually. You'll be ship shape the next time around.

I'm referring to REITs that have generally great liquidity. You get the underlying real estate in liquid form at, in many cases, a discount to underlying intrinsic value. But you pay for the public company wrapper through G&A including mgmt comp

>Recession in 12 months
God I hope so, want to buy some cheapies

A surplus for what? We would crash the world and go isolationist. Then what? What will make the country want this? Why pave the last of nature? You’re a dumbass baggie

No I mean why they trade under NAV. It's not like an ETF where they can rebalance and sell assets easily.

Better hope you keep your hope during that recession. It's the best time to buy but for us plebians, we usually don't have the money to take advantage.

We would have a third of our nature left and a strong dollar. I'm sure some of it would end up in nonprofits funded by philanthropists. And the majority of Americans who will never visit it can collect tax from the shit. Your the dumb ass.

Sorry, keep your job.

I'm very plastered watching this debate. As far as I can tell, no one really won, every one teared each other down. Makes Bernie and Warren looks better. Take that into account for future.

Regardless the logical conclusion is simply to sell the company slowly over time at NAV and either special dividend out the proceeds to shareholders or use those proceeds to buy back stock in what is essentially an arbitrage transaction. I'm not necessarily saying that those discounts are going to close any time soon but it's an attractive value proposition for a public investor given private funds and sovereign wealth is more than happy to buy NYC assets in the private market for 20% more. They don't touch REITs because they don't like the volatility that comes from being a public security, which I think is kind of a silly argument but it allows the discount to persist. Their corporate governance leaves a lot to be desired but this will slowly change over time which opens up the possibility for activists to come in and push for liquidation

Trump must be cursing at his television right now.

It's not really a market I have looked heavily into but nevertheless I will look into it. I just don't see property values rising relatively fast relatively soon

The powers that be will push Biden

They know only Biden can beat Trump

Nah during Carmellas closing statement when she was calling him a super predator. What a cunt. Half the country approves of that super predator

Do you guys have stock picks depending on who wins the elections?

Ex. Trump: Wkhs, NAK

yeah neither do I, it's more about the long term outlook and if you think the US is going to mimic Japan and the EU in going to 0/neg rates, the long-term value prop for real estate seems attractive

Biden or Trump winning would probably be good for private health insurance companies like UNH

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didn't mean to use that picture

Nothing concrete yet. A year in the future is way outside my stock trading consideration wheelhouse. It depends how things go until around next summer. At that point I will have a good idea who the democrats are choosing to put forward as their guy for the attempt and in what sort of economic climate they would hypothetically be operating in.

As for Trump, nothing different than I'm currently doing. Just a mix of S&P swings and some speculative stuff on the side. If there are credible rumors a China deal might be getting very close, I will long the Nasdaq.

christ alive what the fuck is that even for anyways?

it's an edit of a guro image that rkg made, I use it as a brainlet reaction image
the reason I didn't mean to use it is because I didn't intend to call you a brainlet, not because it's guro

Been telling people to buy the FUD in UNH for days and days. More secure than Merck, less exciting than biotechs, major component of US indexes.

Could be a good opportunity for some of our memers to diversify...

As I said before:
>I don't meme-lines. If someone wants to use them to find the buy-in place, it's much appreciated. But if we're lucky enough to get it around 245 again, that's solid.

Though market still at only 48 on fear/greed index

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> REITs own top-quality properties in the best cities in the world
and look at what happened to real estate in 2008 when the credit bubble imploded.

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what polls? 99 percent of them were horribly wrong

10 year bear market ahead

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Tulsi will win
careful about your military stocks (BA, LMT, UTX, RTN). President Gabbard is going to end war, she's gonna bring the troops home and not invade Iran.

