What's biz opinion of (((Milton Friedman)))?

what's biz opinion of (((Milton Friedman)))?

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Based jew

Debunked by Murray Rothbard.

Based and redpilled

based af

one of those guys that would btfo of any commi nigger in any topic on economics

literally who??????????

there are some amazing videos of him doing this on youtube, A+ stuff

I thought they were the same person lmao

Apparently when Friedman was a real geezer, he would wander into UofC
econ classes and interrupt.


Based anarchist

just read the austrian school, fuck all central banking shills. Also this guy helped bring about income tax withholding.

Fucking guy gave us financial herpes here in Chile, even water is privatized

He's a UND holder. Good enough for me.

based and life goals

Chile also has some of the highest economic growth in south america. you're welcome faggot

You must be a nigger, economic growth is only reserved for the elites down here

In 2000, 36% of chileans were below the poverty line
in 2017, 8% were


Shut up you economically illiterate retard.

Go back to Venezuela commie.

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a dumb jew that inspired millions of dumb boomers to think inflashun is literally satan

Ok kike

Smart guy and made hugely important contributions to understanding of monetary policy

However much of his Chicago school supply side stuff has been empirically invalidated since


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This is true everywhere pretty much.

...even the rain

He was based but wrong on a lot of stuff.

t. Venezuelan refugee

(Capitalism is too easily hijacked, yes. Strasserism is unironically the answer.)

Austrian school is not realistic. Central banking is needed.

i'll just leave this here


you are economically illitererate.

Wow convincing. I've literally 100x my savings in a few years listening to austrian econ, listening your garbage I'd be a perpetual increasingly crushed serf. Kill yourself kike.

Explain how you 100x your savings in a few years and how Austrian economics helped you. Because according to Austrian economics we are at the verge of a financial crash due to artificially low interest rates and if you really believed it you would have never invested at all.

but sure bud sure

everyone but me gotta learn everyone but me is a cringy whiner.

I'm not giving you a free economic education via a Jow Forums post, you begging NPC plebeian. And I don't care what sort of pseudo scientific and history warping trash your useless professor told you about central banks being necessary. It's just a mutually beneficially arrangement for banks and for the government, for everyone else who isn't living on the dole it's parasitism.

I wanted to hear the nonsense you came up with. You're uneducated and stupid. My family has been in investment banking since the 1920s and has amassed a fortune. I'm sorry you know nothing about economics, history, or economics, but retarded youtube videos won't help pleb.

he btfo a young michael moore with facts and logic and the clip is on youtube

>My family has been in investment banking since the 1920s

of course you’d say central banking is needed. take a shower, kike.

If you weren't such a newbie scrub it really wouldn't be difficult for you to understand how one can make a fuck load from being influenced by Austrian economics, nor would you be incredulous towards someone claiming 100x. Your family is probably a bunch of monetary spigot sucking assholes.