She's also going to pump the markets to high and sustainable levels

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My guy going to Waltz into a 2nd term

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me ate too much cheesecake and now feel sick X_X

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Tulsi will make him look old

futures are trending upwards as the traders and algorithms acknowledge her imminent victory, and what that will mean for stock prices

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ES_F better be sub 2960 by RTH or me gonna break ratsu neck -_-;

I appreciate your insights. I'd like to do some more research. I suspect there's no hurry here.

poor rat
so weak and fragile
so young to die

futures road to 3k here we go

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>My guy going to Waltz into a 2nd term
All Heil the Emperor

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2% inflation my ass.

How are they allowed to blatantly lie about inflation like this?

Biden: Chinese stocks
That guy is literally Chinese agent

Gonna watch SPY tomorrow. If it breaks 297 then buying puts

>futures are green

WTF. What is this bullshit!?!

The sell off was stupid. Futures think a partial or total bounce is in order.

gonna buy uvxy puts at open

Wouldn't that be Yang he seems to have that plant vibe especially when he announced his candidacy after Chinese stocks took a huge hit.

Also anyone have an opinion on any of these stocks: QPRC, MAXR, OXLC, CRMD, CTXR?

Yang's whole schtick is to act as a plant to delegitimize the democratic process, his campaign boils down to "vote for me and I'll pay you". Reducing the prominence of actual policy discussion in favor of race-to-the-bottom popularity contests benefits a lot of people, I can easily see why the Chinese would have an interest in destabilizing America's voting process. I'm glad tho, I hate democracy

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Id like to see this. At least I can be unemployed and not have to stress about wagecuckery stuff i have to put up with.

Opinions on REKR?

$MRS got its market cap in contracts from the US army.. just a tip. Join us at ceo.ca,
This is an easy x5 with a 4 - 10 month timeframe.

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You know, China can contact and help more than one candidate

Do banks give out personal loans for investing? I feel like I could put a loan to some pretty good use right now with these returns.

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russia opened

Don't do it that way. You can open a margin account if you want. It's specifically set up for what you're trying to do, however, it's setup in such a way that you can't lose all of your money + be in debt to the bank. If your margin is 1:1 you get liquidated at 50% loss.

Yang actually seemed pretty weak on China when they asked him about it last debate. I would've thought he would try to distance himself from China, being asian-american and running for a position that required you to be all-american.

Hey fuck you
My chart is seriously almost a complete inversion of that.

good work.

It could save your life.

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>36% gains
Holy shit you boomers really are going to stay poor. Sounds like your whole fucking system is going down the shitter soon.

Now how would any man confuse these two?

I'm already on margin on my entire port, partly why i have these kinda gains.
thanks bro. you can turn your chart around anytime by writing options. I used to be -33% all time.
stfu boomer dont you have a housing market to ruin for young white males like me?

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>you can turn your chart around anytime
You still need $15,400 to be happy, right?


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Tulsi is truly a fucking babe, I wish she would go up against Trump and let the best man win. But that won't happen.

Nice. Tell me more?

Zoomer here, what stock do I need to put money into sir for “insider gains”

I would need to have 100 shares of a company that I thought would not make a big move, if I were to start writing options.

Even after Altria triggered all my limit buys on RH today, I still only have 36 shares on there. (47.485 in my IRA)

The other companies I want to buy are too fucking expensive to buy 100's of shares of (MCD, UNH, PEP, AAPL, MA, COST, CSCO, MRVL..)

Fuck, I have WAYYYY too many positions, and so many more on my watch list.

basically an extra 15400 in cash would bring my account to 25000, which after margin is 50k on robinhood of course. I'd be able to buy 2700 shares of amarin and write 27 covered calls on it, with an average premium of 55 per week that's 1485 per week I'm getting in cash (and another 1485 to use as margin). I'd basically be overkilling life.
start small. Honestly, I shill QYLD because it's what I use when i have leftovers and can't buy 100 of anything. Solid monthly dividend too. Keep grinding tho you'll get there eventually.

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>“strongly stood against” trade agreements like the TPP and NAFTA, saying “hard working Americans have suffered, lost their jobs and livelihoods” as a consequence of them.
Shouldn't she join Republican primary instead?